Life offer many challenges that the human race should cope up. These things are not easy to deal with. Many strategies are applied to different types of situations. One of the difficult adversaries of mankind ever, was the thing that we call change. Change is done because we are not satisfied on the current things that we have. We always assert for change hoping conditions will lighten up. Time forces us to do change, whether we like it or not. Change may be a factor of success of or it may crumble the progress which is going on. On any fields of life it is advisable if change occurs on the right time and on the right scenario.
Change affects all things in this world such as technology, society, out look in life, lifestyle, health and many more. Change is always present and the same in any generation. It only varies on how would we approach or apply change. Change co-insides with the word development. There are many ways of implementing change but the main concept is finding most effective way to do change. There are many considerations to ponder in applying change. The right timing and allocations must be set if you want change to favor what you want. Change sometime dictates how we perceive life.
Change can be done through little and simple things but in a macroscopic scenario, it is done first through the change in leadership. Change can be done individually or as a group but both needs a leadership quality to implement change (anonymous, 2007). There are many issue and challenges in handling change in a group or organization, leadership in these form should be performed with an open minded approach. Change is a dramatic time for the one it affects. Organisational change can be influenced by some permeable boundaries such as practices, hierarchy, time, and organizational divisions (Dudley and Raymer, 2001).
In the real world scenario some things such like politics serve as path molder for the product induced by change. In changing something we don’t need to remove all what was done. If possible we retain all the good things and we develop all the sides that still need improvement. Transformational change is a sort of change that embraces the new concepts of change and retains the part which they think is effective. Transformational change is used nowadays in offices, schools, organizations, political groups and many more.
This kind of change gives the best of both worlds. Unlike a dramatic kind of change where even though it avoids painful increments of improvements it doesn’t thoroughly see the minute advantages of the things that will be changed (Dudley and Raymer, 2001). Social change with out care of doing it may cause chaos and destruction, like just for example in political changes. The one that was built by the recent leaders are usually demolished by the new ones (Wilson, 1988). The transformative change is the usual method of change done in most political era.
Each politician has their own platform they sometimes make change as part of their competition strategy. Technology has something to do with this ways of change with its fast growing enhancements; it is merged with some things such as education. In education transformative changes is also done. If there are new information and discoveries, the education system always transform to the things which are proven to be more effective and new. It doesn’t simply erase things and replace it with new ones rather it assimilate old information, scratches errors and just add things that are new.
In a transitional event things do change like this. Through globalization nowadays change move faster and in order to cope with progress and change without disturbing any of the two, proper methods are tested and used. Transformative change is supposed to be more flexible than by just adapting to change (Lueddeke, 1999). Grasping the things that are needed in transformative change can be easily acquired. Many would argue about transformative change because some purpose is not clear. This may hinder the intended progress of transformative change.
One example of this problem; many argue the purpose of higher education, where many English-speaking countries seems to turn their universities to be transformed into sheltered institutions of a pre modern world to public organizations to the modern world (Lueddeke, 1999). Conducting change have many branches one of these is building a strong inter personal relationship with the group or people that are involved. These may take a few weeks or it can take a life time. Success depends on how these branches were executed. One way of carrying this transformative change is through the leader.
A good leader should be transformative, who can adapt the harsh truth of change. He/ she should retain the good things and be opened to new things that are good. The leader should be flexible to the needs of the situation; consideration of every minute detail can be crucial to the progress of the situation (Stone, 2005). Implementing transformative change is not that easy to achieve and not that fast to gain but it with the right intensions and the proper methods of doing it will give good results. Higher chances of getting progress can be achieved.
Although in some cases, sacrifice is essential to achieve what is necessary. But having transformative change can cause bargaining which is good. The unwanted inefficient things can be discarded with out sacrificing the judgment of the group regarding some issues. As we always hear, “the only constant thing in this world is change”. We can’t do anything about it but to cope as much as we can. There are many methods and tools to do this like applying transformative change. Change can be tragic or it could serve as a blessing. Through time mankind seems to explore new knowledge which is a key for our progress.
But still unexpected conflicts do occurs which forces us to drastically do some changes. This method if not well manage can turn blessings to disaster. There are many reasons why we always want to have change but it boils up in one thing, it’s in our nature to crave for more development. Implementing transformative change depends with the purpose of the organization or the society but it may be misperceived because of the individual intentions that are in it. We can’t stop the gush of development and change because if you we do, we will just be left behind by the future.
Tools such as implementing transformative change can make us adapt easier to what life has to offer. Ever since history time forces us to transform in a new individuals that are more equipped to handle life. Transformative change is a natural event in life for us to cope up.
References: Larkin Dudley, Mary Raymer; Public Administration Review, Vol. 61, 2001. Richard W. Wilson; M. E. Sharpe, 1988. Labyrinth: An Essay on the Political Psychology of Change. 232 pgs. George R. Lueddeke; Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 70, 1999. Carole Stone; Human Ecology, Vol. 32, 2005