Identification of Student Prerequisite Skills Needed for the Lesson essay

Purpose of the Lesson. This will be the very first thing to be explained in the class. The teacher will introduce the new lesson by defining its purpose and practical importance in the life of the students. This will last for five (5) minutes. b. Expectations from the Students. The teacher will also explain to the students what is expected from the students. This will include the expected level of performance and the proficiency of the language use of the students. This will last for three (3) minutes. 2. Presentation of New Information or Modeling: a. Definition of Terms.

The teacher will start the lesson proper by defining terms such as oral strategies, visual strategies, effective communication, speaking situations, variety of media (most probably radio and television) and other important terms that will be encountered during the whole discussion. This will last for seven (7) minutes as clarifications and questions from the students might start to arise from this point. b. Lesson Proper. This is the direct lesson from the teacher or facilitator to the students. The teacher will be introducing the different concepts covered by the topic.

Ideally, this should only last for fifteen (15) minutes or less. c. Listening Activity. This is divided into two parts. During the first part, the teacher will be at the center and demonstrate to the students the usage of oral language for different purposes (i. e. to inform, to persuade, and to entertain). The other half will be delivered thru the authentic audio clips prepared by the teacher. These can be speeches from different people during different times and situations. This will last for another ten (10) minutes. 3. Guided Practice a. Check for student understanding.

The teacher will read some lines with proper intonation and emotion and the students will have to identify what the purpose of the speech is. This will last for five (5) minutes. b. Active Participation. The teacher will write a sentence or two in the board and the students are to identify the speaking situation, the purpose of the speech and deliver it in the correct manner. This will last for five (5) minutes. 4. Independent Student Practice a. Collaborative Activity. The class which was earlier divided in groups of six will have to prepare their own two-sentence speeches that present the different speaking situations and purposes.

The group will deliver one that depicts one speaking situation and one purpose of oral language. These will allot ten (10) minutes for preparation and five (5) minutes per group for actual presentation. 5. Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity/Event a. Concept Review. There will be a representative from each group and each representative will reiterate what they have learned for today’s lesson and will reflect on the practical importance of the lesson today and in the future. Ideally, this should last for ten (10) minutes. Pedagogical Strategies a.

Direct Instruction (Lesson Proper and Listening Activity) b. Class Participation (Check for Student Understanding and Active Participation) c. Cooperative Learning Groups (Collaborative Activity and Concept Review) Differentiated Instruction: The teacher will accommodate ESL students and physically disabled students thru a longer (in terms of duration) and more hands-on direct instruction. Meanwhile, accelerated learners will have more practical applications of the lesson like listening more on authentic audio clips and constructing speeches. Student Assessment/Rubrics:

– Concept Application: This will measure how well the students understood the lesson by applying the concepts they have learned in their group presentations. – Delivery of Proper Emotion and Intonation: This will measure how well the students understood the different speaking situations and purposes of oral communication. – Effectiveness of the speech: This will measure how well the students applied the concepts learned in actual speaking situation and purpose. 1. Observation and Description The lesson starts with direct instruction from the teacher up to the collaborative activity of the students.

All chairs were arranged in a U-shape to provide adequate space for the teacher during her direct instruction and to the students during their collaborative presentation of speeches. In addition, the students are seated according to their respective groups. There is a CD player ready to be played in one corner of the room to add realism in the learning environment. 2. Analysis, Exploration and Reasoning The students are arranged in groups to facilitate collaborative learning and to create a more realistic speaking situation among the members. In the activities, the students are expected to participate and apply all that they have learned.

Moreover, the sets of activities prepared for the students were aimed to the application of the entire lesson in the real world. The seating arrangement also added to the behavior expected from the students. Since there is an adequate space for the teacher and the presenting group, it is expected of the students to keenly listen to the speaker(s) and actively participate in the discussion. 3. Connections to Other Effective Teaching Practices The group size, which is six students per group, is established in order to effectively stimulate actual speaking situation and apply the different purposes of oral communication.

Three (3) purposes were given in the discussion and there are six (6) members. In the activity, the group was subdivided in pairs wherein each pair is assigned to a specific purpose (i. e. to inform). While the current pair within the group practices its speech, the other two pairs listen to them; therefore creating an authentic speaking situation which is peer-to-peer. The student learning levels in this particular moment cannot be clearly distinguished because a post test has not yet been made.

However, when the students were grouped, it was based on their class participation and the teacher, as accurate as possible tried to maintain the balance on every group so that there will be no intimidation and so that the collaborative activity will be successful. Meanwhile, special children were separated from the rest so as to provide more hands-on instruction. 4. Recommendations An alternative approach that can be used to improve the level of student participation in small groups is a healthy contest facilitated by the teacher. This will improve the level of student participation in the sense that the students will have a goal.

That is, to win the said contest. This will be a good strategy because it will not only boost the participation but it will also improve the teamwork of small groups. They will also develop other values in a healthy competition such as camaraderie. 5. Personal Meaning and Professional Growth If there will be changes in the student learning levels, a possible way of regrouping the students in small groups is based on the student’s effectiveness on the practical applications. Practical learning is more important than on merely memorizing the concepts.

Moreover, student participation is better when the student understands the practicalities of the lesson being taught. Personally, I considered the practicality of the lesson. It is very good to teach a lesson that will be of great help in the future when the students step into the higher education and in the corporate world. Although this may seem really futuristic, the use of oral strategies will be a stepping stone to the whole personal development of each student. Moreover, these oral strategies do not only teach someone on how to be a good speaker. It also teaches someone how to adapt to a situation and how to be a good listener.