Humanistic Models: Self-focused Models essay

It is by nature that all people are unique, unique in the way we see life, like in the way we perform our duties at work or the way we decide in certain decisions that assign to us. All of this is a true reflection of our way of thinking towards ourselves and the people around us like our families, friends or even people we work at the office. What they perceive of us is most likely would reflect on the way we act and think.

That is why it is important that all of us must know ourselves, like in terms of our strengths and weaknesses, because this is the only way that you will be very much appreciated by your peers or families, because it will be a true reflection of a real and genuine “you”. The main purpose of this paper is to provide you that concept, which will be discuss in the humanistic models of humanities and self-focused models. This paper will also try to dig in more on the importance of it as well as some historical background and most especially how these models applied at the present, is it very much used or not?

This paper will also explain some strengths and weaknesses of models as well as its commonalities and differences. Humanistic Models The following are the known models in humanities; first it is Carl Rogers’s model, which is the most popular, because it directly focuses in the self-focused model, then Abraham Maslow Model, John Holt model, and last is Malcolm Knowles model. Based on Carl Roger’s Humanistic Theory, or what is also called as Person-centered approach is focus more on the understanding the personality of the person and human relationship.

Having a more personal relationship with the person like to helping him attain state of realization that they can help themselves is the main focus of this approach. One of the advantages it gives is that it helps the person to analyze himself and from there be able to identify the things that he can achieve and how he can attain it. Also in this approach the person are encouraged to express what they feel and not imposing some change in them, rather provide some advise and let them explore deeply on their current state in life.

And from there, they would eventually see what needs to be done in their life. Sometimes having somebody whom you trust can really give motivation and the needed answer to your problem. This is likely the approach that is still best for people that are facing depression and dissatisfaction in our work. That is why in this theory, it also regarded teachers not just to teach but also as a guidance or coach, because students must be given the chance to explore his own ideas and not just given an assignment and always there at his back.

This is also the approach practiced in most top notch universities all over the world, students are the ones who learned more in their lesson and professors are just there to guide them. In this model, it is primarily be a good example is in the workplace. That is why it is important for somebody in the office like your immediate supervisor or your company HR Manager to constantly see the welfare of the employees in the company, because from there they could anticipate issues that might be encounters and from there can formulate solution right away.

Take for example benefits of the employee, these are important to all employees most especially those with families, like one benefits is health insurance, currently just provide only consultation and admission benefits for you and your family which includes children and wife, but this health benefit only covers purely physical admission, pregnancy related admission is not covered another is for single employees, since their immediate family is their parents, they want to have the insurance somewhat be re-structured in such a way that their parents be covered by the insurance.

Having these examples of real situation in a company can really promote dissatisfaction amongst the workers, because they would sometime feel that the company is not looking on the importance of it probably because it could incur cost to them. (Carl Rogers, 2007). For Abraham Maslow model, if Carl Rogers focuses on knowing oneself, this time it is more on focusing on the motivation factor of a person.

He became popular for his “hierarchy of needs” where the main importance of it is focus more on the what he called as “pre-potency” which means that you will not going to be motivated by your higher level needs without passing through the lower level needs. It consists of 5 needs, starting from the physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging needs, self-esteem needs, and the highest is self-actualization needs.

As for physiological, it started at birth where all of us would only want is to be given a bottle of milk, then growing a little bit older as an infant because a small child, he started to play a lot and as parents also needs to guide the child because he might be out of control and up until you already grown up and you started to long for love and affection for your parents and loved ones, until you became a professional and finding success in your work is important for you to improve your self esteem, and lastly is by the time of marriage, were you will attain great happiness and contentment.

In this model it also explains the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic in motivation, where the first one is more on the doing something for its own sake while the latter is doing it for some other reason. However, Abrahams model was also supported by another theory, it is the McClelland’s Need Theory, in this theory however tells that an individual’s need are acquired are shaped by one’s life experiences.

In this approach or theory, needs may come from (1) achievement, (2) affiliation, and (3) power. For Achievement, it is types of individual that are constantly looking to achieved and excel in what he does and avoids low and high level of risk. Achievers would prefer regular feedback on how they progress on their desired achievements. Most people in this category also prefer to either work by themselves or with a group that are high achievers as well.

For Affiliation, these are people that relationships with other people are important. Being part of a workgroup with constant interaction is what is important to this kind of individual. These are people who perform well in customer support or call centers. Lastly, is Power and this can be of two types, personal or institutional. In the personal, this type of individual tends to direct others even most of the times it is unnecessary.

In Institutional on the other hand, is governing the whole company as and not specific people in the company, that is why this is more effective than personal power, since it may practice equality to all, most especially if these people are born leaders or highly effective managers, that is why the company must early identify these potentials in the company or be caught unguarded by other company and have the employee be pirated. (McClelland’s Theory of Needs, n. d. ).