Human Trafficking essay





Hendry, S. (2010). Radhika’s Story: Surviving .New HollandPublishers Ltd.

As evident in the title, human trafficking includes all sorts ofevil. In this book, Hendry presents an incredible story of triumphagainst modern slavery. The real-based story is a captivating accountof the role of mothers’ love for the children. Therefore, love andperseverance is important in fighting for the rights of loved ones.The author chooses to giveit a horrifying touch by giving the story a first-hand account of asurvivor of human trafficking in the twenty first century. Radhikawas separated from her son and was sexually harassed by about 25 mena day, which is a true depiction of the victims of human trafficking.The story is also a depiction of the illegal business and underworldof trafficking in human organs. Radhika refused to accept her ordealsand found the strength to escape her horrific life and desperatelyreunited with her child. The author gives us hope, in that, Radhikawas able to find a sanctuary in a refugee camp.

McCarthy, L.A. (2014). Human trafficking and the new slavery.&nbspAnnualReview of Law and Social Science,&nbsp10,221-242.

This publication goes around human trafficking in a myriad of ways.It outlines the debates surrounding modern slavery and suggests thedirectives for future research initiatives that will clarify thecomprehension of human trafficking. The article gives a conceptualoverview of the survived experiences of the victims of humantrafficking and the dynamics that propels it. McCarthy argues thathuman trafficking is a separate type of crime and that it has factorsthat ultimately drives it. She emphasizes that organized crime, humanrights and migration policies are among the main inputs in modernslavery.

The discussion is connected by themeaningful progress and research that is held captive by theever-argumentative debate between academicians, policy makers andactivists, regarding modern slavery. The articled admits that thereis no accurate or fully-reliable method of measuring humantrafficking and so, the vice continues to grow rapidly, under the“dark world.” McCarthy affirms that intoprostitution provides a platform for women trafficking, and is one ofthe major crimes of modern slavery.

Humantrafficking is a topic that has seized the attention of the worldover many decades, and therefore, the debated continues to grow.

Sanghera, J. (2005). Unpacking the trafficking discourse.&nbspTraffickingand prostitution reconsidered: New perspectives on migration, sexwork, and human rights,&nbsp3, 14.

In his book, Sanghera explores the conditions of the contentiousdebate surrounding sex trafficking and other common forms of humantrafficking. The analysis gives an opening to the mainstream mediaand the critical role it plays in supporting the human rightsagencies that challenge human trafficking discourse. According toSanghera, when trafficking and prostitution are put into the limelight, a unique perspective on various issues is given priority. Forinstance, sex work, human rights and migration issues have all playeda major factor towards human trafficking across various countries inAsia. Sanghera offers a prospectus advice on the existinginternational policies and proposing alternatives for future researchprograms that would curb this vice. Taking a case approach to therealities that been witnessed in human trafficking, the authorpresents a comprehensive argument in the context of sexualexploitation and capitalism. Sanghera draws in the reader by way ofcritique of approaches to human trafficking, and also narrows the wayto a complete understanding of human entitlements.

Salt, J. (2000). Trafficking and human smuggling: A Europeanperspective.International Migration,&nbsp38(3), 31-56.

Salt was very specific and pin-pointing on the discourse of humantrafficking. The author chose to explore this issue by use ofempirical evidence regarding human trafficking and smuggling inEurope, and at the same time, portraying its effect in the widercontext. Rather thanpublishing, this text is indispensable because ofits honest perspective, and its down-to-earth approach to thesocial mechanisms and forms of organization that surround migrationpatterns. The author confesses that there is a big market for“irregular migration” in which the dynamics are fairly unknown.Building on the insight and plight of human trafficking, the articlesuggests that migration systems are often caught in the hands ofunscrupulous dealers who seek to enormously benefit from this vice.Therefore, Salt asserts that a symbiosis has developed between thetraffickers and trafficked. With the evidence of several references,the author links theoretical approaches and statistical knowledge todevelop a substantive review on the human trafficking progression.Salt concludes his interest by indicating the main priorities of thisresearch.

Scarpa,S. (2008).&nbspTraffickingin human beings: modern slavery.Oxford University Press on Demand.

This book conveys a full understanding of humantrafficking and modern slavery. Scarpa chose to showcase thecompromise on the legal institutional reactions to humantrafficking. In the entry chapter of the book, the author definestrafficking on various schools of thoughts, and then proceeds in thesubsequent chapters to shed light on the responses to trafficking.She articulates on the mandate of the United Nations and other bodiestowards fighting modern slavery. In the last two chapters, Scarpainvestigates the regional reactions to modern slavery across Europe.In this book, the author hangs off the idea that the relevantgovernmental and non-governmental organizations should in thefore-front of protecting humanity by fighting human trafficking atall costs.

Chapters in this book should be used to create awareness on humantrafficking. The media should be the key driver in teaching people onthe effects of this vice. Various law enforcement agencies shouldthen come in as a tool for punishing the stakeholders involved inmodern slavery. All people should find it appropriate in reading thisbook and passing the knowledge to others.

Shelley, L.(2010).&nbspHumantrafficking:A global perspective.Cambridge University Press.

Shelleyexamines most systems of human trafficking in a global perspective.The author reveals the events intrafficking trade and the condition of the traffickers themselves. It utilizes a past and relative viewpoint to prove that there existsmany models of human trafficking and variations in different regionsof the world. Shelley draws references from various networks thatinclude academic research paper, actual cases, various reports, fieldworks and interviews that she has carried out over the past sixteenyears in Africa, Latin America, Europe and Asia. She continues tocontend that human trafficking will continue to grow in this centurydue to economic and demographic disparities in the world, the rise ofcivil wars and transformation in global climate (Shelley,2010). Soshe concludes that there is need for a coordinated effort between allstakeholders, so as to fight this problem. Shelley suggest that thecivil society, government, business community and the general publicshould take a center point in preventing human trafficking as a newform of modern day slavery (Shelley,2010).

We cannotassume the effects of human trafficking towards realizing themillennium goals set by the UN. Every human should be free from anyforms of modern slavery.



Hendry, S. (2010). Radhika’s Story: Surviving HumanTrafficking. NewHolland Publishers Ltd

Masika,R. ed. (2002). Gender, Trafficking, and Slavery: Oxfam Focus onGender Series. OxfamPublishing

McCarthy, L.A. (2014). Human trafficking and the new slavery.&nbspAnnualReview of Law and Social Science,&nbsp10,221-242.

Sanghera, J. (2005). Unpacking the trafficking discourse.&nbspTraffickingand prostitution reconsidered: New perspectives on migration, sexwork, and human rights,&nbsp3, 14.

Salt, J. (2000). Trafficking and human smuggling: A Europeanperspective. International Migration,&nbsp38(3), 31-56

Scarpa, S.(2008).&nbspTraffickingin human beings: modern slavery.Oxford University Press on Demand.

Shelley, L.(2010).&nbspHumantrafficking: A global perspective.Cambridge University Press.