Human Body essay



Thehuman body consists of systems that work jointly for the properfunctioning of the body. For the human body to function properly, allthe systems in the body must be functioning well. Failure of onesystem can lead to the failure of another system, or may make theother systems to function improperly. Body systems include theendocrine system, respiratory system, skeletal system, nervoussystem, excretory system, reproductive system, muscular system,digestive system, skeletal system, immune system, and the circulatorysystem (Smith et al., n.d).

Theendocrine system is a system in the body that consists of glands liketesticles that are found in males, pituitary glands, ovaries that arefound in females, pancreas, parathyroid, and thyroid glands. Theseglands produce hormones that are responsible for regulating mood,sexual desires, the functioning of tissues, metabolism, andreproduction.

Therespiratory system is primarily responsible for gaseous exchange inthe body. That is, taking in of oxygen gas and taking out of carbondioxide that is done through the lungs. Therefore, the respiratorysystem is responsible for supplying oxygen to all parts of the bodyusing the red blood cells.

Theskeletal system is made up of all joints and bones in the body. Theskeletal system supports and protects soft tissues that are found inthe body. Also, the skeletal system allows joints to move byproviding points for muscles attachment. Furthermore, bones storecalcium, energy, which is in the form of fats, and iron among otherelements.

Thenervous system constitutes of neurons that send out signals betweendifferent body parts. The nervous system is usually divided into twoparts the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system(Smith et al., n.d). The nervous system controls blood pressure,senses of touch, and breathing among others.

Theexcretory system is responsible for discharging wastes from the body.The excretory system eliminates wastes from the body so as to controlthe process of homeostasis as well as preventing body damage. Organsthat are involved in the excretion process are the liver, kidney,large intestines, and the skin.

Thereproductive system consists of organs found in either males orfemales, and these organs are responsible for procreation. Thereproductive system of a male is made up of testes and penis whilethe female reproductive consists of the vagina, uterus, and theovaries.

Themuscular system usually consists of skeletal, smooth, and cardiacmuscles. The muscular system is checked by the nervous system. Thus,muscular system is responsible for the body movements, bloodcirculation in the body, and maintenance of body posture.

Thedigestive system converts food into nutrients that are easilyabsorbed by the body while the rest is converted into energy. Thedigestive system consists of the alimentary canal that is made up ofthe large intestine, stomach, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, and oralcavity (Smith et al., n.d). In the digestive system, the followingactivities take place: mixing and movement of food, ingestion,secretion, digestion, and absorption.

Theimmune system protects the body from infections caused bymicro-organisms. The main role of the immune system is to keep peoplehealthy and free from diseases. When the immune system fails to workwell, people get infected and suffer from diseases.

Thecirculatory system consists of many networked organs and vessels thatare responsible for the flow of blood to and from cells. Also, thecirculatory system helps in the transportation of oxygen, nutrients,hormones, and gases in the body.


Smith,B., Munn, K. &amp Papakin, I. (n.d). BodilySystems and the Spatial-Functional Structure of the .Retrieved from,d.d2s

FunctionalOrganization of the : the internal environment.Retrieved from,d.d2s