How to plan a wedding essay


Howto plan a wedding

Howto plan a wedding

Thewedding day is probably one of the happiest days in an individual’slife. However, a lot of time and resources are spent in planning theday to make it a success. Several people, mainly family members andclose friends and relatives can be involved in the planning process.The most important step in planning a wedding is setting a budget.The budget should be realistic and within what the couple can afford.It is important to note that overspending on one item in the weddingplans can have far-reaching consequences. Thus, breaking down thebudget into different vote heads is essential. The budget willinfluence other aspects of the planning (Cameron, 2008). The nextstep is determining the size, venue and date of the wedding. Thesize of the wedding is determined by the number of people the coupleintends to be present. Determining the size will influence the choiceof appropriate venue or venues, catering services and sending ofinvitations. Once the size of the wedding is determined, the planningteam can choose an appropriate venue. The wedding venue shouldconsider various aspects of the wedding day such as if there are achurch service, accessibility and the number of guests. The choice ofvenue should take place concurrently with setting the date for thewedding. This is because some venues may host other activities orevents on the same day. The next step is choosing a theme for thewedding. The theme ensures that everything in the wedding isconsistent. For example, it is important to choose of theme color forthe wedding for the purposes of preparations and decorations. This isfollowed by sending invitations to the wedding. Depending on thebudget, theme and time available, the design and type of weddinginvitation can vary. The last and most important part of planning awedding is planning from the wedding day. Usually, there are notimelines for planning the final day and it happens concurrently withother plans (Wikihow, 2016). This planning includes selecting someoneto officiate, wedding clothes and accessories, photography, catering,and entertainment. The planning can take months to over a yeardepending on the couple, but a well-planned wedding requires moretime for planning (Leigh, 2007).


Cameron,B. (2008). Theeverything weddings on a budget book: plan the wedding of yourdreams–without going bankrupt! Avon,Mass.: Adams Media.

Leigh,T. (2007). Howto plan your own wedding and save thousands: without going crazy.Ocala, Fla .: Atlantic Pub.

Wikihow(2016). Howto Plan Your Wedding,