How can a Christian understanding of grace affect our attitude and our approach to people with mental disorders? essay

Howcan a Christian understanding of grace affect our attitude and ourapproach to people with mental disorders?

Howcan a Christian understanding of grace affect our attitude and ourapproach to people with mental disorders?

People suffering from mental health problems receive varied forms oftreatment in the society. The manner in which such individuals aredealt with significantly affects how they cope with the condition.Cases of mental illness are high, and those affected suffer becauseof the inhumane treatment they are given. Christians have the mandateof handling individuals suffering from mental disorders in a mannerthat is depictive of the teachings. Unfortunately, as it is seen inthe society, many Christians fail to apply the teachings practicallyto relate with people having a mental disorder in a rational manner.Hostility towards people suffering from the condition is widespread(Reeves, Blickem, Vassilev, Brooks, Kennedy, Richardson, &ampRogers, 2014). An understanding of the concept of grace significantlyaffects one’s attitude as a Christian and the approach they give topeople suffering from mental disorders.

An understanding of grace among Christians enables them to exercisekindness toward people with mental disorders. Individuals sufferingfrom the condition find it difficult to execute certain tasks.Because of the condition, they may have an impaired form of judgmentregarding doing some tasks (Seligman, &amp Csikszentmihalyi, 2014).Through the understanding of Christian grace, one gets to extend anact of kindness to people suffering from the particular mentalcondition. For example, if the individual suffering from the mentaldisorder acted in a way that is provocative, through theunderstanding of grace, it would be possible for the Christian toshow kindness and support without judging them.

Further, an understanding of grace makes Christians develop apositive attitude toward the mentally sick people. Lack of grace forChristians puts one in a state where they view the mentally illindividuals with an adverse attitude. Notably, some Christians blamethem for the condition they are suffering. However, throughcomprehension of the concept of grace, it would be possible for themto have a positive attitude towards such people. They wouldunderstand the need not to look down upon the mentally sick peoplebut show them affection (Reeves et al., 2014). Grace entails lookingbeyond the faults or challenges that a particular individual could behaving to see the best in them. Grace endows one with the ability toembody the teachings of the Bible and practice the same toward thosesuffering.

Christians who understand the concept of grace by the biblicalteachings will show love to people with mental disorders. Grace issignificant for the role it plays in making one embrace the conceptof love. Through the same, it would be possible for the Christian totreat a mentally sick person in the right way. Also, it creates anopportunity to understand the source of mental illness and work withthe individual toward recovering from the same (Sue, Sue, Sue &ampSue, 2015). The benefit of understanding grace is that one learns topass on the affection to those who need it the most. In the case ofmentally sick individuals, loving them would be the best way tomotivate them despite the challenges that they are facing. As theyare facing the problem, it is mandatory that they get someone whoshows them, love. It is a sign of encouragement as they areundergoing the difficult moment in their life.

A Christian understanding of grace enables one to have a politeattitude toward the mentally sick people. Politeness is a virtue thatfew people practice. Mentally sick people have often been treatedwith the highest degree of hostility (Sue, Sue, Sue, &amp Sue,2015). Because of the condition they are suffering, few have come toaccept them for whom they are. When they encounter other people, theydo not get the warm reception that would be the case if they were notsuffering. However, through the understanding of grace, one isendowed with the ability to extend an act of polite behavior towardthem eliminating chance of them feeling stigmatized (Sue, Sue, Sue, &ampSue, 2015). It would be easy to interact politely with the mentallysick individuals because they understand the concept of grace.Further, an understanding of grace makes it possible for a Christianto embrace the person suffering from mental sickness and appreciatethem for whom they are despite the condition they face.

Finally, an understanding of grace makes the Christian exercisepatience when relating with the mentally sick individual. People findit difficult to understand why people would act in a given wayespecially when they behave abnormally (Sue, Sue, Sue, &amp Sue,2015). Mentally ill persons sometimes behave in a manner that couldelicit resentment from a particular person. Those who lack anunderstanding of grace end up treating the mentally sick with muchhatred especially when they are offended. It is an unwelcome behaviorconsidering that the person suffering from the condition is not toblame. It is out of natural circumstances that they are sufferingfrom the particular mental illness. It is only right that whendealing with such kind of persons, a Christian acts in a manner thatdepicts patience. It is possible to act in such a way with one havingan understanding of the concept of grace.


Overall, Christian understanding of the concept of grace is aprerequisite for the development of a positive attitude toward peoplesuffering from mental illness. Grace is a significant aspect to helpin how one approaches and associates with individuals having a mentalsickness. The inability of a Christian to understand grace hasdetrimental effects regarding how mentally sick people are treated.


Reeves, D., Blickem, C., Vassilev, I., Brooks, H., Kennedy, A.,Richardson, G., &amp Rogers, A. (2014). The contribution of socialnetworks to the health and self-management of patients with long-termconditions: a longitudinal study. PloS one, 9(6),e98340.

Seligman, M. E., &amp Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2014). Positivepsychology: An introduction (pp. 279-298). Springer Netherlands.

Sue, D., Sue, D. W., Sue, S., &amp Sue, D. (2015). UnderstandingAbnormal Behavior. Cengage Learning.