Descriptionof Aggregate
SpringfieldTownship is found in the Montgomery County in the State ofPennsylvania. It is located 12 miles southwest of Philadelphia. Thefirst settlers to stay in this area came at around 1686 (Bean, 1884).From 1924, it has been administered under the First Class TownshipCode. The size of this township is about 6.8 square miles and has apopulation of about 20, 000 people. The MAP-IT to be implemented inthis town involves substance abuse. The highest percentage of thepopulation (25.8%) consists of individuals between the ages of 18 to24 (Bartholomew& Mullen, 2011).This age is the most susceptible to cases of drug and substanceabuse.
InSpringfield Township, according to the 2010 census, there are about15, 817 people. The total households in the town are approximately65,511 while the total number of families is about 4,265. Thesestatistics show that the town is small with few number of people,compared to other towns, and thus ideal for the study. Springfieldboasts of a very high crude birth rate that is about 71.4% as per the2010 statistics. According to research conducted by the Department ofPublic Health, between 2008 and 2010, the infant mortality rate inthe town was about 8.8 deaths for every one thousand births.
TheStrengths of the aggregate
Asper Shuster and Geoppinger (2004), the aggregate for this assessmentis Joseph Porter and his family. Joseph worked hard to ensure thathis family do not get disappointed in him and such hard work earnshim pride. After his wife attended a self-help group, she developedsome interest in finding a full time job so that they can worktogether with Joseph to support their family. Joseph also took aninitiative of attending a recovery and a rehabilitation center, thusboth of them were able to support their family.
Problemsthat the family of Joseph underwent concerning their health issuesinclude little knowledge of the cause and how to solve the substanceabuse in their house. The assessment may lack enough data as thefamily may fail to give all the important information. The requiredprecautionary measures might not be implemented on time as the healthpractitioners might overlook the extent of addiction in Joseph andthis might be due to the quick health care visits. The aggregate inthe assessment might be reluctant when it comes to seekingprofessional help since they consider the matter private as it isaccompanied by shame and disapproval resulting from substance abuse(Shuster& Goeppinger, 2004).
Genetics,lifestyle issues and development programs pose the main risks tothese matters in the community. It, therefore, means that differentstrategies needs to be identified to help combat these health risks.It is clear that individuals from this community engage in drug abusehabits like tobacco smoking, which cause cases of lung cancer in someof the individuals. Radon, a radioactive gas, can be found in higherlevels in soils around the United States. These areas includesoutheastern Pennsylvania, where Springfield is located. Though itcannot be smelled or tasted it may become concentrated indoors andpose a risk for cancer. There is also mining of asbestos, which takesplace in the community. Those who are directly exposed to asbestosmining are in danger of getting cancer. The presence of arsenic inthe water used by the community is also a risk factor for cancer.Some other risk factors that are in genetic include the age of anindividual, the past records of the illness in the family, heredityand race. Other issues that concern lifestyle include lack ofphysical activity, obesity, and use of alcohol.
Toimplement the plan, I have identified six individuals who I feel willbenefit from the developmental program. Three of them were picked bythe presence of the two health risks in their families while theother two were picked by the type of lifestyle they have. I feel thatby reaching out and helping the selected individuals the change inthem will help motivate the rest of the community to make an effortin detecting and treating the identified health risk and changingtheir lifestyles. The small group will aid in ensuring that the planis effective enough even for a bigger group and that everyparticipant is given the attention and help required. The selectionwill be guided by various medical records from different institutionsand research on the lifestyle of various individuals in thecommunity.
Forthe group there will need to be educated on the identified healthrisks, screening for these issues and help in changing theirlifestyles. First educating the individuals on the health risks willgive them a picture of exactly what we will be dealing with and allthe issues that surround these health risks. They will also identifysome symptoms or warning signs of the condition which they had notfound before. The screening will help in finding out if any of themare at risk of the issues or if they are already at a given stage ofthe condition and need to start treatment. A change in lifestyle willaid in ensuring that the individuals can prevent these diseases fromliving a healthy and participating in different exercise activities.All these plans will help in making sure that the conditions can betreated or prevented.
Inthe assessment phase, two major illnesses were identified. Theseconditions had the highest mortality rates, and their rates were alsohigh in the community. The plan was therefore developed and tailoredto meet the demands brought about by the two conditions. The diseaseswere cancer and heart disease, and they needed immediate attention tohelp reduce their prevalence in the community. The developmental planwill, therefore, be effective in dealing with the two conditions. Theindividuals who were identified are at the risk of getting theseconditions and by exposing them to the plan they can prevent theconditions or even treat them in the early stages in the case thatthey were detected.
Whenthe plan is implemented the prevalence and mortality rates of theconditions are expected to reduce in the community. There will alsobe an awareness concerning the diseases among the members of thecommunity. Many of them will go for early screening for earlydetection of the conditions. There will also be a difference in thetype of lifestyles conducted by these individuals, and people willstart living healthily (Simon& Hurvitz, 2014).Through the six persons who are identified and educated, thenecessary information concerning the illnesses will reach the wholecommunity. The intervention will be put in place in phases. First,there will be an identification of the needed resources andindividuals or corporations to aid in making the plan successful.
Thehealthcare institutions and healthcare practitioners in the area orbeyond will play a significant role in the healthcare plan (Vincentet al. 2000). Educational materials like booklets will be needed toaid in putting the plan into action. The program will also involvethe help of individuals who have survived different types of cancersand those who are managing heart conditions. Through sharing theirexperiences, they will show the individuals how to deal with thediseases. It will also involve the help of volunteers who will aid inputting the plan in place. The program will begin with educating thegroup on the diseases. Education will make it easy for them toidentify the severity of the illnesses and the need to deal withthem. Then the individuals will be required to go for screening todetermine their risk levels to the conditions or if they are alreadyaffected. For those affected, treatment will be recommended and forthose not affected prevention strategies will be given to them. Thenthere will be a check on the lifestyles of these individuals and helpthem identify how they can change them and start living healthily.There will be information on what entails a healthy lifestyle and howto go about it.
Allthe involved parties will be given directions on how the plan will beexpected to take place. Every individual or corporation will have arole to play in the project, and all will be expected to deliver whatis required. There will be a schedule on how the plan will take placeand every individual will be meeting for an update on how the processis going. The program will take approximately two months to ensurethat every art of the plan is implemented, and the results are asexpected (Melnyk& Fineout-Overholt, 2011).The plan will be in phases, and each face will have to be finishedand fruitful to move to the next one. The plan will then beimplemented after every individual is conversant with the role theyare supposed to play.
Evaluationof the effectiveness of the intervention
Theassessment of signs on public health measures need to encompass boththe credibility of the identified evidence, its completeness as wellas its transferability. The evaluation of the effectiveness of anyintervention needs to match easily with the development stage of thatintervention. The design of the evaluation should be in manners thatallows it to detect all the significant impacts of the interventionand also be in a position to encapsulate the welfares of all the keystakeholders (Bartholomew& Mullen, 2011).In designing the evaluation plan, it will be necessary to put intopractice the MAP-It framework that will help in tracking the progressof the intervention.
Interviews interviews will be important in assessing whether there is some impact brought about by the intervention being implemented. Various stakeholders like the general public, patients as well as the clinicians, will be interviewed to obtain this information. The information will help in tracking the various changes that have occurred so as to determine whether the intervention has brought about improvements or decline in the previous state. The interview is largely a qualitative analysis based on observations made by the various stakeholders.
Impact assessment in this case various futures expected projections will be established based on various calculations as well as previous projects. The projections will help in telling whether there is a possibility of substantial impact of the intervention in addressing the problems facing the Springfield community.
Outcome evaluation this evaluation will be done after some period of operation of the intervention. The outcomes of the intervention will be evaluated by obtaining and analysis various health records. The health records will help in calculations of the mortality rates as well as the prevalence rates. These rates will help in assessing whether there is an improvement brought about by the intervention or not.
Inadequate funding the intervention will need adequate funding for it to reach as many people as possible. The funding is necessary in executing the numerous deeds of the interventions. A huge amount of funding will be necessary in creation of public awareness.
Lack of enough clinical practitioners for the intervention to be successful, it will be necessary to employ additional health practitioners who would help in execution of the intervention. It is the health practitioners who would help in teaching the public on how to prevent and manage the identified problems.
Lack of goodwill by stakeholders the intervention requires the work of both the general public as well as the practitioners. It will be necessary that the all these stakeholders have the goodwill of seeing the intervention succeed. When the stakeholders have the goodwill, the execution of the care plan will be smooth and would take less time to start working.
Visiblesigns of success
Reduced mortality rates since the intention of the intervention were to decrease the mortality rate brought about by cancer and heart disease, a reduction in the rates of mortality would indicate a success of the intervention (Bartholomew & Mullen, 2011). The mortality rates can be determined quantitatively by analyzing the health records from the time the intervention started operating.
Reduction in number of new cases of cancer and heart diseases a reduction in the number of new detected cases of heart diseases and cancer would indicate a success of the intervention. Similarly, this information will be obtained from the health records of the various health facilities.
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