History of Physics essay

Historyof Physics

Physicsis regarded as the oldest and most basic branch of pure science,whose discoveries remain relevant today in other fields of naturalsciences.It is worth noting that, the definition of the wordphysics has been dynamic, but currently termed as the study ofenergy, matter and the relationship existing between them. The threemain elements known to make physics comprise of mechanics, optics andastronomy, all of which were methodologically combined in the studyof geometry.The need to rationally understand what nature entailscan be traced back to 650–480 BCE in Greece, where notablepersonalities such as Thales of Miletus among other Pre-Socraticphilosophers were involved. During the 3rdcentury BCE, Archimedes, one of the greatest scientists developed theconcept of buoyancycommonly termed as the Archimedes principle andstill applicable today.

Duringthe time of medieval Europe, the concept of quantum physics wassignificantly enhanced with scientists such as Thomas Aquinas playinga key role. It is worth noting that, the history of physics cannotbe complete without looking at the scientists who played part duringthe 16thand 17thscientific revolution. Some of them comprised of NicolausCopernicus, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton and René Descartes amongothers. In the 19thcentury there scientists such as Michael Faraday and James Maxwelldiscovered electric battery and distribution law of molecularvelocities respectively. Further, the discovery of theories suchas that of relativity by Albert Einstein has shaped various sectorsof economy including energy and transport.

Basedon this rich history, there is the need to encourage investment inresearch and development in the field of physics. This is based onthe premise that, physics as is key in ensuring the sustainability ofsocieties across the globe both in the short and long-term.


Roche,John. PhysicistsLook Back: Studies in the .CRC Press, 1990