Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity essay


Health Care Provider and FaithDiversity

Thispaper offers a comparison between the philosophical beliefs ofChristianity and Buddhism. The essay gives a brief comparison on theworldviews between the two faiths.

Buddhismis a religion that incorporates a range of traditions, beliefs andspiritual practices principally founded on the instructions endorsedto Gautama Buddha, generally recognized as the Buddha. Christianityis a devotion that trusts in justification by faith through ChristJesus the only son of God, through his death and resurrection theChristians find refuge. They believe in salvation and redemptionthrough Jesus, to whom they are made right with the creator.


Buddhismadvocates for people to be in total control of their lives and do nothave a supernatural being that they have to be answerable to.Christians` beliefs are founded on God and the authority of Jesusthrough which they obtain their salvation by praising and followingtheir teachings and commands. Buddha expresses a religion empty ofrituals while Christianity is widely manifested by traditions such asbaptism and communion. Buddha rejects the thought of mattersregarding eternity of the world whether there is life after death ornot. Christianity gives a great approach towards this as theiridentity of faith is significantly bound by an external Godanswering the question regarding death, as well as the eternal life.Buddha speaks of a faith devoid of traditions. The traditions of thereligion intervene only to remove internal suffering. In Buddhism,the practices and teachings are aimed at a strong self-effort toeliminate or reduce suffering. Christianity approach is different astheir faith dwell much on the external connection between individualsand God. In the teachings of Buddha, the religion is devoid ofmystical powers while it is clear in Christianity that there is anunderstanding of miracles and beings (saints) who originate out ofhigh quality.

WorldviewQuestions regarding Christianity and Buddhism

Worldviewrefers to the standpoint that a person uses in the processing andinterpretation of information received regarding the world. It is theassumptions that people hold regarding the underlying makeup of theworld. (James W.2007).


Accordingto Buddha, everything is God. That is we all share the same Spirit,Nirvana(Shambhala,2007). Buddhist believes that critical reality is Samsara,the endless existence though impaired and ever changing. Forms are oftemporary state, where some are infinite, and others are finite.Objects are created as a result of elements joining to make aparticular form. In Christianity, it is believed that there existedone supernatural being, God, who has infinite wisdom, holy and allpowerful, and lived eternally in all ages. God exists as threepersons the holy trinity, God the Father, God the Holy Spirit andGod the son. The three have always lived together in absolute loveand work together in unity. God is thus the creator of the universeand everything in it. He is infinite, and Christians strive to beright with him through faith and repentance. They believe that allthings created were subjected to human control, and they were createdin the likeness of God to obey and praise him (Genesis 1, HolyBible).

Natureof External Reality

Buddhismbelieves in external reality that objects are formed as a result ofelements joining to make a particular form and that the materialworld is imaginary the world means nothing and is valueless. TheChristians believe in God creating the universe and that everythingcreated was right and good (Genesis 2, Holy Bible). The world isthought to have a beginning and an end. All materials created arereal and good and that the Creator is distinct from his creation


Humanbeings are one with God, according to Buddha (Shambhala, 2007), whilein Christianity, God created the humans in his image, gave themwisdom and the free will to make choices. His expectation is for themto follow him with perfect love so as to share his abundantblessings.


Thereis rebirth after death or reincarnation which is a cycle as taught inthe beliefs of Buddhism. After rebirth, they believe in consequencesthat befall them due to their worldly behavior Karma, which if oneescapes or endures it, he/she joins the oneness of ultimate reality,Nirvana. Christians, however, believe that they exist beyond death.This is achieved depending on one choice and actions on earth, whichresults in either a relationship with God or one without. Theybelieve in immortality during the second coming of Jesus as they joinHim in the new world (Revelation 2, Holy Bible)

Possibilityto Know Things

Buddhismbelieve that the ultimate is indefinite and incomprehensible, nopredetermined results. They also believe that they extract theirknowledge from the universe by observation and interaction.Christians believe in God`s given wisdom that He expects them toapply through their understanding of Him or the universe. Therefore,God also reveals His truth to those who are loyal to Him throughrevelations.

Howdo we know what is right and wrong?

Sinsor immorality are as a result of ignorance of the factual nature oftruth in Buddhism, and thus, the requirement is Enlightenment(Shambhala, 2007). Buddhists also do not believe in absolutegoodness. To them, good as well as evil are relative. Christiansbelieve that God is perfect, and thus, human beings were created inpossession of the same qualities of ethical goodness. Though peoplehave misused this by doing evil, God expects repentance of the same.

Meaningof Human History

Thebeliefs of Buddhism focus on how people can improve themselves ascompared to knowledge of God in serving him and others. They believethat history is of no essence as they assess the world regardingpurpose. Christians believe that God plays a crucial role in theirunderstanding of Him because He reveals Himself through the historyof humanity. The impact of the history is shown through the salvationof Christ Jesus through his first and second coming (Luke gospel,Holy Bible).

Implicationsof Religious Beliefs in Health Care

Differentviews give the different meaning to health activities. Buddhism doesnot support medicines that are believed to alter Buddhist state ofmind or its clarity so as to avoid performance of harmful acts(Shambhala, 2007). Buddhist do not also support implant after deathas the soul of a deceased is believed to dwell for more than 72 hoursand, therefore, deserves respect. Other areas of interest are familyplanning where they oppose abortion. Christians accept health care,and its practices as even Jesus himself healed the sick (Luke 5, HolyBible). Christians do however fail to agree on the issues of familyplanning methods, organ transplant, and abortion. Regarding familyplanning, the church does not support the use of condoms as well asthe act of abortion.

CriticalComponents of Religions in Regards to Healing

Christiansbelieve in prayers and meditation regarding healing. This faith isfounded on the life and teachings of Christ Jesus who healed the sickand raised the dead by requesting God the Farther to give him theability to do it. Christians believe that their prayers are answeredby Jesus who sends them the required help. Buddhists do not believein prayers, but they practice devotional meditation which acts ashealing prayers to the sick and the suffering. This practice isreferred to us Tibetan Buddhist meditation, which incorporatesmeditation prayers in the healing of a Buddhist.

Significancesof Patients Being Attended by Physicians of Different Faith

Religiousbeliefs of a physician may have little impact on the patient unlessissues of spirituality are brought about, which will either affectthe patient positively or negatively. Most people can separatereligion and health profession, therefore the faith of healthpractitioner may have little impact on the patients’ health. Thecomponent of humanity is brought out when a patient is attended to bya diverse religious practitioner.

MyPerspective on Spiritual Healing

Physiciansshould offer compassionate care to patients as opposed to onlyexpertise service. This calls for them to walk with the patients intheir suffering and help them get answers to the many life andspiritual questions regarding their condition. Studies have shownthat religious commitment helps one to improve their stress control.This commitment helps the patients to cope up with their suffering inan easy way. Spiritual support helps patients to be able to cope upwith stress and as a result, become more confident about life.Spiritual support also increases the courage of patients as they aresure of any outcome based on their faith. I, therefore, supportspiritual guidance to patients at all levels. Though physiciansshould refrain from imposing any religious activity to patientswithout a proper understanding of the patients` beliefs and shouldalso seek their consent (Dr. Russell D’Souza s, 2008).


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