HealthCare Legislation Issues
BernieSanders, a Democrat, has been a vehement supporter of the CaliforniaDrug Price Relief Act(Ballotpedia, 2016).He wishes that the American people stop being exploited through highdrug prices. In particular, Sanders addresses the issue of overpricedprostate cancer drugs. He says that, the government must doeverything within its power to end the era of unconscionable pricing(Ballotpedia,2016). Also, Sanders believes that, the Obama care needs to be enjoyed byevery American citizen, his dream is to make sure that 29 million USAcitizens who are not covered by Medicare have been covered in hisregime. He adds that, the decision in the USHouse of Representatives V. Burwellwas unimaginable, and he wishes that it is reversed (Ballotpedia,2016).It was ruled that $2 billion was used unconstitutionally to offsetAffordable Care Act, a bill he drafted. To him, fighting what thisbill stands for, means fighting against health care for all. He addsthat his government system will tackle the issues of medical alonewithout other players he will hedge out the private health insuranceorganizations (Ballotpedia,2016).While providing Medicare to all, he intends to reduce its cost hesays that the USA spends so much on a single patient, yet the outcomehas not been so great while countries like Britain, Germany andFrance spend less than the USA and produce better patient outcomes.His Medicare intends to cover both short term and long term healthissues (Ballotpedia,2016).To promote innovation and invention in medical research, heencourages generic competition where significant medicalbreakthroughs will be rewarded (Ballotpedia,2016).
Onthe other hand, Donald Trump a Republican believes and supportsuniversal health care for all the people of the United States(Ballotpedia,2016).He does not reserve his dislike for Obama care to him, this projectis being used by individuals as a means to enrich themselves(Ballotpedia,2016).Trump plans to base his health care plan on the principle of a freemarket, where there are no monopolies. Trump adds that, he willbegin by removing a barrier to the interstate sale of healthinsurance. Then, he will put in place a system where there will befull tax deductions for insurance premium payments for every Americancitizen. To increase the drugs available to citizens, he will allowoversees drug providers by loosening regulatory barriers. Also, toreduce the plummeting health cost, Trump argues that it is necessaryto enforce immigration laws (Ballotpedia,2016).Trump believes that, when the USA will end Obama Care and allow drugorganizations to compete freely, the American people will get bettermedicines and services unlike now, where the issue of health has beenmonopolized (Ballotpedia,2016).Trump believes that the authority of health matters should be understate, it is only then, the government will be able to oversee theactions of health providers and ensure that there is pricetransparency. To him, Obama care is a total catastrophe that willshut the great country of the United States down. He adds that,people are closing shops and doctors quitting their jobs. In his bookTheAmerica We Deserve,he says that to find a single health payer plan that is welladministered, provides freedom of choice and is affordable, is hisgoal (Ballotpedia,2016)
NewYork Nurse Association is lobbying for safe staffing of nurses. Theyhave used several media platforms to make their voices heard. I haveknown this through their Facebook page posts because I am a member. Iam pursuing nursing, and I consider it mandatory to be well informedof the issues that are emerging in my field. It is also a matter thatis being debated by the New York State legislature.
SenateBill S1936 “Safe Staffing for Health Care Act,” is the one beinglobbied by the New York Nurse Association(CWA, 2016).The nurses are trying to fight back what has been the traditionalnorm of a nurse to take care of 10 or even more patients at once.They argue that the number puts a strain on nurses, and influencesnegatively the quality of care that a patient receives. The New YorkNurse Association adds that, research has shown that nurses with 2 to3 patients at a time are likely going to reduce the number of deathsand adverse outcomes that result due to lack of inadequate patientcare and attention(CWA, 2016).The bill requires that acute facilities to have a nurse with minimumpatient ratios and also residential healthcare facilities, to complywith minimum care hours for a certified nurse’s aide(CWA, 2016).Richard Gottfried, the chair of the American Medical Association,supports the association by affirming that, having enough nurses forthe patient, would impact on the quality of patient care(Goldberg, 2016).He adds that, more nurses per unit means, reduced deaths and betterpatient outcomes.
Onthe other hand, the Greater New York Hospital Association opposes thebill the association claims that stiff nurse staffing proportionswould challenge real-time patient care decisions and denies healthinstitutions flexibility, when they need to act on unexpected eventsand also, it will crowd the hospitals with physicians(Nahmias, L. 2015).
Ballotpedia.(2016). 2016 presidential candidates on healthcare – Ballotpedia.Retrieved from
CWA.(2016). NY Nurses Push for ‘Safe Staffing’ Bill. CWANews,76(1).Retrieved from
Goldberg, D.(2016, March 2). Nurses unions trying new tack for `safe staffing`bill. Retrieved from
Nahmias, L.(2015, April 21). NYSNA rallies ahead of `uphill battle` on safestaffing bill. Retrieved from
NYNurses Push for ‘Safe Staffing’ Bill | Communications Workers ofAmerica. (n.d.). Retrieved from