Franciscan Philosophy essay


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Philosophy andliterature were the primary sources of Franciscan philosophy. SaintFrancis and Clare are considered to have been the laid the basis ofthis tradition. Both of them recognized God as the architect of allhumankind in his own likeness. The Franciscan philosophy is based onthe postulate optimistic of enjoying life and the affirmation of theworld around us. Others included love not only in relation to God andothers but also to every creature closeness and love of naturesimplicity of life focus on spirituality and morality, and notmaterial values humility and poverty and the acceptance of life aswhat it is, with all its beautiful moments and problems. Franciscanspirituality proved to be universal enough that it became a stronginspiration for the creators of literature.

Various valuescan be attached to this philosophy. They include compassion,reverence, diversity, peace, respect, service and joy. Theachievement of such benefits massively depends on the nature ofinteractions between individuals in a particular surrounding.However, the values can be grouped into four broad areas of studynamely the need to create a considerate family, showing empathy,reverencing of all creations, and the importance of peace.

With regard tocreating a caring community, the literature on the Franciscanphilosophy advocated for various ways of showing care to thecommunity and other surroundings. According to the teachings on thisplatform, there is the need to respect each other’s dignity. Thevalues of this type also advocate for offering hospitality, courtesy,kindness and friendship. In addition to this, loving relationshipsare encouraged.

The second classification involves showing compassion. This sectionof the values revolves around service to the poor and oppressed. Inaddition to this, it promotes the integration of justice acrossvarious processes and taking responsible social actions. Moreover, itrequires people to offer helpful services to others.

The thirdargument was based on reverencing for all creation. According to theFranciscan values, there is the need to foster a simple life andresponsible stewardship. Furthermore, the preservation of theenvironment forms a core foundation for the Franciscan philosophy.Finally, there is the need to show respect for all creatures.

The lastclassification of the philosophy was on making peace. A peacefulenvironment fosters love and encourages a tranquil surrounding forinteractions. People forgive since there is greater emphasis onhealing and reconciliation. Conflicts are resolved quickly, and thereis advocacy for non-violence. Other Franciscan values include:

Faithfulness infriendship, honor, courage and honesty. These values should bepropagated and are quite recommendable. Warriors, politicians orordinary mortals should exhibit such values in their day-to-dayinteractions.

The injunction toforgive the enemy, to rise above their pain as was witnessed in thecase of Achilles, Hector, and Priam.

Love – exhibited by the unchaste love of Paris to Helena, faithfulconjugal love Hector. In the case of Andromache, such wereaccompanied by the pain of separation, jealousy, rivalry.

Humanistic dimension epic- According to this approach, the man is thehighest value, you can communicate even with the enemy, and you mustforgive.

All in all, theFranciscan philosophy advocates for love. Love not only about God andothers, but also to every creature closeness and love of naturesimplicity of life focus on spirituality and morality, and notmaterial values humility and poverty and the acceptance of life aswhat it is, with all its beautiful moments and problems. Franciscanspirituality proved to be universal enough that it became a stronginspiration for the creators of literature.

Homer, of course,wanted to save the history of the war centuries ago. However, thiswar becomes the background morals and shows show the conflicts andhuman feelings (Homer &amp Murray, 1929). To highlight the levels ofsuffering, various scenes of death are utilized in this case.Opponents of the war do not feed into each other hatred, eventually,renounce it, as evidenced by the decision of Achilles for the body ofHector. Homer, therefore, indicates that anger and hatred are notvalues worthy of man. And yet, though devoted to the Trojan War, theybegin Homeric verses: &quotAnger, Goddess, sing the praises ofAchilles, son of Peleus,&quot so anger, its consequences, the warand compassion for human beings (Lawall, 2005).

According to theliterary pieces, Hector is one of the mightiest soldiers in theTrojan army. The protagonist engages in a destructive mission despitethe opposition from other warriors. To highlight his clout as theleader of the Trojan army, Hector leads an assault and succeeds inpenetrating the Achaean rampant and is the only Trojan to killPatroclus and in the process setting the Achaean ship on fire(Lawall, 2005).

Hector hasvarious flaws despite being the greatest soldier in the Trojan army.This is demonstrated towards the end of the book when he demonstratescowardice by fleeing Great Ajax. Later on, he redeems himselffollowing extensive ridicule comrades that included Glaucus andAeneas. Another flaw that features prominently is emotionalinstability. This can be portrayed in the harsh treatment he metedout to Patroclus among other victims. In another occasion, hethoughtlessly commands the Trojan army to lay siege to Troy’sfortifications the day before the battle. The result is the collapseof the wall the following day and massive casualties from his side(Lawall, 2005).

However, eventhough Hector might be considered as impulsive at times based on thedecisions he makes, he is not as arrogant and overbearing like othermilitary men. Additionally, others also benefits due to Hector’sexploits in his homeland. The great soldier also shows deep affectionfor his wife and children (Lawall, 2005). Despite his brother Parishaving had higher preferences for lovemaking than military duties,Hector treats him with forgiveness and indulgence. During this entireencounter, he does not turn violent with his brother but ratherencourages him by aiming frustrated words his cowardly brother(Lawall, 2005). As a means of showing emotional attachment all thingsaround him, Hector never loses sight of his responsibilities to Troy.Moreover, he runs from Achilles with the hope that he would be ableto position his way out of the duel. However, this is not the case(Lawall, 2005). Despite having the feeling that the gods he abandonedhim, he still had the guts to stay still and not flee thebattleground. Notwithstanding the fact that he faced with the task offacing more superior forces, he refused to leave the battleground.His actions make him the most tragic figure in the poem.

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Lawall, S. N. (2005).&nbspThe Norton anthology of Westernliterature. New York: W.W. Norton.

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