Extra Credit Essay Description essay


ExtraCredit Essay Description

ExtraCredit Essay Description

Complaintsof Various States that Led to Secession

Anti-slaverypolicy forms the significant part of the declaration of causes ofseceding states. It is clear that, the seceding states were notsatisfied with the provisions of the constitution that addressed theissue of African slaves (Pollard,1867).Non-slave holding states were offering refuge to fleeing slaves whothe seceding states referred as fleeing criminals in thisdeclaration. These states expected non-slave holding states torepatriate the ‘fleeing criminals’ to the original state fortrial, something that was not happening. The aspect of accommodatingthe fleeing slaves therefore is at the center of controversy andforms an integral part in the reasons behind the secession. Refusalto repatriate fleeing slaves who the confederate states refer ascriminals is interpreted as violation of the law that mandates thestate to hand over the criminal to the state of origin. In otherwords, the aspect of anti-slavery policy brings in the perception ofviolation of legal requirement concerning repatriation of fleeing‘criminals’ where seceding states see as an attempt to weakenstate security and disturbance of peace and tranquility.

Thecompeting interest between the Northern and Southern states isanother central point in the declaration of causes of secession. TheSouthern states seem to complain of the Northern concentrating on itsindustrial interest at the expense of the southern states. TheSouthern states had a perception that Northern states adopted lawsthat favored their economic progress without any concern for thesouthern states (Dew,2001).In this case, Northern attracted the fleeing states to provide laborin industries while the agricultural south remains economicallystagnant. This issue fueled the need for separation of the southernstates from the north hence forming the confederation governmentwhich would cater for the socio-economic welfare of the south.

PresidentLincoln’s Intent in Calling up the Troops

Themain intention of the Lincoln’s proclamation was the restoration oforder in the governance of United States. After noting the oppositionof the law and obstruction to its execution, President Lincoln optedto calling up the troops to pave way for sobriety among thedisgruntled states (Fisher,2010).The president observed that the opposition was too strong to besuppressed using the normal legal procedure since execution of thesame law was under threat. Instead of forcing the law to thegovernance of the republic, President Lincoln decided to use adifferent route to allow peaceful reconstruction of the republic. Theintention behind the proclamation therefore was to seek alternativeway of suppressing the combination other than law which he could notexecute. Calling up the troops would allow the US Congress to discussthe way forward and come up with an alternative way of dealing withthe threat.

Anotherintention of the President Lincoln was to attract the support fromthe loyal citizens across the United States. Calling up the militiafrom different states was another way of expressing his willingnessto solve the issue amicably and engaging senators and representativesin developing the suitable solution (Fisher,2010).President Lincoln called up the troops to repossess the seizedproperties as an indication of his firm commitment to maintaining theunited country. Summoning both houses of the US Congress indicatesthe president’s willingness to have the urgent solution which wouldbe acceptable across the board. In other words, calling up the troopsintended to salvage the country from further disintegration andaddress issues raised by the declaration of causes of secession.


Dew,C. B. (2001). Apostlesof Disunion: Southern Secession Commissioners and the Causes of theCivil War.University of Virginia Press.

Fisher,L. (2010). Abraham Lincoln: Preserving the Union and theConstitution. Alb.Gov`t L. Rev.,3,503.

Pollard,E. A. (1867). TheLost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates...EB Treat &amp Company.