Explain why The White Ribbon Film chooses not to answer the questions it raises relating to Cause and Effect, Guilt and Responsibility. essay


Explainwhy The White Ribbon Film chooses not to answer the questions itraises relating to Cause and Effect, Guilt and Responsibility.



Poweris an enjoyable rank from any post may it be religious leadershippolitical or social power. Many people fight for power, but few ofthem are the exact leaders the society wants. Many leaders are thosewho have self-interest and very egocentric. Authority is more ofresponsibility to serve than to receive service. It was a merehypocritical statement to many leaders who came before the World War1. The above reasons were just some of the fostering factors that sawthe eruption of the World War 1. Many people fail to take upresponsibilities obliged to their position in the society and laterthe differences between then lead to fights and loss of lives[ CITATION Rob93 l 1033 ].

Womenand children are vital participants within all societies, and thus,they have rights to enjoy just as their men counterparts. Over manygenerations, women have been looked against as an inferior group whenit comes to the when it comes to the communal responsibilities bothin the past and even today. Due to globalization`s, there is asignificant change in the 21stcentury, though, its effect is still very minor. There are many evilsthat women are subjected upon by men due to thesuperiority-inferiority complex. Since, the early nineteen century asdepicted in the white ribbon the minds of many women were occupiedwith the subordinate contention and this paved a major way for theirexploitation[ CITATION Bla98 l 1033 ].

Thedisplay of this evils are well depicted in the scenes within thisplay but, challenges that still stand are that nothing much is doneto identify the perpetrators and bring them to correctional measures.Power is in the hands of the felons and therefore to bring changes bysaving the women from the male chauvinism is close to an impossiblemission. Authority in the hands of the malice people is the biggestchallenge being displayed by those in the authorities.


Inthe play children and women have assaulted by the so-called theleaders. The work reflects the backwardness, cold-bloodedness and theunkindness of the authoritarians in the Eichwalde community. We learnthat those in leadership position are just but indicating the rule bywhich they were also subjected. The play does not resolve thisdangerous behavior since it can be presumed to be normalcy. In thisvillage power and strength is the resource every community persontries to adopt.

Theweak are battered as seen when the peasant pays back the faultsmessed up by the father, Baron, by beating him up and later beingthrown into the woods. The solution of such events is very dilemmaticto solve best left for a bigger lesson in the play. It remainsunsettled in this game to help teach the audience a better lesson ofbetrayal and outcomes. The Baron double-crossed the peasant, and thefarmers hit back indirectly through his son. A moral lesson has to belearned from this encounter by the suspense of what the Baron woulddo when he started the war.

Thelack of explanation is also a vital way of communicating and giving achance for personal evaluation and how well we can improve thesociety today. Violence and irresponsible deeds from all thecommunity members is a bigger reason for the wars within the socialenvironments. Perpetrators hide within the general population andthis consequently, displays the failure of the moral responsibilitiesand there for an audience is left to evaluate how best to learn fromthis play to reduce cases of assaults, power misuse and improvesocial responsibility by injecting moral behaviors to the society.

Thenew religious guidance offered is of critique as it punishes thechildren crudely by caning in the even tying them to the beds.Another pack of youths is forced to wear white ribbons on their headsfor the setbacks, and they are stigmatized by how the communityviewed them. Acceptance of guilt of any breach of the required ethicsshould treat as a positive virtue of trustworthy children. Despitethe mistake, it is the responsibilities of the church to instillbetter morals to the youth and avoid the occurrences of suchinstances. Prevention should have been the primary objective of thereligious leaders than imposing punishment to the guilty children.

Leavingthe uncertainties that arise in this play also are important indemonstrating the hypocritical nature of people we trust and rely onfor leadership and proper knowledge dissemination. As seen earlier inthe scene, the Baron assaults his house-help and the midwife and whenhe is their master. Abuse of power and secondly, the fact that he issupposed to protect this person by providing health care he ends upmistreating them is hypocritical to his social work in the village.Also, a pastor, expected to teach the community of forgiveness andlove is unable to handle his anger after his daughter killed his pet.The son tries to please him when he brings his father another birdand says &quotbecause the father is so sad.&quot The pastor hideshis anger, and he could not let it go by forgiving his daughterKlara, he ends up chasing the teacher away from his home after reportmisconduct of his children in the participation of injuring Karli.

Thepastor is battling with his own interpersonal and intrapersonalactivities before him. His anger towards the teacher is very openleft to understand that of moral upbringing as a parent, or authoritywould lead to disagreements. Emotions should be well handled throughguidance and social togetherness which would in most cases reduce thechances of rifts. This shows that when individuals are pressed downfor any failure to take their social responsibilities they hold onsome vague reasons to escaped the tragedy.


Inconclusion, the responsible uptake, religious upbringing and powerare the primary sources of peace. Any breach in this factorconsequently are causes of violence of the wars between communitiesand nations. The writer of this play wants us to exhaust the suspensewithin the required solutions and use them to improve the state oflives in our communities today.


Blackwell, C. W. &amp. G. J. W., 1998. A Conversation with Leadership Guru, Paul Hersey. Journal of Leadership Studies, pp. 143-152.

Christian-Friedel, 2016. White ribbon DVD. [Online] Available at: http://www.amazon.co.uk

Robertson, J. C., 19993. The Hidden Cinema: British Film Censorship in Action. London: Routledge.

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