Ourorganization is committed to attracting, selecting and retaining thebest candidates for any given vacancy. We, therefore, expect all ourstaff to share the same commitment. The following expatriate’srelated program shall apply to all our members of staff relocating toChina on the assignment to oversee the construction and opening ofour new subsidiary in Beijing. The program aims at providing aprocedure that ensures a sound framework for the recruitment,training, development, performance management, rewards management andcompensation of staff (Kollenz 1997, p. 45).
Themanagers are empowered to identify human capital requirements andselect their teams. The procedure sets the standards required to hirethe best candidates for the organization against equality targets(Dowling et al. 2013, p.47).
2.0General recruitment rules
Allthe individuals participating in the hiring process must havebackground training in human resources. The interview panel must atleast include one member who has attended the saferecruitment-training workshop provided by our company (Phillips &Gully 2014, p.56).
2.1Stages in selection
2.1.1Establishing a vacancy.
Allvacancy announcements must begin with the completion of a recruitmentrequisition and submission to the staffing panel for approval. Therecruitment process should begin early enough, such as immediatelyafter the identification of new tasks or the receipt of a resignationletter. Before initiating the recruitment process, the managementshall evaluate suitable alternatives to recruitment. The availablealternatives include reorganizing the distribution of work,increasing the responsibilities of existing employees, redesigning orautomating tasks, restructuring the affected area or department,reviewing the current work assignments and assessing the workload toidentify the effect on employees well-being and service delivery(Dressler 2000, p.43).
Vacanciesrelated to a member of staff require an evaluation based on theircurrent role. A job evaluation activity should be done to identifythe level of match between the skills and qualification of theemployee to the requirements of the newly established tasks (Mondy,Noe & Gowan2005, p.32).
2.1.2Filling a vacancy
Themanager requesting authorization to fill a vacancy is responsible forinitiating the first stage by completing the requisition applicationform. He or she is responsible for detailing the job description aswell as the personal specifications of an ideal candidate (Gilmore &Williams 2009, p.67).
Thejob description shall include a section detailing the required skillsand qualifications of the jobholder. The candidate is responsible forensuring that they list all their qualifications and professionalmemberships. Failure to provide all the information shall lead toautomatic disqualification. The candidate must provide originalcertificates of the said qualifications as well as memberships ifany. The human resource shall be liable of tracking the proof ofqualifications by liaising with the candidate. Besides, thedepartment shall conduct further checks by contacting the candidate’sprevious employers and referees before the commencement of theemployment term (Evans, Pucik & Björkman 2011, p.45).
2.13Short listing and selection
Theshortlisting process should take five days after the closing date forapplications. The human resource is responsible for contacting thecandidates in writing, by giving a seven-day notice. The writingshould request the candidates to liaise with the human resources incase further information is required. The human resource should alsocommunicate with candidates whose applications were unsuccessful.Finally, the human resource department shall evaluate the candidate’seligibility to work in Beijing (Dickmann, Brewster & Sparrow2008, p.56).
Interviewpanels should consist of more than three managers. The managersshould inform the candidates about when to expect results of theinterview process. Recruitment of locals for management positionsmust involve a psychometric test. The tests shall be carried outaccording to our organization`s guidelines (Dowling et al. 2013,p.27).
Afterthe interview, the lead interviewer is responsible for contacting theselected candidate to make a verbal offer of employment. The offershall be subject to pre-enrollment checks. Such checks shall include,but not limited, to cross checking the validity of the certificates,the criminal history of the employees well as medical clearance(Dickmann, Brewster & Sparrow 2008, p. 56).
3.0Training and development
Inaccordance with our strategic plan, it is the intention of themanagement that all training shall be a planned activity. Employeesrequire appropriate training to ensure the development of skills,abilities and knowledge related to their duties and responsibilities.The training should be conducted in conformance to our organizationalvalues (Evans, Pucik & Björkman 2011, p.45).
4.0Assessment of training needs
Thehuman resource department shall regularly conduct a needs assessmentsurvey of the employees. The department shall create a needsassessment questionnaire for distribution to staff and administrators(Gilmore & Williams 2009, p.67).
Trainingprograms shall target both new and current employees. Training fornew recruits shall orient the employees to the organizationalpolicies as well as to teach knowledge, skills, abilities andattitudes necessary for the efficient execution of their duties.Current employees shall train on the changes in our policies.Additional training shall expand employee skills in mining as well asfoster their upward mobility. The types of training and developmentactivities shall entail technical training, proficiency training,developmental training, in-house and outside training. The humanresource department and the departmental managers shall beresponsible for the training of employees. The human resourcedepartment shall plan, conduct training needs assessments, as well asdesign proficiency and developmental training in conformance to ourorganization’s policies (Mondy, Noe & Gowan 2005, p.32).
5.0Program evaluation
Participantsin training sessions shall be required to complete and submit theircourse evaluations. The results shall assist in evaluating thequality of training and instructions. The results shall provide aninsight on how to design future training programs. Based on theresults, the organization shall decide whether to enhance or cancelthe training (Dessler 2000, p.43).
6.0Performance management
Themanagers in charge of the Beijing site are responsible forperformance management. Consequently, they shall plan and report tothe head office in Australia on a monthly basis. According to Lowe(2007, p.46), the administration is supposed to identify, clarify andagree on the appropriate key performance indicators in the new site.Besides, they are also in charge of determining how the plan shall beachieved and agree on the monitoring process. The management atBeijing is expected to provide the initial feedback to the centraloffice in six months’ time after deployment (Phillips & Gully2014, p.56).
Sixmonths after the identification of the appropriate process to monitorand evaluate the key performance indicators, the management at thehead office requires the project managers to submit a half-yearperformance review and evaluation reports. Afterward, the managementexpects the cycle to continue until the new site is ready foroperations (Kollenz 1997, p. 45).
7.0Rewards and compensation plans
Itis our policy to attract and retain the right talent. The newoperations in Beijing shall extend our competitive remunerationpackage. The human resource department shall conduct a survey ofremunerations across Beijing and come up with a remuneration plan forthe locals. The remuneration package shall be comprehensive toinclude intrinsic and monetary rewards, wages, salaries and overtimecompensation. Besides, the company shall liaise with local insurancecompanies to ensure that all employees have access tocompany-provided medical care. The salary package decisions shallhave priority before the commencement of the recruitment process(Phillips & Gully 2014, p.56).
8.0Expected Challenges from the new program.
Thegreatest challenge shall emanate from leading teams. We anticipateproblems in establishing the overall direction for the project and inparticular, with the Chinese workers. Consequently, we urge ourmanagers to utilize the Direction, Alignment, and Commitment (DAC)model. Lowe (2007, p.118) states that direction will help the groupin ensuring that the group has a clear vision and goal to achieve. aswell as. the time limit required to complete the project. Themanagement is responsible for ensuring that each member of staff isaligned to their responsibilities. Besides, management shall be incharge of ensuring that each member of staff is committed toachieving the overall goal of the company at the new site. Allbarriers to engagement require a thorough address (Dressler 2000,p.43).
9.0Expected benefit from the program
Thegreatest benefit from the program is the ability to diversify ouralready demonstrated success trends. The management is supposed todemonstrate their acquired skills in the new environment. Thesuccessful completion of the project is prone to bring in morerevenue for the company as well as new business connections in themining industry (Mondy, Noe & Gowan2005, p.32).
Dessler, G.(2000). Humanresource management.Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Dickmann, M.,Brewster, C., & Sparrow, P. (2008). Internationalhuman resource management: A European perspective.London: Routledge.
Dowling, P.,Festing, M., & Engle, A. D. (2013).Internationalhuman resource management(6thed).Australia: Cengage Learning.
Evans, P.,Pucik, V., &Björkman, I. (2011). Theglobal challenge: International human resource management.New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin
Gilmore, S.,& Williams, S. (2009). Humanresource management.Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kollenz, K.R. (1997). What kindof training do your expatriates need? A theoretical framework for theselection of an appropriate intercultural training program.Ottawa, ON: University of Ottawa, Faculty of Administration.
Lazarova, M.B., Morley, M., & Tyson, S. (2011). Internationalhuman resource management: Policy and practice.London:Routledge.
Lowe, H.(2007). Stafftraining: By the experts.Monterey, CA: Healthy Learning
Mondy, R. W.,Noe, R. M., & Gowan, M. (2005). Humanresource management.Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Phillips, J.M., & Gully, S. M. (2014). Humanresource management.Mason, OH: South-WesternCengage Learning.