Exam Preparation and Survival Tips essay

ExamPreparation and Survival Tips

1a)Formats Struggled in the past

Multiplechoice exams require critical thinking and in-depth understanding ofinformation. These exams require students to identify a correctanswer from options of three or four incorrect answers known asdistracters. They, therefore, require test takers to select the bestanswer instead of asking the student to produce the right answer fromhis/her understanding. Such questions are common among examinerssince they are reliable, valid, and easy to score. They assess theability to remember isolated pieces of material quickly.

b)Distinct problems encountered multiple choice exams

Sincemultiple choice exams contain many questions, they force students tofamiliarize with a broad range of information. It is especiallycumbersome to cover all the content required of you before the exam.The result of this is usually long study hours and sleepless nightsall in a bid to be adequately prepared for the multiple choiceexamination. Such a strain may be stressful and demoralizing on thepart of the student.

Thesecond problem associated with multiple choice exams is that theyexpect students to be familiar with details like dates, names andvocabulary. As a student, one cannot easily guess or apply generalknowledge on a multiple choice exam. This is further aggravated bythe wide range of material to be covered in preparation for the exam.

Finally,it is a complicated task for a tutor to compile good multiple choicequestions. Students more often than not face risks due to unintendedambiguity by the examiner. It is not uncommon to come across aquestion with two logically possible answers.

c)Techniquesto enhance performance

Toenhance performance in an examination, it is necessary to applyrelevant and efficient techniques before the exam, during the examand after the exam. While preparing for an exam, the first techniqueone can use to make lists and tables as you study your assignedreadings.

Oneshould distinguish the right choice from the distracters. It isimportant, not to just memorize the definitions in the notes sinceexaminers may rephrase words.

Theother technique to use while preparing for the exam is to startreading early since multiple choice exams focus on details, and it’shard to retain a lot of detail. By learning a little every day andallowing time for repeated reviews, one builds a reliable long-termmemory. It is more effective to study for short periods over timerather than one long study. Beginning the study with a review ofpreviously covered material ensure that information stays fresh inour minds thus enhancing the long-term memory. Cramming before thetest should be avoided completely.

Theactual examination day is the most crucial stage of an examination.Therefore, appropriate strategies and techniques to get through thefinish line are important. One technique is always to cover thepossible answers on the examination paper as you read the question toavoid being distracted by the options given by the examiner. Then,uncover the options and choose the predicted answer or its closestalternative. If two responses appear the same, choose the responsethat is most related to the question asked since we are looking fornot only the best answer but also the correct answer.

Thesecond technique during the exam is to clarify the work beforeposting it on the answer sheet. A multiple choice exam does not havean opportunity for partial credit. If you chose the wrong option, theanswer is 100% wrong. While doing this, it is important to allocatetime effectively.

Oncethe exam is over, some techniques can be used to prepare better forfuture tests. Exams are part of life and most of us must face thechallenges involved. It is, therefore, important to maintainconfidence and a positive attitude after the exam.

Finally,after the exam has been graded and returned, it is important to tryand get the reasons why a correct answer is so and also identifyingwhy you missed a question. If performance is not as expected, one mayexamine the method of preparation and adjust to better equipped inthe future.

2)Techniquesbeneficial to accounting career

Acouple of the techniques used to enhance performance in anexamination can also be used later after school in the job market. Asan accountant, details are very crucial in the day to day activities.Simple omissions or errors may lead to huge losses. Techniques usedin preparing for multiple choice exams whereby one can derive key anddetailed information from a wide range of data would come in handywhile contrasting and interpreting accounting information. Secondly,accounting data is very delicate. Special care should be taken whenposting in accounts. Just like the technique used while doing amultiple choice exam, an accountant should check and verifyinformation before posting it. Finally, it is important to reviewnotes regularly or even ask for help. Such a technique will ensurethat one maintains his/her competency and edge as an accountant.