Event Structure in the Media essay

In the media field, adherence to and upholding the system of news reporting are of undeniable importance and use both for the effective construction of information and for the material to be accepted as a socially shared knowledge. As such, it is equally essential that members of the media particularly news reporters or journalists, both in broadcast and print, follow a standard event structure especially in terms of news reporting. In doing so, the nature and underlying principle of the existing event structure in news reporting is strictly followed, performed and that a piece of knowledge is eventually shared by the public.

At the onset, it is in fact a shared or common knowledge that the established framework of new report is characterized by an event structuring where vital components are necessary. Hence, the event structure of news report includes the observance of what is called the five Ws and one H in its lead or first paragraph. This is the case since it is required for an event or any kind of information to be completely discussed and represented in terms of what (topic), where (venue), when (period), why (rationale) and who (personalities) are involved as well as how (process) the event be carried-out.

Also, the event structure of news report requires for a particular style of writing which is the inverted pyramid arrangement. It is through such approach that the event structure of news report is best angled (New Zealand Ministry of Education 1998). The event structure in the media in terms of news report contributes to the importance of socially shared knowledge in order to understand and learn from the reported news. Having a common knowledge about the presented news item is significant in order for the public to relate with and determine the relevance of the reported event.

While it is ideal for news report to be objective, individual perception is inevitably manifested in reporting an event hence it is empirical for the readers to exemplify a socially shared knowledge to ultimately recognize the essence and significance of reported news (Kieran 1998).

List of References

Kieran, M. (1998) Media ethics. New York: Routledge New Zealand Ministry of Education (1998) The Traditional Structure of News Writing [online] available from <http://english. unitecnology. ac. nz/resources/units/paperprod/structure. html> [8 May 2009]