Ethical Responsibilities to Children essay

Taking into consideration the existing plight and alarming predicament involving children around the world, it is an undeniable fact that adults and societies have in some way failed to achieve and perform their essential ethical responsibilities. This failure has apparently resulted into notable sufferings and misfortunes among children. Additionally, because of the vulnerability of children, adults’ neglect of their moral obligations severely affects the overall attributes of the adolescents, the young ones in particular.

Hence, in order to solve adult’s failure to meet their moral responsibilities and eventually alleviate ethical dilemma among children, it is necessary to accept the reality of ethical failure and take actions to stop adults from their irresponsibility and for the ultimate performance of the ethical obligations towards children. This is for the reason that beyond adults’ ethical responsibilities to children is the necessity for mature people to be at the frontline and lead the young ones to their right path.

This holds true for children who require to be protected and be spared from any harsh realities of life. These conditions will, in turn, pave the way for adults’ moral obligations to be realized and for children’s interests to be served until such time that the latter become adult themselves and are passed on with the same ethical responsibilities. While children have specific needs and demands, their condition and limitation generally require that they are not taken advantage of, abused and regarded with cruelty by adults.

It is also a common responsibility of adults to prevent and conquer poverty, malnutrition, ignorance and inequality among children (Hanson 2). This is because children are regarded as the most helpless and susceptible people in this world and it the fundamental responsibility to look after and care for them is inherent to those who are more powerful – the adults. The Necessity of Ethical Responsibilities to Children The childhood stage is a distinct and important phase in the life cycle of human. Hence, it is vital for adults and the society to give children a secure, well, encouraging and reactive environment.

Additionally, adults and the communities are dedicated to promote children’s progress and regard for people’s diversity as well as assist them to learn to exists and operate courteously and eventually encourage among them the importance of health, self-consciousness, proficiency, personal value and flexibility (Illinois Institute of Technology). The National Association for the Education of Young Children or NAEYC has identified the following ideals and principles in relation to the ethical responsibilities of adults and the society to children.

These include the necessity for people and communities to be accustomed with the knowledge foundation of initial childhood care and learning as well as to maintain existing and ongoing learning and in-service education. It is also required to establish program procedures in the areas of child growth and similar disciplines and which are based on the specific mental ability of every child. Additionally, it is necessary to recognize and value the distinctiveness and the varying abilities of children.

The formation and preservation of secure and healthy surroundings which promote their overall growth as well as regard their pride and inputs are equally essential. It is likewise one of adults’ ethical responsibilities to children to support their privilege to have fun and know childhood programs which are in harmony with their interests. It is also ideal for children with disabilities to be accorded with similar environments where they can join if they are not disabled.

Lastly, the ethical obligation necessitates adults to guarantee that children with disabilities are admitted to correct and suitable support services as well as support the sources which will give the most fitting surroundings for both normal and disabled children (National Association for the Education of Young Children 2-3). Meanwhile, since school institutions are children’s second home, it is significant for childhood educators or school officials to have a contribution to this effort.

This is because those who educate have big and direct implications to the lives of the children hence these concerned have obligations more to children and their families which are outside the NAEYC’s Code of Ethical Conduct (National Association for the Education of Young Children). In view of the above-mentioned ethical responsibilities to children, it is indeed necessary to acknowledge and regard them as priority concerns.

This is because failure to put the said obligations into reality is similar to breaking the advocacy to provide and maintain a general worldwide ethics of responsibility for the future generations. Most importantly, it is essential to be aware of the distinctive needs and demands of children from which the actions to be taken by adults and the society will be based. This goes to say that ethical responsibilities to children should not be subjected to failure in order for the young generation to achieve their potentialities and eventually be ideal members of the society in the future.

Additionally, since children’s demands and requirements vary, it would be worthy for adults and the society to recognize a general standard of ethical responsibilities around the world. In doing so, there would be no room for failure and that specific need of all children will be addressed. In effect, appropriately carrying out the mentioned ethical responsibilities will lead to a better outcome in terms of children’s attributes. The necessity of ethical responsibilities to children is, therefore, viewed as a positive effort to correctly establish the overall characteristics of each child.

Ultimately, the need to achieve such moral obligations will eventually benefit both the children and adults as significant members of the society.

Work Cited

“Code of Ethical Conduct. ” 2004. National Association for the Education of Young Children. 9 October 2008 <http://www. naeyc. org/about/positions/ethics04. asp>. “Code of Ethical Conduct. ” 2004. National Association for the Education of Young Children. 9 October 2008 <http://www. naeyc. org/about/positions/pseth98. asp>.

Hanson, Kirk. “The Plight of Children: Are We Meeting Our Responsibility to Children. ” 22 July 2004. Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. 9 October 2008 <http://www. scu. edu/ethics/practicing/focusareas/global_ethics/iac-children. html>. Illinois Institute of Technology. “National Association for Education of young children. ” 2008. Center for the Study of Ethics in the Profession at IIT. 9 October 2008 <http://ethics. iit. edu/codes/coe/nat. assoc. edu. youngchild. html>.