Ethical Perspective essay

The importance of ethics in the work area is very critical for growth and development. Ethics helps us determine what is right from wrong. This congregates the overall approach concerning the right utilization and application of proper principles. Ethical decisions used are critical formulations of determining awareness, articulation and application. Ethical decisions root from these three main factors. Being able to incorporate awareness is a significant aspect of ethics. Being aware about issues and situations occurring within an environment can help assist in coming up with ethical decisions.

Awareness negates innocence which also promotes knowledge of the truth and knowledge about what is right and what is wrong. Articulation is also an important factor with regards to ethical decisions. Being able to articulate well with people leads up to proper communication and prevention of misunderstandings. Articulation assists in voicing out one’s own principles. Failing to be articulate regarding one’s side on an ethical issue is like being mummed from taking a course of action that one can actually act upon. Articulation greatly helps out in creating a sense of presence.

Lastly, application, this is the most important aspect of ethical decisions. An applied ethical decision is the most effective course of action. Being able to apply in real life, the principles that underly one’s own disposition helps in creating a more sensible course of ethical action. The phrase “action speaks louder than words” fits this factor perfectly. Proving the worth of one’s own ethical perspectives through application is the best form of showcase that concerns ethics and principles. Basically, ethics leads man to greatness and correctness in life.

“The search for excellence begins with ethics. Every time a person chooses between alternatives, the choice is based on assumptions that lie at the heart of a moral code. The code is grounded in values that provide the framework for principled reasoning and ethical decisions. ” (Guy, 1990, p. 3). With regards to the four ethical perspectives: Character/virtue, Obligation/deontology, Results/utilitarianism, and Equity/relativism, I have my own ethical takes on all of them. Indeed, not all is of equal priority. There is the most important and the least important perspective for me.

Basically, I believe that they are not of similar status with regards to my Ethical awareness. The highest priority on my ethics inventory is ‘Results/Utilitarianism’, this aspect is very important because I believe that every action acted upon should be well thought off due to the consequences that each action may incur. The importance of knowing the possible results of my actions is a very critical aspect regarding my ethical perspective. Thinking about the results of my actions is an act of being more aware and more considerate of people that will be affected by these actions.

Thinking ahead is my own form of realizing things that may occur if I act upon a certain decision. Thus, ‘Results’ greatly matter due to the weight of its effects to people and with my work. I believe that by providing positive results, the common good of the people can be easily achieved. Character/Virtue is not as equally important for me with regards to results. A certain person’s character can easily change by help of different influences from different factors. Thus, for me, thinking of character as a main priority is not going to happen.

Thinking of ‘Character’ ahead of other things may sound egoistic in nature. Indeed, there is also a positive regarding this ethical perspective. One’s character can greatly develop through proper choices of what is right and what is wrong. A person who carry good traits are perceived as an ideal person, someone worth following as an example. But then again, what’s character without action? Results still tops Character for me. Obligation is also an ethical perspective that plays a role in everyday situations. This mainly focuses on loyalty and responsibility.

In a workplace, this ethical perspective is shown in the form of employees being keen on following rules and regulations and working diligently with regards to the mission and vision of the company. It is ethical to work by faithfully abiding the rules. For me, it is a very basic perspective but one need not to fully follow someone’s rules just to achieve moral goodness. Not everything in an office or workplace can be concluded as done in the right way. Sometimes, some bosses instruct some negative things to his/her employees which sometimes breaks the barrier of moral correctness.

Lastly, Equity, this is the ethical perspective that relates to people who believe that there is no downright standards between right and wrong. People who fall on this type of ethical perspective are the ones who rely on others’ beliefs. There is no consistency with regards to people who prioritize this ethical perspective. Most people who fall under this category are the ones who have difficulty following the code of ethics due to their insistent demand regarding the inexistence of right and wrong.

In a workplace, three issues are more commonly able to happen: difference of beliefs, clashing of egos, and rule-bending. In a typical workplace, there is a common notion of misunderstandings regarding certain issues. These misunderstandings arise due to difference of beliefs. Basically, the problem revolves around one disagreeing with another’s own take on what is right and what is wrong. Thus, ending up with a quarrel. These types of issues are typical because not everyone may have the same beliefs and principles in life.

As per with my ethical style, I believe that one can have difficulty making the correct decision of what is right from wrong if he/she does not possess good moral character in the first place. I also believe that there are social inequities in the society, thus, it would be hard for people to achieve equal virtues that I have already developed. I also believe that acquiring these virtues will take a long time and shall lead to a slow pace of development. With this, I may have issues with people who does not have the equal virtues that I have and may lead up to further misunderstandings.

Integrity is my main focus and many may use it as a word but for me, only some can live up to it. There is a great deal with regards to integrity, because this almost sums up all of the important traits that compose a good and morally correct individual. To sum it all up, everyone has their own ethical perspectives and priorities, but not all are similar with their takes. Nonetheless, the aspect of ethical conduct is being followed in every aspect of the four perspectives. For me, the importance of Results is very critical due to its overall impact.

My take on ethics is that one must be fully aware of what is right from wrong and must apply it in the possible way because ethics is the main tool that guides us with our morals and principles. “If ethical choices are those that produce good or bad results, we constantly learn from the reaction of others.

When we make a choice that, is criticized by a parent, sibling, teacher, friend, or employer, we often give an excuse or an explanation which, if not accepted, means that significant others find we did not follow the accepted moral code of conduct.We learn partly by observing others and partly from adverse reactions to the way we have acted. ” (McDowell, 2000, p. 98).


Ethical Perspectives. Retrieved September 29, 2008, from <http://www. mgmtguru. com/mgt301/301_Lecture4Page2. htm>. Guy, M. E. (1990). Ethical Decision Making in Everyday Work Situations. Westport, CT: Quorum Books. McDowell, B. (2000). Ethics and Excuses: The Crisis in Professional Responsibility. Westport, CT: Quorum Books.