Effects of Industrialization and Imperialism in Europe essay

Industrialization and imperialism in the era of the First World War is used to describe the growth and colonial expansion adopted by the Europe’s powers during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The imperialism was used for various forms of political control by greater power over fewer territories. During this period there was competition for overseas territories and racial superiority, which denied fitness for the self-government. (Hopkins, A. G 77) The Influence Of Industrialization and Imperialism in Europe

In the 20th century they had developed economic and political and they had a dominance of “Monopolistic finance capital in most advanced countries”. There was a marked adoption of supremacy and ultra-nationalistic attitude; which saw a major shift to the expansion of colonialism that excluded rivals economically from certain markets. (Mendels, F. , 241) During this time there was profound changes that led to Napoteon defeat at Water 100. The population growth was 200 million before the war and the numbers stood at 450 million.

The Europeans lived in the villages but labored in the land. In 1914, certain states that were industrialized, subsidized education, sponsored and encouraged scientific research, monitored industry and went towards the enhancement of the provision of social welfare care. The western nation had the power to extend their influence in southwest and East Asia. All these changes were catapulted and accelerated by the change of trends that were deeply rooted in Europe’s past.

The Scientific and technological developments were built on a foundation dating to the middle Ages and there were artistic movements unique intellectual that characterized Europe since the twelve century. (Hopkins, A. G 79) Expansion of groups such as factory workers and woman For their political rights and equality. Industrialization in Europe and Japan had risen up to Canada, Russia as agriculture had altered the human condition. It also brought about the imperial rivalry that endured up in African countries and by 1914 only Ethiopia and Liberia remained outside the European control.

It’s also believed that colonial expansion saw Italy borrow capital because it was less industrialized. The European exploration in Africa began with ancient Greek and Romans and later settled in West Africans by the 19th century. Social Impacts It gave rise to new social view of colonialism for example Rudyard Kipling urged of bringing the European version of civilization to the other people of the world, while social Darwinism became new in the Western Europe.

Many elites of Europe found advantage in the formal expansion overseas, where large monopolies in the financial and industrial sectors were seeking support for their investments overseas against competition and domestic political apprehension abroad. (Persson, G. G. , 44) The military officers desired promotions increased profits in their businesses and also wanted the high office positions. The Socialist International Congress concluded that the colonial people to be taken up by the socialist European government that led to independence. On the other hand it had its disadvantages.

Examples of these include social dislodgment, overcrowded urban centers, lack of housing, the over-exploitation of workers, child labor, rise in the gap between the rich and the poor and environmental pollution. They worked for low wages for long hours and they were forced from rural areas because of land shortages due to massive population growth. (Hopkins, A. G 119) The rural families moved to the urban centers where parents and children as young as five years old worked. Eventually, the British government realizing the effects discarded its commitment and passed laws towards protecting the workers in factories workers.

Economic Impact During the 19th and 20th century, there were steam engines and machines which were enhancing the production of textiles, speeding up of transportation and the production of variety of other industrial goods. There was abundant labor supply, strong domestic and overseas markets and enough capital for their business. This also came with a sound banking system for them to save and invest good transportation for their goods and themselves that improved their standards of living and favorable climate for their businesses. (Thompson, E. P 120)

Industrialization and imperialism had spread from England to Europe by the 19th century and larger forms of business organizations such as corporations, monopolies and cartels and introduction of petroleum and electricity. During this period their economic standards was rising and they were sure of a guaranteed economy (it was stable). They marked their products worldwide and investors took control of the railroads, oil wells mines and factories. Due to this massive business growth Europe and United states had dominion over the world’s wealth and resources.

The impact of industrialization on economic meant the transformation of countries populations from being predominantly in rural areas to urban areas. (Persson, G. G. , 98) Impact on political power After dominating for so long the European’s political supremacy was waning world over and Great Britain no longer ruled its thirteen North American territories and other countries like Portugal or Spain. Several European states outlawed the slave trade and were scared of their business abroad that they had supported.

Due to this decline of power the parliament passed law to protect workers at the factory and miners especially children from exploitation hence parliamentary committees held hearing from workers Due to several changes during the first world war some of the African colonies of Europeans countries for example Egypt formed very strong government that led to formation of laws that had to protect their people. (Persson, G. G. , 115) Conclusion Industrialization and Imperialism brought a lot of change to Europe for example new laws were formed to protect the factory workers and the individual rights.

Due to industrialization in Europe their businesses were expanded and there were more investors to invest that led to improvement of their living standards.

Work cited:

Hopkins, A. G: British Imperialism: Innovation and Expansion 1688 – 1914; Longman, 1993. 111-119. Thompson, E. P. : The Making of the English Working Class: (1963). 112-125 Persson, G. G. , Pre-industrial economic growth: social organization and technological Progress in Europe 1988,44-67 Mendels, F. , “Proto-industrialization: the first phase of the industrialization process,” Journal of Economic History, 32 (1972): 241-61