Present day school environments are increasingly becoming more intricate and diverse where each child in spite of his or her background, status or abilities is expected to be educated and achieve high performance. Schools are as well expected to set high standards of education and have a vision of success for each and every child. In this current world where there is rapid changes and high technology innovations, the society is becoming oriented more and more to technology and students have to attain knowledge and expertise that will assist them attain success in their school as well as in their life.
However as Lambert (2003) notes, education reforms have lead to a pressing requirement for a dynamic emphasis on formulating educational instructional skills which can lead to formulation of a philosophy which can result in good teaching as well as success for all students. The ever increasing diversity among students in schools gives schools leaders a challenge to formulate a vision and a philosophy to enable all students to succeed in their learning.
As such there is need for schools leaders to use their communication skills, create collaborations and involve the community in ensuring that their vision is realized. In this brief research paper we shall try and formulate a philosophy that school leaders can follow to ensure that each and every student does succeeds in his or her studies. Formulating a vision to succeed The foundation of each successful organization is effective leadership, thus for all students to succeed in a school, there should be effective leadership in the school.
The effective leader will collaborate with all the stakeholders to famulate a vision and establish an environment for students to attain their highest level of success. The leader should mobilize resources while at the same time encourage collaborative activities amongst all partners to accomplish the school’s goals. The school leader should understand his/her own strengths in order to attract other teachers to promote the school’s capabilities. At the same time, the school leader needs to promote and focus the strengths of all teaches to attain the shared vision of the school.
Change should be seen as a chance presented to enable the school to grow and not as an obstacle to the school growth. In addition to that, the school principal or leader should be able to lead the school through the changes and seek for advice and/or counsel to find out from the experiences and understanding of others whilst freely offering their know-how to those who want. Fullan (2001) explains that, this will ensure that there is an environment that can ensure that students achieve their best Creating a philosophy for success
In reply to the asked question of creating a philosophy that will make all students achieve high success in their education, the keenness for an answer starts with formulating research-founded questions. Such as, what are the difficulties? How can such difficulties be resolved? Which challenges are there in creating effective school leadership? And more importantly how can a school leader carryout change required for all students to succeed? First and foremost is to outline difficulties which can hinder the success of students and then create a philosophy.
Such difficulties are created by: 1. The school vision and also mission 2. Effectuating positive changes in schools 3. Community participation 4. The school culture regarding diversity 5. How educational policies are implemented 6. Inclusion (Costa & Garmston, 1994) In regard to the vision and the mission of the school, the school has to carefully define and correctly implement these binding accords. Thus, as Costa & Garmston (1994) observes that, there is need to constantly review the school vision and mission to be inline with the changing times and the goals of the school.