Does Death Scare? essay

Death can generally be described as the loss of life or termination of the living nature of an organism or individual. It is a moment when one permanently loses his or her consciousness and thus described as one whose life has come to an end. This is mainly physical rather than spiritual. This argument follows the contention of the tripartite nature of man namely the body, soul and spirit. In this case, the body takes the physical creation of God which has direct relationship with the world and other people.

Through the spirit, man has the sense of worship to God and this part is eternal for it incorporates the non-physical aspect with a different kind of materiality. Lastly is the soul which comprises the conscious and unconscious parts that carries all emotions and will of man (http://www. christian-faith. com). It is from this tripartite nature of human beings that it is strongly believed that it is only the body that is short lived as opposed to the spirit part of man which is eternal.

With the greater percentage of the world population being religious and having the acknowledgement of the existence of a supreme being, death is real but it is not eternal for many religions like Islam and Christianity believe in “Life After Death”. In the situation of death, one has no any encounter with pain or trouble since the consciousness of life and feelings are no longer in existence and thus can be termed as a situation of indescribable peace. In possession of such knowledge, death is thus something worth appreciating rather than being feared.

In the following essay, I assert that I am not scared of death. Life after Death It is a famous belief of continuation of life again after the physical death of man but in a new world mainly derived from religion and metaphysics. This continued existence is said to be spent by mankind in the spiritual realms rather than the normal physical world of human life. This afterlife is determined by God and is compulsory for each and every human being as long as s/he has been conceived. The destination of this life is depended on the kind of life and deeds of oneself as he lives on earth.

Various religions hold slightly different if not similar believes in the afterlife. Consideration of Islam and Christian religions can offer an insight into this belief. To begin with, Islam Qur’an states it that paradise is Jannah while hell is Jahannam where man will go after the Day of Judgment by Allah when they will have resurrected. The comfort in the grave wholly depends on one’s belief in God and adherence to His teachings. It is clear in Islam that man was created purposely to be kind to the other human beings as well as worship to Allah.

The life on earth is a continuum test of man so as to determine the ultimate everlasting and eternal destiny of man and his judgment or reward come the final day (Afterlife, 2007). Christian religion is another developer of life after death. They believe and trust that a time will come when man will rise again from among the dead and stand before the seat of throne of Jehovah God for judgment. Jesus, the Christian savior, told the Pharisees and the Sadducees that the dead saints will rise and be transformed to be like angels of heaven.

Christians maintain it that a time shall come when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, Jesus, where the faithful will awaken from their graves to everlasting joy while the wicked to eternal condemnation. It is thus evident from the arguments of these two religions that death is not everlasting but life is eternal and thus no cause to be scared of death. The Scary Part of Death As described in the introduction, death is the physical termination of the physical body life. In real life situation, death occurs in various forms and is caused by various things and thus can either be a sudden event or a process.

For instance death may result from an accident, illness, earthquake or even robbery attack. In this case, the death resulting from things like earthquakes may be sudden in many times but sometimes may take sometime. In the same note, other causes of death may trigger sudden or procedural death event when death occurs in a sudden event like an earthquake, the pain of death is normally not felt by the culprit. As opposed to this is a procedural death as the one that results from illness like malaria.

In this case, the affected person undergoes the various stages as the disease takes him/her while experiencing all the pains and aches involved. Since this affects the physical body, it is usually traumatizing and painful upon the body of the person. This explains how or the form death occurs in an individual. Since this ushers in the moment of peace and rest from the various problems of the world, what should scare one is the part of how and the kind of situation in which it comes upon an individual but not the death itself.

In reference to the religion point of view, the situation of death determines a lot the afterlife destiny as either eternal joy or eternal trouble. Islam religion is for the opinion that the life of man on earth is a platform of preparation and shaping of an individual’s destiny in the afterlife. If death finds one in a situation allowing him or her to enter the eternal joy, death is welcome but incase one is not in a position to allow him/her enter this joy and rest, death would threaten and scare him/her. Age and Death These two could be said to be related in a way.

Death is mainly abundant among the aged who can be said to have spent most of their years and time and thus ready to rest. The elderly in most of the times are people who care less about further life on earth mainly because they have encountered and tried many things in life. Due to this, life tends to be monotony to them especially when left alone and cannot contribute much of economic substance to the society. In addition, the elderly turn into people who after having all the experience in life want to live only to please their maker and be at peace with Him.

This is because of the consciousness of death approaching after the cycle of life has taken its course. It thus comes into mind that one can also see the days he or she has spent on earth and start preparing for the journey to the rest and undisturbed peace. This comes naturally as the elderly people are aware that death is the next option in life as a stage of human life. Since these people can also not support themselves any longer in life, death takes its course leaving behind nothing to mourn for among the elderly. It is in this opinion that death is seen as an act of mercy from God.

Being considerate and all knowing, he takes from among the elderly the physical consciousness so as to free mankind from any pain and trouble. Death as a Solution Being physically away from any kind of problem gives some sort of solution and answer to the problem. Death comes to terminate the physical existence of individuals from the world thus regarded as a solution to many problems encountered by people in life. Suicides have been evident among various individuals undergoing various problems like financial, family and more acute social relationship problems.

Many people commit suicide so as to get away from the world of problems that they are undergoing. Some people see death as a contributor to the solution of scarce scientific resources. This is because the dead bodies could be used in laboratory tests in scientific research and exploration (Eleanor, 1997). Janov (1983) agrees with this by claiming that given the right circumstances, death is a stamped solution to relieve birth trauma and pains. Conclusion Death only affects the physical body but not the inner man.

If this death finds one in a prepared manner, death is nothing to worry about since assurance of peace and rest is at hand. Since the elderly are the most vulnerable, death is part of life that is planned by God for purposes of resting them from the hardships of life. More encouraging is the aspect of life after death. This gives assurance of a new life for all and thus death is a transformation between lives. The before death life gives one a chance to determine the kind of life s/he wants later after death.

It is therefore generally acceptable that death should not be feared but the main attention should be given to the preparation stages of the death. This allows for good death situations thus giving a guarantee of better life after death.


Hamilton, E. , (1997). Finding Peace in Death. England: Articles Archive Afterlife (2007). Retrieved, 8th May, 2010. http://www. oxfordislamicstudies. com/article/opr/t125/e61? _hi=2&_pos=1 International Bible Society (1984), New International Version. England: Clays Ltd. Janov, A. , (1983). The Lifelong Effects of the Birth Experience. London: Oxford U