Designing a Training Program essay

Designinga Training Program

Trainingcan be described as any planned event meant to modify or transferknowledge, attitudes and skills through learning experiences. Thereasons behind training are quite vast. For instance, it is supposedto educate personnel on newer technologies to maintain aknowledgeable workforce. Training helps maintain competence levels aswell as respond to the changing demands [ CITATION Bie10 l 1033 ].Inthat regard, establishing a training program is quite vital in manysettings especially in an organization. A detailed training programencompasses

  • Staff development

  • Training of new members of staff who have never been involved in that particular work

  • Training of new members of staff who might be experienced but not in that particular style or method

  • Professional development means gaining of skills and knowledge for next level expertise. Professional development may include

  • Attending conferences

  • Graduate or college courses

  • Workshops or field-generated courses

  • Study circles

Developmentof employees is quite crucial such that organizations lend theirsupport for the same. Some of the support is shown through cateringfor a portion of the tuition fees, travel reimbursement forconferences, registration fees and release time for particulartraining events. It is paramount that training programs incorporateall members of a particular organization i.e. staff andadministrators.

Designinga training program may be quite hectic since it involves quite someitems. So many aspects have to be taken into consideration. In thatrespect, this particular paper is meant to develop a training programrunning for two days involving twenty employees. So as to adequatelydesign the program, it is mandatory to establish the proficiencylevels of all the staff involved. For example, are all the workersacclimatized to the organization’s matters? What are theproductivity levels? What is the prospected outcome after training?The paper will identify some of the training needs and providejustification for the approach used.

TrainingNeeds Analysis (TNA)

TrainingNeeds Analysis can be described as a systemic assessment of theeducation needs within a corporation. It integrates training withdevelopment plans of a company. It also gives information abouttraining as well as skills development requirements. The assessmentis mostly done before training commences. It is done to establish therequirements of the company or rather what is prerequisite to improvethe organization. A good example is when a new technology isrealized, and upgrade is needed. Apart from that, a directive toadjust certain features can be made by the government forcing thecompany to adhere to the same. For instance, a regulation onaddressing climate change may force a company to offer to train onthe same. In that regard, Training Needs Analysis is done to addressvarious facets in an organization [ CITATION Jud10 l 1033 ].

Atraining need assessment has to consider the business needs, methods,cost, current competencies, and effectiveness. Conducting theanalysis is quite important. Without an appropriate analysis,training may address wrong competencies, utilize inappropriateexercise mechanisms or even educate the wrong individuals. TheTraining Needs Analysis has to establish why training is necessary,to whom it has to be offered, how it is given, cost implication andthe anticipated outcomes [ CITATION Abb12 l 1033 ].

Needswithin the organization are quite vast. One such need is improvingthe technological know-how of employees. Since the advent oftechnology, many things have been changing rapidly. Some technologieshave eased the means of conducting businesses, and hence, employeesneed to be updated on the same. In that regard, ensuring workers arewell acclimatized to the current technologies is vital. It improvesthe personnel’s knowledge and skills thereby heightening theproductivity levels. Current technologies include E-health wherebyemployees seek medical attention using the internet platform [ CITATION Ski13 l 1033 ].

Communicationskills are sometimes ignored, yet they are the cornerstone of anysuccessful organization. Some employees do not know how to addresseach other, their bosses or even customers. In such scenarios, it isimportant to educate employees on appropriate communication skills sothat damning issues do not arise. In this particular program, thetraining will be based on technology and communication skills withinan organization. Communication skills will involve the differentkinds of communication i.e. between employees, their bosses, andcustomers. The customer employee relation can also be referred to aspublic relations. Front office training is associated withcommunication skills. Such aspects have to be taught to ensurecordial relationships exist across various stakeholders of thecompany. Other training needs involve, educating new members onoperations of the company and passing on knowledge on matters such asfirst aid among others [ CITATION MSH10 l 1033 ].

Theabove-mentioned needs ought to give a positive outcome to be entirelyrelied on the company. A well-structured Training Needs Analysis hasto encompass

  • Determination of desired results i.e. establishing the goals of training like improving workers morale, the speed of services and customer satisfaction among others.

  • Should link the anticipated results with the behavior of employees i.e. account for workers’ competencies like skills, knowledge and qualities.

  • Establish trainable competencies

  • Assess the qualities and performance gaps by conducting surveys, interviews, tests and customer feedbacks among others.

  • Establish the ratio of employees in need of training i.e. which training is most vital. By doing so, priority can be given to the neediest case.

  • Establish the means of conducting the training i.e. e-learning, academic programs, books, conferences and coaching among others

  • Effective assessment of the cost implications and the impact on the organization

  • Evaluation of the training program is also crucial since it relays the effectiveness of the practice.


Atraining strategy mainly entails vision, direction, focus, and actionfor training and development within a corporation. It needs executionto attain success. The training strategy has to be aligned with thecompany’s vision.

Theparticular training program will address the technological gap andcommunication barriers found within the organization. The prospectedoutcomes and costs are as given below. In addition to that, thetwo-day program will entail the following activities.


Proposed training

How the company will benefit

Number of employees to be trained

Cost of training

Technological advancements

Health issues will be reported promptly

Advertisements will be improved



Communication skills

Cordial relations among stakeholders of the company



Thecost of training technological adjustments is about $9000 whereas forcommunication skills is around $2000. The costs involve bothdemonstration equipment and instructors. As shown in the table below,the program tends to address two technological aspects as well ascommunication improvements. Each piece of activity is allocatedadequate time to relay the necessary information effectively.


Morning session

Afternoon session


Day 1

9am -10am



E-health introduction i.e. benefits and need among others

E-commerce i.e. utilization of mobile phones to conduct advertisements

Introduction to communication skills (horizontal and vertical communication)




Discussions among trainees on E-health

Discussion about communication


Lunch Break plus interaction with instructors

Day 2




An in-depth study on how E-health operates

In-depth study on E-commerce and its functionality

In-depth study of communication skills plus practical demonstrations




Demonstration by employees

Discussions among


Lunch Break and interaction with instructors


Asearlier explained, training is meant to improve the company invarious aspects. The main objective of this program is to improvecustomer relations and skills on current technologies. Achieving thisobjective heightens company’s productivity as well as customerrelations. The general outcome ought to boost the company evenfurther regarding reaching the set goals. The employee will havevital information concerning technology and even improve theirflexibility. The customers, on the other hand, will appreciate thereception. Additionally, cordial relations will exist among theemployees and management.


Theemployees will be trained in a one-on-one criterion. Attending to theemployees in a face-to-face technique helps the workers grasp theinformation even better. Though E-Learning reaches a wider scope, itis not as effective as direct contact. The 20 employees will behandled in a one-on-one mechanism thereby any questions that mightarise are handled instantly.

Asentailed in the training program, the instructors are meant toenlighten the workers on current technologies as well as theimportance of adequate communication. The program also gives room fordiscussions among the trainees on the topics. Questions relating tothe topics will also be addressed imminently. On the last afternoon,the trainees will undergo tests to establish whether the informationis well grasped. Certification of the same will be provided if theypass the tests. The trainees will also be given a chance todemonstrate whatever they have grasped during the period.

Oncethe exercise is over, the lessons can be implemented immediately inthe organization. An effective plan has to incorporate a feedbackmechanism i.e. investigating the efficiency of the program. Gaugingthe results involves interviewing customers, top management and allindividuals related to the appropriate training.


Trainingand development is a crucial component in an organization. It isvastly involved in the growth of a company in numerous ways. Apartfrom ensuring employees as well as top management are up-to-date, itchampions cordial relations among stakeholders of a particularcorporation. As a matter of fact, governments in different countriesenact training as a core requirement within their various arms.Technology is one the most common component that requires continuousmonitoring. A company can lag behind if current technologies are notmonitored. Employees, as well as top management, have to becontinuously involved in technological advancements that relate tothe specific corporation.

Cordialrelations also need to be addressed. It directly affects customers aswell as interrelations between workers. Workers can be demoralized ifthey are treated badly by their managers. In that respect,communication skills are quite crucial when it comes to running anyorganization. The above program tends to dwell on certaincommunication skills aspects as well as technological advancements.If well grasped, improvements within the organization would berealized.


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