Creatinga Multimodal Text
Importanceof Literacy Narratives
Startingfrom the nature and structure of literacy narratives, they aregenerally extended essays that trace and reflect about the definitionof the author concerning literacy and the way the definition developsinto a strong tool in his personal learning as well as the society.To be more specific about the definition, literacy extends to go pastthe connotation concerning the capability of reading or writing(Varga‐Dobai77). This is because it goes deeper into explaining the way peopleread and learn about their environment and modes of life. Theextended means of defining literature incorporates home literacy,faith literacy, workplace literacy, sports, music, meals as well asthe comprehensive social literacy. Literacy narratives, therefore,enables us to think about our values, traditions, conventions, normsas well as the terminology that provide a precise definition of ourliteracy.
Inexplaining the significance of literacy narratives towards ourunderstanding of the environment, Varga‐Dobai(79) stated that literacy narratives are our individual narrationsconcerning the advancement of our thought in the way we judge theworld. He added by saying that literacy narratives provide a deep andreflective discovery concerning the advancement of our lives, whichcome because of our precise understanding of the background of thetext. The oral, visual, cultural, as well as the written text,establish appropriate images in our brains that lead the societytowards an understanding of the environment and the way our cultureand modes of life have transformed (Lejano et al. 63). The textscomprise of our individual backdrops that shade light on how thesociety exists, thinks, and eventually the attitudes towards anunderstanding of different disciplines (Alexander 44). Most importantto note is excellent processing and interpretation of the previousliteracy encounters, builds our capability of entering new fields ofknowledge in an effective manner. An appreciation of the variousnarratives that describe our lives as well as the way ideas havedeveloped in the respective narratives enables us to enter new fieldsof knowledge with the right feelings and attitudes. Therefore,literacy narratives as mentioned by Lejano et al. (65) are fluids andvibrant part of what the society is, how the society interprets theworld and the surroundings, hence makes them very important for us.
Apartfrom passing useful knowledge that directs the society towards abrighter future by linking the past and the present, literacynarratives are a source of personal entertainment. This is becauseliteracy narratives draw an image and provide a description of ourenvironment in a manner that helps us to imagine the invisible worldand how we can make the invisible world visible. For example, indescribing the belief of the society regarding heaven and earth, theliterature work enables the reader to imagine that he is in heaven,which makes the description unique and entertaining. Bosangit andDemangeot (210) asserts that at times, our effort to make ourselvesfamiliar with the past and present installs a hobby that finallydevelops into an important source of entertainment. Literalnarratives play the dual role of educating and entertaining hencemost preferred especially for children. This drives to the fact thatliteracy narratives can be important in strengthening relationshipsor bonds between children and parents thus strengthening the society.They are a facility for communicating the important values tochildren and the adverse effects of certain undesirable behaviors orpractices.
AuthorProfile and Rhetorical Analysis (Elaine Richardson)
Richardsonis a child from a poor family that lived in Cleveland in Ohio State.She has an origin from both America as well as Jamaica. Her teenagetime was full of trouble in that she engaged in the consumption ofalcohol, drug abuse apart from being a rape victim. However, afterthe numerous mysteries, she decided to join the school as a means ofchanging her lifestyle. In school, she developed an interest instudying language (Richardson 675). After that, her life turned intoa successful story when she transformed from a village girl to anundergraduate, graduate and finally a Ph.D. holder. Currently,Richardson is a prominent author as well as a co-author of theAssociation of American Black-language. She also trained at theUniversity of Pennsylvania and Minnesota.
Richardsonnarrative provides a high motivation to the reader concerningperseverance towards the problems we face in the world or the paththat one can follow to achieve the desired change (Richardson 675).The difficult moments that the author went through until her currentposition establish a clear image on how much we should sacrifice forus to become successful. Her current position enabled her to knowthat her voice can spread easily and therefore, has affection onindividuals that read her narratives or understand her life history.In essence, it is not easy to achieve similar success as Richardson.Therefore, a good interpreter will read her narratives and learn howto overcome her personal problems that inhibit him from achievingsuccess while understanding that it is difficult to encounter thesame difficulties like the author.
Richardsonwriting style is very simple and easier for the reader to imagine.She uses direct language and common terminologies that are easier forthe reader to follow. The importance of her lesson as she grew from avery low level in the society, her objective is to make every readerunderstand the message (Alders 115). Despite the use of some informalwords, it is simple for the reader to interpret the message conveyed.Richardson also divided her narrative into particular periods thatcontain varied situations but established a good relationship betweenthe events to prevent confusion. She provided a clear description ofthe way she met tutors, professors as well as the conditions thatprevailed. In addition, Richardson demonstrated massive directness inthe sentence structure to provoke emotions about the situation thatmakes the reader feel that she is in the story or was viewing herwhen she faced the problems (Alders 116). For example, the use offirst person singular “I” that Richardson relied on her narrativecreates a sense of sympathy in the reader because it draws the readerinto the story. In essence, it will create a sense that the reader isthe one narrating rather than the author. For example, in hernarrative, Richardson pointed that she met many Whites but did notrespect her, which reveals the low status that she was as well as theproblems she was facing. Therefore, it is easier to feel this case ofunfairness.
Connectionsbetween Richardson and my Literacy
Theliteracy narrative of Richardson directly reflects my personalexperience regarding the difficulties that I had to overcome before Istarted seeing the path towards success. I thus, believe insimplicity and always eager to share my difficult moments with myaudience. My narratives focus on shading light regarding the requiredfeelings and attitudes that are necessary for success just likeRichardson. Drawing images is also crucial for me to enable thereader to participate in the narrative rather than using aninformative style that might be boring. Every event or episode in myliteracy narrative, I believe should influence the reader to developan interest in the next to get the message completely. This perhapslinks directly to the approaches adopted by Richardson in herliteracy.
Inmy writing, simplicity is a crucial factor in revealing thedifficulties that I faced and the journey that I took to transformmyself from a poorly performing student, with numerous referrals to ahighly promising narrator with a bright future. I cannot forget theshocks, the disappointments, the loss of leisure time, the inabilityto socialize well with my well-performing colleagues as well as theinferiority after every failure. The feeling of isolation covered melike a huge cloud in the sky and the misery together with thediscomfort strike me like thunder. I kept imagining but later I hadto turn around and change. My great concentration and change in thestudy style, coupled with strict adherence to the instructionsprovided by my professor later turned me into a successful narratorproducing attractive work to my audience. I feel on reading the textyou will appreciate the feelings and the steps that I took totransform, which will shade light in the manner you will overcome thedifficulties that you face towards the realization of your career orpersonal objectives.
Myidea is not where currently I stand, or where I stood previously butwhere I want to go and the methods or approaches that I will use toreach. What are the factors inhibiting me from achieving success? Howdo they affect me? What can I do to escape the negative effects thatthey present to me? How can I achieve the best results? Should Iallow the past to discourage me from seeking the future? Why can’tI shape my destiny? For these questions, the door towards a brighterfuture opened. The difficulties, in this way, formed the driver andmotivating factor rather than discouraging from pursuing the changethat I wanted. In this, way challenges turned to opportunities andnarrow streets turned to major highways. The road to success becamesimpler and easier to follow like water flowing down a mountain in alarge pipe. Mysteries and misery turned to joy, and isolatedindividuals became major friends. There it is, I have reached, and Iwant you to reach. Today, I`m a reliable narrator and mentor foranyone with similar ambitions, who feels obstructed, who feels notfavored by the environment. However, the knowledge and ideas arediverse and universal to guide anyone in school, in college, at home,at work and anywhere in the various places where we build our careersand struggle to achieve better results through the elimination of theobstacles that prevent us from seeing the point where success isstanding. There you will reach, and I believe you will reach, and Isee a bright future for you.
Alders,M. Introduction: Social Minds in Factual and Fictional Narration.Narrative[serial online]. May 201523(2):113-122.
Alexander,Kara Poe. "From Story to Analysis: Reflection and Uptake in theLiteracy Narrative Assignment." CompositionStudies43.2 (2015): 43-71.
Bosangit,Carmela, and Catherine Demangeot. "Exploring reflective learningduring the extended consumption of life experiences." Journalof Business Research69.1 (2016): 208-215.
Lejano,Raul P., Joana Tavares-Reager, and Fikret Berkes. "Climate AndNarrative: Environmental Knowledge In Everyday Life."EnvironmentalScience And Policy31.4 (2013): 61-70.
Richardson,Elaine. "" To protect and serve": African Americanfemale literacies." College Composition and Communication(2002): 675-704.
Varga‐Dobai,Kinga. "Responding to literature through storytelling, artifactsand multigenre writing practices: explorations of cultures and self."Literacy49.2 (2015): 77-83.