Thispaper is organized to facilitate the organization of the workshop andto structure the schedule by the understanding of the contemporaryissues on the divided topics of the soft skills of Human ResourceManagement. Participants are warmly invited to review the issues.Various articles will be used as inputs for presentations anddiscussion during the actual event of the workshop. The workshop willbe hosted by the Sultanate of Oman for Sustainable Human Resource andco-chaired by Regional and International Organization. The centralobjective of the workshop is to exchange the expertise and developquality practices in the field of Human Resource Management. Asassigns from various organizations are invited to participate. Thechief objective is to review and examine the possible soft skills ofHRM and examine future challenges that cut across Strategic HumanResource Management and Training (AHRM&ampT), Consensus DecisionMaking (CDM), and Basic Human Resource Management (BHRM).

Theproject used various strategies to build the capacity of bothregional and international based organization, including facilitatingorganizational capacity assessment and to identify the managementsystems strength and gaps, technical capacity assessment to guaranteeservice deliverance and set up standards. The main purpose is to gainthe understanding of the basic concepts and methods in soft skillsfor human resource management and how their applications builds theoverall capacity of an organization. Participants will alsounderstand how to strengthen HRM and support their team, understandhow to incorporate management policies when introducing new HRMmethodologies. Finally, by the end of the workshop, participants willassess and improve on basic human resource management and have thecapacity of making consensus decision towards the organizationalachievement.

StrategicHuman Resource Management and Training

Thistopic focuses on the top management that is on the long-termdevelopment of business process and personnel. The strategicinstruments skill include strategic personnel planning, knowledgemanagement planning and management development (this ensures thelevel of education, considering the outside quality of personnel)(Becker, &amp Huselid, 2006).

Strategicpersonnel planning

Oneof the central objectives of interactive training events is toencourage the understanding of how demographic sustainability can beachieved within specific areas of organization personnel, roles andresponsibilities played. According to Schroeder (2012), awareness andunderstanding of strategic personnel planning and other relatedissues among employees is essential in securing their management.Commitment to the sustainability imitative in developing new policiesfor sustainable business or organization. Therefore, it is importantfor Human Resource department to conduct training that will ideallyinvolve in the development and bring of breeding programs andawareness on the strategic planning.

Separately,personnel planning is necessary in the sense that it monitor andmeasure the trends towards the organizational sustainability goals,highlight and capitalize in business terms on achievement. This callfor Human Resource personnel to be professionals to play the centralrole in developing an earmark metrics and designs and implementinformation collected methods and puppet. It aims to model the yearlyquantitative and qualitative needs of the staff in the future years


Managementdevelopment is characterized by the use of Human Resource andtraining instruments. It reduces subjectivity in HRM throughstandardization of working procedures. For instance, an exampleprovided by Muiswinkel (2012), states that management cycle startswith articulating the working contract between manager and employeeat the middle of the year through the provision of feedback, andeventually at the end of the year, measuring finished product.Management development will pronounce points of improvement in thecurrent job. Management development is essential within the scopethat an organization operates. It also identifies the key issue onhow managers should be selected and trained, best practices anddon`ts, and finally how the team develops their managementdevelopment programs.

Knowledgemanagement planning

Ensuresthe level of knowledge and considering the mobility of personnel.Sometimes it is characterized by operational Human ResourceManagement in that it mainly focuses on HR activities of securingnecessary functional consequences. Due to demographic changesshortly, it is a moving safe and vital key in the knowledge ofmanagement planning especially when professional personnel is leavingbecause of retirement or external mobility. The main goal is tofigure out how to maintain or pass-over the knowledge to the youngergeneration who are to become professional personnel.


  • Explore the relationship between HRM and an organization planning strategy and performance

  • Develop and action plan for improving HRM and strategic planning toward organizationally sustainable achievement.

  • It explores on the measure to be considered when selecting and training managers and how the organization should develop their management programs.

  • HRM and strategic planning, action planning and personnel strategic planning that models the future staffs.


Itsaid to be a cooperative procedure whereby group member’s attemptsto come up or correspond to support a conclusion in the best interestof the whole organization. The vision for a consensus decision makingto provide high-quality decision and build connections among thegroup members to produce a more effective implementation. The primaryaim of consensus in HRM is to understand the principles behindconsensus decision making and the practical benefits it has for anentire organization (Rory, 2012). According to Ehnert (20060), HumanResource practitioners sometimes find themselves in a constanttension between short term profit making and long-term organizationalpracticality. Therefore, understanding the consensus decision makingcan lead to the sustainable competitive advantage.

Processof reaching consensus

Involvesvarious steps. The first step introduces the issue by the presenter.He provides the history of the issue and the state the goal for thisparticular item. The second step involves clarifications of thequestions that should be short and precise. Thirdly, is thediscussion session where diversity of ideas, concerns, andperspectives are accounted for. The fourth step is the formation ofbasic direction followed by modification of the proposal, which notesthe agreements and disagreements and underlying reason behind them.In this step, evaluation of possible solutions is considered. Stepsix calls of consensus and the last step entails recording (Hartnett,2010).


  • The main objective is to gain a shared understanding of what consensus decision making is.

  • To understand the possible contribution of consensus decision-making process in HRM

  • To give participants the opportunity in understanding the principles behind consensus decision making and practical benefits from them

  • Explore the step for reaching the agreement.

Basichuman resources management

Thekey element of basic human resource management covers the terms ofemployment such as salary, working hours. It comprises of acollective bargaining arrangement between the employer and theunions. Basic Human Resource Management encompasses administrativeprocedures concerning HRM. It is characterized by mutual workrelations between employer and employees (USAID, 2013).

CommunicationsPerformance Management

Isone of the most challenges that affect managers on how to measure thejob performance of and employee. To praise this factor, leadershipand management policies are essential because it determines howprograms are developed and required personnel that will work towardsachieving organizational goals. Integrating specificsustainability-related aims into the job description and corecompetence will measure the employee performance and will also assistin ensuring that employees are motivated to work towards sustainablegoals.

Staffengagement, conflict resolution and team building

Therelationship between employee engagement and the organizations willdetermine its success. Commitment of staff is significant to anorganization performance, effective teamwork, and employee retention.It introduces the concept and key elements of the employee engagementand provides resources for carrying out team building that managesorganizations conflicts and stress. It is, therefore, the duty of thestaff to understand the standards and have the basic skills to worktogether to identify and come up with solutions and monitor theresults.


  • Explore staff performance management and system that contribute to performance management.

  • Review the relationship between employee engagement and organization’s success

  • Strategies for improving engagement

  • Create an understanding of conflict and its sources, and ways of resolving them


Humanresource managers, Hiring managers, CEO’s, Corporate directors, andStaffs.


Thisworkshop will include 4 sessions and is based on the learning,participatory activities and pertaining surveys to meets theworkshops participant`s demands. For each session of the workshop,the guide includes title of the session, content overview, and timingfor each session


Theworkshop should have 30 participants and be conducted by 4facilitators or guest speakers.


12th May 9, 2016

Location: Muscat in Oman

Start Time-End Time

TeamLeader: The Sultanate of Oman for Sustainable Human Resource

Speaker(s):Professor Christabel Faki, Dr. Franklin Porter, Professor ElaineFerndale, and Emmanuel Xavier.

Time Session

00:00 Introductionsand Team Objectives (20 minutes)

Session1: Introduction (35 min)

  • Presentation of the workshop. The basic notion of the corporate sustainability and Contemporary Issues on Human Resource Management- Prof. Christabel Faki (Team Leader).

  • Establish norms and expectations

  • Define the overall workshop objectives

00:00 Break(5 min)

00:00 Session2: Strategic Human Resource and Training (1hour 30min)

  • Explain strategic human resource management and training (5minutes) –Dr. Franklin Porter

  • Identify the soft management skills required in the topic

  • Team members to conduct assessment

  • The facilitator should define personnel planning

  • Explain the relevance of personnel planning in line with soft management skills

  • The facilitator should explore on the measure to be considered when selecting and training managers and how organization should develop their management programs

  • Discussion among team members (30min)

  • Why is personnel planning in important?

  • What should be considered when hiring and training managers

  • How HRM and strategic personal planning models the future staffs.

00:00 WorkingLunch (1 hour)

00:00 Session 3: Consensus decision-making (1hour 30min)

  • The introduction of the meaning of consensus decision making as the soft skill for HRM (15 min)- Professor Elaine Ferndale.

  • The facilitator should ask the group, how they understand the topic.

  • Organize participants in a group of 4 to discuss the flowing question

  • Steps in reaching consensus decision-making

  • What are principles of consensus decision making?

  • Summarize by explaining the 6 steps of consensus decision-making

  • Provide the importance and application of the topic to the organization.

00:00 Break(15 min)

00:00 Session4: Basic Human Resource Management (45 min)

  • Define the basic human resource management (5min)- Emmanuel Xavier

  • Participants to work on small groups with facilitator to table how HRM is linked to organization

  • Definition of recruitment by the facilitator

  • 3-4 groups formed to identify the steps considered when recruiting

  • Facilitator should introduce staff engagement and team building

  • The team activity is to identify ways how solving conflict within an organization.

00:00 Adjourn.


Estimatedcost for Contemporary Issues on Human Resource Managementworkshop (12th May 9, 2016)

Roundtrip/other travel


No. of participants

Total Omani Rial




Saudi Arabia-Oman


















Other Costs

Local transport



Venue and Equipment for hire

Consumables (papers and pens)

Workshop proceedings and dissemination







Catering (Tea, coffee, lunch)


Working/Inception dinner


Total Amount


Workshop Evaluation Form



  1. What is your overall assessment the entire event (1= sufficient, 5= excellent)?

1 2 3 4 6

  1. Which topics did you find most valuable and interesting?

  1. Did the workshop achieve program objectives?

Yes No

If No, Why?

  1. Knowledge gained from participating in the event

Met your expectation Yes No Somehow

Will be applicable in my work Definitely Somehow Not at all

  1. Please, comment on the organization of the event 1= sufficient, 5= excellent

1 2 34 5


Further comments or suggestions

Thank You.


Softskills are said to be the non-technical skills and person’s abilityto interacts effectively with co-workers and clients. They are vitalskills required within an organization to maximize investment andachieve organizational goals. This workshop hence captures three softskills that are necessary within the organization structure. It alsoprovides knowledge and training activity to the participants forfuture contemporary issue in the Human Resource Management.


Becker, B. &amp Huselid, M. (2006). Strategic Human ResourceManagement: Where Do We Go from Here? Journal of Management, Vol.32 (6) p.898-925. DOI:10.1177/0149206306293668

Ehnert, I. (2006). ‘Sustainability Issues in Human in HumanResource Management: Linkages, Theoretical Approaches, and Outlinesfor an Emerging Field’. Paper prepared for 21st EIASM SHRMWorkshop, Aston, Birmingham.

Hartnett, T. (2010). The Basic of Consensus Decision Making.Available from 9, 2016).

Muiswinkel, W. J. (2012). Contemporary Issues on HRM and Training inNational Statistical Institutes. Budapest, Hungary.

Rory. (2012). Consensus Decision Making. Available from 9, 2016).

Schroeder, H. (2012). The Importance of Human Resource Management inStrategic Sustainability: An Art and Science Perspective. Journalof Environmental Sustainability, Vol. 2 (2) Article4. DOI:10.14448/jes.02.0004.

USAID. (2013). Human Resources Management Training Curriculum. NuPITAJohn Snow, Inc., Boston.