Cognitive Behavior Therapy essay


CognitiveBehavior Therapy

CognitiveBehavior Therapy

Cognitivebehavior therapy (CBT) is a psychotherapy technique which focuses onpatient’s feelings, thoughts and behaviors in order to findsolutions to their current problems and change their thoughtprocesses in a positive way (Mast, 2009). This therapy was adoptedsince it explains that some behaviors are not based on rationalthoughts, but rather conditioned by the environment and otherexternal or internal stimuli. It is used in many mental disorderssuch as depression, anxiety, mood disorders, personality disorders,eating disorders, addiction and drug dependence and psychoticdisorders. The therapy involves patients talking to their therapistsin controlled and confidential places to unravel their problems.These therapies are always problem focused and aimed at creatingnecessary therapeutic actions. CBT is guided by various principlesand standards which try to look at the therapy process andclinician’s competence respectively.

Cognitivebehavior therapy principles encompass the guidelines and the processof treatment for patients in an ethical manner (Mast, 2009). It isbased on individualization and evolving problem formulations of thepatient’s cognitive issues. CBT needs a sound therapeutic allianceand encourages both participation and collaboration between therapistand patient which means that patients have an opinion on theirtreatment. It is goal oriented and focuses on the patient’sproblems. It uses various techniques to transform the mood, thinkingand behavior of the patient.

Cognitivebehavior therapy standards outline the guidelines on the proceduresor qualifications required to carry out the therapy sessions for theclinicians or therapists (Beck, 2006). These guidelines provide thevarious requirements that have to be met by therapists in order tohave beneficial health impacts on patients and prevent malfeasance.The guidelines encompass the required training and practice standardsfor the psychologists, competence levels for psychologists, therapydiversity and complexity, length of treatment and all ethical issuesconcerning the therapy.


Beck,J. S. (2006). Cognitive-behavioral therapy.&nbspPrimPsychiatry,&nbsp13(4),31-34.

Mast,M.J. (2009).BehaviorModification and Management (Fourth Edition).New York: Linus Publications, Incorporated.