Classical music essay

The world has gotten too complicated. People have too many choices in their hands that sometimes they end up with the wrong priorities. This points out why there are many things today in the world that can use some changes to make lives more meaningful and worthwhile. In this regard, one thing that I would definitely change is the way people regard classical music and to make them appreciate more and benefit from the real wonders of music. More specifically, I want people in America to shift their disdain to classical music into a newfound love, so that they can enjoy the benefits it can bring to their lives.

People consider any sound that is refined, stylish and mostly instrumental as classical music. It is seen more as something appreciated only by the elite or the educated. This should not be the case. Classical music, as the term connotes, is part of the classics. It consists of creations of the eighteenth and nineteenth century composers, like Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven. This type of music is usually characterized by a beautiful melody and performed by an orchestra (“The Music of Bach”). Classical music, through the years, has taken on various permutations.

It can also be appreciated in the variations of the art songs, opera and oratorio. The art song consists of a poem performed by a trained singer with a classical music background. The creations of the poet, singer, composer and musician conspire for an art song masterpiece (“Lotte Lehmann Foundation”). The oratorio, on the other hand, is a musical creation that has a more philosophical or religious lyrics and context. It is performed by an orchestra with the soloists delivering the story line. Opera on the other hand is the art of singing a drama accompanied with the music of an orchestra.

Today, people are engrossed too much on the boisterous music of pop and rock that these classic art forms are often left to the enjoyment of a select few. The classical genres are far from being exclusive. The classical music just so happens to be not utilized and enjoyed by majority of the public. Evidently, people do not know that they are missing a lot. Why is there a need to change the perception of people with regard to classical music? Basically, American adults should put an end to their ignorance and disregard to the classical music.

Majority of the people are missing a lot by not opening their minds and considering their options with regard to this artistic creation. For one, classical music is deemed to have a therapeutic affect to its listeners. Studies show that the sound waves produced by classical music are capable of bringing harmony to the psyche of a person, thus bringing more balance to the existence of a person (Heather). Classical music can also provide good exercise to the entire brain, thus making one more intellectually perceptive and mentally capable.

Findings of a study illustrate that an active listener of the classics tend to utilize their brain more compared to the listeners of pop (Heather). For example, there are many people who suggest to a pregnant woman to listen to classical music, particularly to Mozart. This is due to the proposed Mozart effect that aids in optimizing the potentials and brain of a child, even at the stage of infancy or before birth (Jones). There are studies also that establish how music can enhance the learning and people skills of a person.

It does not necessarily make one smarter right away, but it provides the proper disposition to make a person perform better. The relaxing and energizing effect of the harmony and melody of a classical music can very well tap any potential inherent in a person (Lehman). Classical music is really worth loving. The likes of opera, oratorio and art songs are more than just performances. They are wonderful creations of talented people that relate a story that invokes feelings and touches the psyche. In the end, it is more than just being ‘cultured’ as what most people perceive it to be.

The effects are beyond what have been addressed to the senses. The social, intellectual and psychological growth it brings to the person showcase inspiring musical prowess that are definitely to aim for.

Works cited

Heather, Simon. “The Healing Power of Sound. ” Positive Health. 2002. Positive Health Publications. 2 July 2006. < http://www. positivehealth. com/permit/Articles/Sound_and_Music/heather64. htm > Jones, Martin. “The Mozart Effect. ” Human Intelligence. 2003. Indiana University. 2 July 2006. < http://www. indiana. edu/~intell/mozarteffect2. shtml#music >