Christian scripture essay

The scripture’s complexity deserves to be seen in different kinds of symbolic perspective rather than to be interpreted literally. There are so many stories contradicting each other. It is unfair to judge a prophet in the scripture just for an action which seem to be immoral at the present time. The beauty of the contradicting sides of Augustine and Faustus regarding the scriptures are beneficial to believers who thirst for facts and analysis of the scriptures. Reading alone the scripture may tend confusion and wrongful interpretation to the Word of God.

At the same time, having read both Augustine and Faustus beliefs may bring confusion to the readers at first. But soon it will assist them in realizing how strong their faith will be and of what I want to believe in; soon, helping them in formulating their own stand concerning both arguments. At one point, the negative revelations made by Faustus pertaining to the different prophets might somehow change the point of view of others. Faustus has condemned the Jews, Hebrews and Israelites.

Faustus charged Abraham for selling his wife Sara for the gratification of the kings Abimelech and Pharas and for telling everyone that Sara is his sister, who after all is his wife. Augustine explained against him. Abraham represents the bridegroom and Sara represents the bride. Christ and the Church are husband and wife. At the same time, Christ is the brother as stated by Jeremiah. All of those about Abraham and Sara are all symbolic, words such as bridegroom, bride, brother and sisters were used to connect all of those which at the end is pertaining to the Word of God and the human soul.

They are both united with each other. Evidently, they are both necessary to have eternal happiness and eternal life. Faustus has focused on how marriage in the Old Testament was not given much importance, leading to the committing of adultery and incest acts. Lot and Jacob have been Faustus examples in those crimes. Lot, who lay with his two daughters after escaping from Sodom, was accused of having incestuous passion. Both her daughters tricked him and made him drunk to be able to lay with Lot.

Jacob had four wives; two of them were Rachel and Leah who are his full sisters. The actions of both of them may seem to be sinful and immoral. The Commandment of God clearly states that one should not commit adultery. Yet, they clearly did. Their lustful and incest desires have made them betray the wills of God. However, Augustine negates Faustus point of view with great conviction. Augustine made it clear that the actions done by the daughters of Lot were far from being lustful.

Knowing that Sodom has been perished in accordance with God’s command, Lot’s daughter realized that they have the responsibility of preserving the human race, which led them to the actions they have made. Same goes with Jacob’s actions. It is not the reason of pleasure for lust or desire that made them do such acts. They had the purpose of serving God through saving mankind. We are all humans; imperfect and still have lots of things to learn from this world. We tend to make mistakes everyday of our lives.

But those mistakes are necessary for the betterment of our future, in making the right choices and decisions for much greater challenges in life. Just like in the scripture, many characters may seem to have disobeyed God. In all of their actions, they were given right judgment accordingly. Some were punished, just like the wife of Lot and the people in Sodom. The apostles who preach the Word of God for personal benefits of fame and not for the desire of serving God alone were used for greater purposes. The evil inside them became instruments of God to influence others of the greatness and love of Christ.

Abraham, Lot and Jacob’s stories are being used in the present time, just like right now to dig up another eye-opener to everyone, may it be regarding relationships with their loved ones, marriage, celibacy, priesthood, business, profession, or whatever devotion they are in right now; whatever religion, race and culture they may have. The Old Testament may seem to be a damaged story. There are so many loop holes; so many things to be criticized. But that is required to give way for the fulfillment of the purpose of the New Testament.

Christ is the Savior, who will bring everyone eternal life. Christ was sent to save everyone from all the confusion and disloyalty towards God. He is the way, truth and the light. It is unreasonable to disregard the lessons in the scripture just because of what will be evident in that particular event in history. The actions of some may be foul to others but there are reasons behind them all. Everything will be clear if and only if it will be seen great analysis of the different aspects of the stories and especially through looking beyond and between the lines.