Children Should not be Exposed to Computer Technology essay

ChildrenShould not be Exposed to Computer Technology

Inthe contemporary world, computer dependency is high, and this makesits knowledge almost compulsory. Even the young children haveincreasingly become hooked to the technology. Consequently, mostparents and caregivers have expressed their uncertainty aboutintroducing children to computers. While some experts view this as agood thing, by claiming that exposing children to a computer at anearly age makes them better prepared for school, others believe thattechnology at a tender age has devastatingly harmful impacts, such asdistraction from learning the basics. Recent studies show thatcomputer use is beneficial to children in the early childhoodclassrooms and helps to increase their skills in writing, socialinteraction, language literacy, mathematics and cognitive realms.Therefore, exposing children to computer technology, in the educationprocess, at an early age help them in learning the basics.

Tobegin with, the computer technology can help young children inboosting fine motor skills. The clicking of icons, keys andmanipulation of a mouse provide children with the same exercise theyget from drawing, coloring, doodling and finger painting. Besides,these movements improve eye-hand coordination in young children, andthis is beneficial to them as they grow because it facilitates thedevelopment of psychomotor skills. Children from age 3 and above areready to experiment and explore computers. As they progress tokindergarten and primary grades, it is significant that they continueto expand their computer experiences.

Researchersstate that the academic growth of children who use computers is highcompared to those who do not use them. Searching through variousinternet resources helps to expand their knowledge. Additionally,computer games and other educational software help children todevelop a broad range of skills such as reading, creativity andwriting skills. Some programs give emphasis to early learning skillssuch as coloring, shapes, letters and numbers, and can even recordchildren’s voice. Others are full of stories in pictures and words,which help in supporting a child’s learning process (Large, 2003).

Thecritics argue that too much computer can be harmful, and often,distract young learners from learning the basics. However, thisargument is not correct because parents can introduce clear rulesregarding internet use and discuss them with their children. Adultguidance is significant as it helps children using computers toimprove their behavior, reasoning, visual memory and visual-motorcoordination (Willoughby &amp Wood, 2007).

Large(2003) provides that the opponents further argue that computer usecan expose young children to predators who can take advantage ofthem. However, parents can set rules that prohibit their children tocommunicate with strangers when they are not there. For online games,children should remain anonymous and avoid sharing their personalinformation or real identity with individuals they do not know.Additionally the claim that computer enhances sedentary lifestyle inchildren, and that it limits their social interaction is invalid. Infact, children prefer to work with one or two partners rather thanworking alone. This is crucial as it enhances the development ofsocial skills in children (Large, 2003).

Overall,the benefits of having children exposed to computer technologyoutweigh the drawbacks. This means, if used wisely, children cansubstantially benefit from the computer technology. However, parentsshould regularly watch the activities of the young children tocontrol most of the disadvantages that come with the exposure to thetechnology. Furthermore, parents should be able to monitor the typeof computer set-up and access children have. Adult guidance issignificant and will help children using computers to improve theirbehavior, reasoning, visual memory and visual-motor coordination.Since computer technology is the predicted future, exposing childrento computer technology in the education process, at an early age,will help them in learning the basics.


Large,M. (2003). Setfree childhood: Parents` survival guide for coping with computers andTV.Stroud: Hawthorn.

Willoughby,T., &amp Wood, E. (2007).&nbspChildren`sLearning in a Digital World.Chichester: John Wiley &amp Sons.