Capstone Project Chapter 1 essay

CapstoneProject: Chapter 1

Universityof Miami Health System

Universityof Miami Health System

TheUniversity of Miami Health System, also known as UHealth, was startedin 1952. UHealth is the only University health care system located inSouth Florida (UHealth, 2016). The health care system was founded bythe University of Miami, which implies that its establishment cannotbe attributed to an individual person. The UHealth system iscomprised of three university-owned medical centers (including theUniversity of Miami Hospital, Anne Bates Leach Eye Hospital, andSylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center) that operate under the LeonardM. Miller School of Medicine.

Themajor events that have occurred at UHealth indicate the progress thatthe health care system has achieved over the years. For example, theUHealth system opened the world’s largest neurological injurycenter in 1985 (UHealth, 2016). The aim of this center was to curespinal cord injuries and paralysis that results from the breakdown ofthe neural systems. The system opened a clinical research andwellness center in 2006, with the objective of enhancing the researchefforts and the overall quality of health care. In 2009, the UHealthstarted a project for the construction of a mega biomedical researchcenter in Miami, which was expected to have modern laboratoryequipment and house the human genomic and stem cell institutes(UHealth, 2016).

TheUHealth system has been offering the same range of services to itsclients since its foundation in 1952, which indicates that it has notrevolutionized is products. The health care system was started toserve three purposes, which include the delivery of general patientcare, education, and research (UHealth, 2016). The research projectsundertaken by the system are intended to enhance the quality and notto introduce new products into the market. Some of the keycompetitors of UHealth System include UF Health Shands Hospital, MayoClinic Jacksonville, and Florida Hospital Orlando among others.

Statementof the problem

Fromits mission statement, the UHealth system holds that it exists todeliver medical care that meets the highest level of quality(UHealth, 2016). The achievement of such a goal can be confirmed bythe number and the severity of the complaints raised by clientsregarding the quality as well as the satisfaction that they get fromthe health system. Unfortunately, the number of patient complaintsassociated with malpractices has remained steady, while the severityof medical malpractices has increased exponentially (Nissim, 2016).For example, the system was fined $ 12.6 million in 2012 when a teenlost a limb following the malpractice by the health care providers(Nolin, 2012). Therefore, the malpractices associated with thedeployment of unqualified medical staff have reduced the capacity ofUHealth to deliver quality care. The proposed study will examine thepossible alternatives (such as employment of exemplary students whograduate from the system’s educational program) to reduce medicalerrors and malpractices.

TheUHealth System holds that it diligently provides timely care, mindsthe welfare of other stakeholders, and respects the client’sprivacy, physical and emotional needs (UHealth, 2016). The capacityof an organization to protect the privacy of clients in the digitaland the information eras is confirmed by the level of vulnerabilityof its electronic data systems. However, UHealth has beenexperiencing cases of identity theft over the years. For example, thesystem lost health records of an undisclosed number of patients in2014 (Freeman, 2014). Therefore, the lack of adequate internalcontrols has reduced the capacity of UHealth to keep its core valueof confidentiality. The proposed study will explore the keyalternatives (such as encryption) that can be used to safeguardhealth records at UHealth.



Giventhe exponential increase in cases of medical malpractices, willUHealth system be able to deliver quality health care?


Giventhe increase in cases of data breach that have resulted in the lossof health records, will UHealth be able to protect the privacy aswell as the confidentiality of its clients?



Thepresent decline in the level of quality of health care servicesoffered by UHealth system can be attributed to the deployment ofunqualified health care providers. These cases of medicalmalpractices occur when physicians or nurses are assigned roles thatare beyond their qualification, which increases the risk of medicalerrors. It has been reported that the health care system has beenexperiencing an increase in the costs associated with litigations andmedical negligence (Nissim, 2016). By conducting a study that willprovide research-based information about the causes of malpractices,UHealth will be able to develop strategies (including the recruitmentof more competent health care providers) that will help it minimizecases of medical malpractice.


Thecurrent risk of data breach at UHealth can be attributed the lack ofadequate internal controls that would be expected to ensure that allconfidential data is only accessed by authorized persons. Themanagement of UHealth reported that the health care records that werebreached in 2014 had not been considered to be at risk (Freeman,2014). By studying the causes and the impact of data breach on thecompany, adequate information will be availed to guide the UHealth onthe effective internal controls that can help the organization inprotecting electronic records.


Demandfor quality health care services has been increasing with time(Nahata, Ostaszewski &amp Sahoo, 2015). The future competitivenessof any health care organization is based on its capacity to deliverquality care, which can only be achieved if the organization managesto reduce cases of medical malpractices. However, the capacity of ahealth care organization to deliver quality care consistently dependson the qualification of its health care providers. The proposed studyis significant because it will reveal the key factors that result inmedical malpractices and a decline in the quality of care, which willhelp the management develop effective solutions.

Purposeof the study

Theprimary purpose of the proposed research is to investigate anddetermine the key factors that have contributed to the increase inthe number and severity of medical malpractices at UHealth. A clearidentification of these causes will inform the process of developingalternative solutions that the management of UHealth can use toenhance the level of quality and lower the number as well as theseverity of cases of medical malpractices. This implies that the keygoal of the proposed study is to help UHealth pursue its mission ofdelivering the health care services that are of the highest level ofquality.


Theproposed study will be based on a qualitative study design.Qualitative study is preferred to other types of research designbecause it allows the researcher to conduct an in-depth assessment ofthe problem being studied (Turner, 2010). The data will be collectedby reviewing relevant research articles and credible websites thatprovide useful information regarding the topic of study. The “keyword” search technique will be used to find articles online. Someof the key words that might be used include “medical malpracticesat UHealth”, “client complaints at UHealth”, and “data breachat UHealth” among others.


TheUniversity of Miami Health System, also known as UHealth, has beenoperating for more than six decades. The operations of this healthcare system can be grouped into the provision of patient care,education, and research. The mission of UHealth is to deliver thehighest quality of health care, but the lack of competent health careproviders has limited its capacity to achieve this mission. Inaddition, the health care system is guided by the core value ofconfidentiality, but the increase in cases of data breach indicatesthat it lacks adequate controls to safeguard its health care records. A qualitative study will provide reliable information that can beused to address the key challenges affecting the health care system.


Freeman,N. (2014, February 10). University of Miami Health System losespatient records. XtelligentMedia, LLC.Retrieved June 1, 2016, from

Nahata,B., Ostaszewski, K. &amp Sahoo, P. (2015). Rising health careexpenditure: A demand-side analysis. Journalof Insurance Issues,28 (1), 88-102.

Nissim,N. (2016). Risky business. Universityof Miami Medicine.Retrieved June 1, 2016, from

Nolin,R. (2012, January 13). Miramar teen who lost limbs wins $ 12.6 milmalpractice suit. SunSentinel.Retrieved June 1, 2016, from

Turner,W. (2010). Qualitative interview design: A practical guide for noviceinvestigators. TheQualitative Report,15 (3), 754-760.

UHealth(2016). Miller School of Medicine. UHealth.Retrieved June 1, 2016, from