Business Ethics essay

Chapter One “Business Ethics”, chapter Five “Personality, Attitudes, and Values”, and chapter Nine “Communication” are devoted to improving business orientation, skillfulness and to expanding future opportunities in highly tough business world. Ethics is defined as a standard of human behavior that offers how to act in many situations with friends, family members, employees, business people, professionals, etc. Ethical norms and values play important role in maintaining harmony and stability in social life as ethics suggests proper ways of human-human interactions.

Ethics recognizes human needs and aspirations, as well as cooperative efforts, fairness and truthfulness. Ethics contributes social stability and ensures balance in all spheres of life and business. (ch. 1) Personality is one more matter of interest. It is argued that personalities, values and attitudes are very important for organizational outcomes and performance on the market. Personality is defined as “a stable set of characteristics representing the internal properties of an individual which are reflected in behavioral tendencies across a variety of situations”.

(ch. 5, p. 158) For example, the most valuable characteristics in business are assertiveness, responsibility, flexibility, etc. Personality traits are able to influence one’s behavior and direct someone to do things he is not willing to do. Communication is playing nowadays one of the most important roles in organizations and companies, because it is the only source of mutual understanding among nurses and patients, employees and directors.

Future success of a leader mainly depends on his ability to use language and to communicate effectively not only within organization, but also across cultural boundaries. Moreover, communication is strategically important. Recent researches prove that verbal communication affects emotional, physical and cognitive state of a person playing significant role in interactions. Actually, communication defines the objectives and directions of interactions and shapes desired outcomes. (ch. 9, pp. 318-352)