Article Critique Advances in Understanding and Treating ADHD essay


ArticleCritique: Advancesin Understanding and Treating ADHD


ArticleCritique: Advancesin Understanding and Treating ADHD

Alsoreferred by many as mental disorders, the psychological disorder isthe varying abnormalities that affect people’s minds which lead ormay result in persistent behavior or one`s behavior patterns which inturn affects the normal day to day life and function of a person.There are numerous psychological disorders have been diagnosed. Forexample, substance and alcohol dependence, anxiety disorders,depression, eating disorders, and Adult AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD/ADD), among many others. Thispaper is an article critique of an article authored by Antshel,Hargrave, Simonescu, Kaul, Hendricks, and Faraone addressingadvancement in the treatment and understanding of ADHD.


Accordingto the article by the six authors’, ADHD is a disorder that iscommon among children and adolescents, but can also extend to adultyears. However, comparing the case today and some couple of yearsago, there has been extensive research and understanding of thecondition today. This has in turn results in an improvedunderstanding of the condition as well as leading to the developmentof more options for treatment to both children/adolescents andadults. The article also addresses the benefits of novel stimulantswhen it comes to the treatment of the condition. The articleconcludes by addressing the comparison between the new developmentsin treating the condition and how the advancement has improved themanagement of the condition.

Inthe article Advancesin understanding and treating ADHD,Antshel et al. (2011) report that over the past decade, there hasbeen considerable research into ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivitydisorder). The authors claim that the research has been influentialin the development of more treatment options for both adolescent andadult ADHD. Then, they argue that new developments, particularly instimulant based treatments, have made it possible to modify treatmentto suit the duration of effectiveness they have on the patient.Antshel et al (2011), further claim that despite the popular use ofstimulant options, there has been significant development ofnon-stimulant options. According to the authors, Cognitive behavioralinterventions are popular non-stimulant treatments for adults who areunable or unwilling to use ADHD medications.

Withregards to treatment of ADHD, both pharmacological andnon-pharmacological methods are used for adults and children.However, Antshel et al (2011), claims that pharmacological approaches(use of stimulant medication) are the most commonly used. Apart fromthe two approaches, training for parents and teachers is alsodescribed as a pharmacotherapy approach towards the treatment of ADHDin children. Stimulants, according to the authors are moreefficacious than non-stimulant medications in treating both adultsand children. However, adult ADHD stimulant medication is long actingunlike in pediatric ADHD. Antshel et al (2011), claims that diversionand misuse were more predominant in adults than in children. Also,they claim that stimulant medication was found to prevent theoccurrence of other psychiatric disorders like drug abuse,particularly during adolescence. The article describes the appetiteloss and insomnia as the commonest side effects of using stimulantsin the treatment of ADHD. Antshel et al (2011), further report thatthey are various methods of delivering the stimulant medication whiletreating ADHD, like capsules and tablets (Antshelet al, 2011).

However,Antshel et al (2011), claims that there are instances when ADHDpatients don not respond or tolerate the side effects of stimulantmedications. Therefore, non-stimulant options are used instead.Selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRI) among othermedications are currently approved by the FDA in treating ADHD.Antshel et al (2011), report that treatment of ADHD is commonlycredited for the development of other psychiatric comorbidities likedepression. However, the authors claim that medication targeting eachcondition might be beneficial while at the same time eliminates theside effects. According to the article, there are various challengesto the effective treatment of ADHD. The complexity of the disorder initself is a major challenge in treating ADHD (Antshelet al, 2011).Also, Antshel et al (2011), state that ADHD is associated withcomorbid disorders and therefore even after treatment patients stilldisplay residual disabilities in several areas.

Withreference to the topic in question, (psychological disorder: ADHD),my opinion in regard to the case presented in the article is that,the massive development in the medical field has greatly aided thedevelopment of effective ways to detect, and manage the conditionamong children. This has in turn helped in reducing the negativeimpact of the condition, as well as enabling the affected to livejust like normal people. More so, the article is well presented,which is easy for any interested reader to grasp the author’s mainidea. Finally, it is an article that I can advocate for any person toread, as it shed light to positive development with regard to thetreatment of ADHD among children, as well as adults (Antshelet al, 2011).

Inconclusion, the massive development in terms of methods to treat theADHD condition is a tremendous and positive development in managingthe condition. The advancement in understanding and treatment of ADHDhas brought forth a much needed breakthrough in the understanding ofchildren and adolescent behavior. This in turn helps to save achild’s career in the case of being diagnosed with the disorder.


Antshel,K. M., Hargrave, T. M., Simonescu, M., Kaul, P., Hendricks, K., &ampFaraone, S. V. (2011). Advances in understanding and treatingADHD.&nbspBMCMedicine,&nbsp9(1),72-83.