ARP Project Management essay


So far, operative use of cross-cultural team in project tend to givea foundation of knowledge and advanced rational to improve the modestpositions of the organizations and achieve project goals, in thiscase, NASA Autonomous Rotorcraft Project. However, culturalmodifications can affect with the fruitful accomplishment of theproject. According to NASA Autonomous Rotorcraft Project, teammembers from France and Japan would experience a number ofcross-cultural differences originating from Hofstede and Trompenaarsthat have the effect on human thinking and behavior of organizations.One of the problem these teams would face is relations between them.This is because Hofstede extricates between laissez-faire andcollectivism, while Trompenaars conks out this preeminence in variousdimensions of theological doctrine versus focusing and eccentricityversus communitarianism. According to Anbari et al. (2003),these two sets of cultural scopes imitate the elementary problem thattwo teams needs to cope with in order to achieve the AutonomousRotorcraft Project goal and vision.

Differencein culture among project team members may generate othersupplementary misinterpretation during the course of the projectlifetime cycle. In order to meet the above cultural challenge, theARP Manager needs to be traditionally sore and endorse bothoriginality and incentive through conciliatory leadership. Therefore,the project manager should adopt motivation and adopt and training ofmembers through, reciprocal respect, culturally-aware leadership, andmultiethnic communication (The McGraw-Hill, 2005). Cultural factorssuch as language barriers, political, socio-economic differences, andreligious diversity often consequence in a prescriptive pattern thatrecommends a series of acceptable accomplishes that inspiresself-interest.

In conclusion, global project for instance NASA AutonomousRotorcraft Project can only succeed through effective leadership.This will provide a source of go through and groundbreaking thinkingthat compound the competitiveness of the project. Moreover, projectmanagers should be culturally profound and motivate through flexiblemanagement.


Anbari et al. (2003). Cross-Cultural Differences and TheirImplications for Managing International Projects. Available from June 2016).

The McGraw-Hill Companies. (2005). The Role of Culture: The Meaningand Dimension of Culture. Print.