Argument:India can Strike a Strategic Collaboration with China in theRealization of better Economic Progress
Tableof Content
Critical Review
The potential of India
India developmental model
Policy recommendations
Becoming a frontline state between two nations – China and United States
The challenges facing India – social, cultural, and economic
Bilateral relationship [with China]
Argument – India can strike a strategic collaboration with China in the realization of economic progress
Boundary issues
Allowing China to access India’s infrastructure as a form of trade-off
Not over-estimating the bargaining power
Gaining a balance between economic and political interest achieving equilibrium between regional and bilateral contexts.
ThePotential of India
Indiahas made significant developments in social and economic spheres. Forthe last two decades the nation has shown the capacity to grow tobecome an equitable society. There are a number of areas that showthat India has enormous potential, and these include but not limitedto the telecom industry, information and technology, healthcare,retail enterprise, and the infrastructure. However, it is imperativeto note the nation has to design a strategic developmental model,which does not only reflect India’s values and interests, but whichgives it the capacity to venture into outside markets. Given therecent changes for the last two decades and the nation’sdevelopment of information and technology infrastructures, India’spotential is unmatched and can create an economic and socialreputation for the country. However, according to the NonAlignment2.0 document, the expectations for economic growth should be tamedbecause the nation’s competitors will set road blocks from time totime (Khilnani et al. 2012).
IndiaDevelopment Model
Indiahas the capacity for growth but harnessing the full potential willrequire more strategic measures. The guide Non-alignment 2.0 examineshow the nation can set economic policies and regulations in therealization of more positive outcomes. The developmental model refersto the measures, strategies, approaches, and mechanisms the nationcan leverage to ensure it conserve its resources (InternationalBusiness Publications, 2012). If the nation model is successful, itcan give India better opportunities to shine at a global level andthe ability to remain a significant competitor in both regional andinternational levels. Undoubtedly, this section of the analysis,therefore, supports that India has to set various benchmarks andmodels in the realization of the nation long-term goals.
Anothermajor points discussed within the paper are the laws, regulations,and legislations that should be made in meeting the nation long-termgoals. One of these recommendations is the international relationsand diplomacy the nation should be ready to deploy frameworks thatassist it to meaningfully collaborate with other nations. Theseframeworks should enable the nation heads to sit with other leadersin discussing measures that will push for more advancement on bothsides. An important policy recommendation is to create instrumentsthat will assist India to manage talks with heads across the globalenvironment. The talks should address economic growth, regionalproduction, and management of resources.
Becominga frontline State between China and United States
Chinaand United States will undoubtedly be superpowers but their dominancyat a global scale is likely to become inconsistent. For the pastcentury, and immediately after the Cold War, the two were dominanteconomic players and have remained that way even in recent past(Khilnani et al. 2012). At a regional context, there are specificnations likely to be relevant, India being among them. India needsto revisit its operating mechanisms, political, and economic systemsso as to remain relevant amidst the rapid changes. Further, thenation should deploy skillful management of opportunities inenvironments that appear volatile and unstable. This section of theanalysis, therefore, support that India should constantly examine thesteps being leveraged by the two superpowers. This should be done toensure it does not become affected or even incapacitated by theconfrontations between United States and China.
ChallengesFacing India
Thereare a number of obstacles lying at the pathway to economic,political, and social advancement. These challenges are not unique toIndia but are consistent in most developing [and developed] nations.The nation should strive to raise the quality of basic education toensure future generations participate competitively at a globalcontext. An important area of consideration is the need to enhancethe capacity for resources and ensure the nation’s heritage is ableto sustain domestic needs. Where possible, India should strive tomarket itself as a destination for various aspects informationtechnology, technical expertise, and management. The nation needs totame population explosion and to ensure available people do notincapacitate the ability of the physical environment to re-generate.
Indiacan Strike a Strategic Relationship with China in the realization ofBetter Economic Outcomes
Beforewe fully plunge on how India can strike a strategic relationship withChina to achieve economic progress, it is important to note thatboundary issues remain a significant concern for the nation. Chinahas made meaningful progress in securing a range of boundariesincluding the YellowSea, India Ocean, the East Asia Sea, the South China Seaand the TaiwanStrait.The advancement of China and its effort to secure boundaries, bothmaritime and terrestrial, means the country will greatly beincapacitated in both supply and border relations. The geographicboundaries are a critical issue because these are major points forsupply of products, habitation, and represent critical heritages thatcannot be ignored. The boundary issue can best be solved if Indiainvests in strong naval deployments and makes meaningfulcollaborations with nations they consider as instrumental to theirfight (Rigel, 2014). Indonesia, Vietnam, and Australia representcountries that India can leverage to ensure it solves borderstalemates in a way that is consistent with its nationalinterests. Another way that India can create a strategicrelationship in the realization of economic benefits is to enhanceits bilateral relations this supposition stems from the fact thatonly political interactions can create an atmosphere for economicgrowth. In other words, India can best reap from bilateralrelationships if it grants construction contracts in exchange forbetter political terms (Dun and Bradstreet, 2016). Where politicallimitations exist between the two nations, India should be ready touse infrastructure as a window of opportunity. Already, China hasshown propensity to penetrate markets outside its geopoliticalboundaries. This means India should position itself, not as a targetmarket for Chinese goods and services, but as a strategic partnerwhose grants and contracts attract equal [or even more] politicalbenefits. Chinese state-owned enterprises are booming due to heavyinvestments and allowances by State banking institutions (Khilnali etal. 2012). This is an approach that India can emulate to ensuredomestic industries are able to access Chinese markets. Already Indiais making progress in technology and healthcare industries, thisprogress should be championed and exemplified beyond borders. Toachieve this, the Indian heads should consider deploying moreintelligent approaches to ensure it supplies products to Chinesemarkets.
Partof ensuring that India strikes an economically meaningfulcollaboration with China in the realization of better economicoutcomes is to streamline both trade and economic relationships.Currently the trading picture between the two nations is unclearthere are major concerns of the asymmetry on the economicinteractions between the two nations (Padukone, 2014). One way toensure India gets a significant edge in any economic engagement withChina is to identify Chinese goods, products and services as well asidentify the nation’s competencies and the patterns of operations.Part of the effort is to secure the Indian markets, not to barregional and international firms, but to create value throughscarcity. This should be done such that any penetration in Indianmarkets attracts equally significant exchanges.
Realizingbetter economic outcomes with respect to a strategic relationshipwith China will also mean higher security and protection as comparedto its current status. There are concerns of espionage and gatheringof intelligent information and big data by China (Khilnani et al.2012) this resulted to the ban on Chinese telecom imports. The banwas an important part of protecting valuable information from use byChina. Designing security deployment systems will help achieve theprotection of Indian heritage. Unfortunately, it will do this in theshort-term. A lasting solution is to ensure that India has thecapacity to engineer devices and technologies that can fulfill itsdomestic needs. Any relationships that threaten its capacity toprotect itself should be tamed and where possible, terminated. Chinaand India can establish more meaningful collaborations if bothestablish standards that are of the same level. This is becauseChinese dominancy in a range of sectors can potentially drain India’sinformation and heritage. Even as both countries look forward toestablish positive economic relationships, India should keep pacewith industry developments to ensure strategic collaborators do nottake advantage of selected loopholes such as little scientificprogress, insufficient security, and lack of systematic developments(Datta et al. 2012).
Animportant dimension in any economic engagement between two or morenations is the ability to make reasonable bargains. Most mediationsof business nature strive to attain a balance between sharedinterests, and to equally or fairly allocate available benefits andresources. India should not, at any point, over-estimate itsbargaining because it is likely to bar its efforts towards economicprogress. This argumentative analysis notes that setting reasonableterms and trading concessions with China will not only yieldsuccessful bilateral relationships, it may additionally openopportunities of political nature. The need to set both strategic andmeaningful negotiation instruments goes hand in hand with the abilityto develop knowledge and to gather information on mediations. Indiashould consider investing in foreign relations and ensuring theagreements being made are not over-estimated. Already, both China andIndia have rich cultural and traditional values. Both nations haveconflicting values and interests that can easily be provoked in thecourse of interactions. This analysis therefore supports that animportant part of ensuring economic progress is to set reasonableterms as well as use business relations as an entry point forbenefits of political and economic nature.
Anotherapproach India can leverage to strike strategic relationships withChina is to market products in the Chinese consumer marketsaccessing China markets is currently an overwhelming endeavor forIndia. This is partly because of China rate of innovation anddevelopment in virtually every sphere technology, healthcare,infrastructure, science, education, and military. The nation setspace and where there are loopholes in the marketplace, the State isready to collaborate with the private sector. As the Nonalignment 2.0quotes ‘Chinese primer manufacturing companies are State-owned,they have better access to government financing, and have a betterbargaining power at a global scale.’ (Khilnani et al. 2012).Gaining market entry will be possible if the Government of India isready to back local industries, not only through funding, but byleveraging socio-political relationships with other nations. TheState should be ready to form agreements that allow the country totrade at regional and international contexts. It should alsoexemplify the values and principles of globalization and expansion ofmarket boundaries. Accessing Chinese markets is a challenging taskthat should be approached strategically to ensure India relationswith China bear positive economic outcomes.
Thepaper is segmented into two primary sections the critical review andan argumentative analysis of India bilateral relationship with China.In the review section, the paper examines the main points asdiscussed in the Nonalignment 2.0 document. The analysis appraisessuch areas like India potential, current, and future opportunities,the nation developmental model, policy recommendations, and how thenation is a frontline State between United States and China. In theargumentative section, the analysis believes that India can form astrategic relationship with China to ensure it forges ahead towardseconomic advancement and progress. There exist myriad challenges andobstacles the major being the boundary stalemate that exists in themaritime regions YellowSea, South China Sea, the Taiwan Straits, andtheSino-Indian frontier. However,China interest in the Indian infrastructure and its access to thenation poses itself as an area of concern. There exists myriadopportunities through which India can capitalize on and this analysisbelieves the Government effort in this realization cannot beundermined. The argumentative section also supports that strategicmeasures and more intelligent and focused approaches are needed toensure India-China strategy yields better economic outcomes forIndia. The above analysis surmises the paper creating insight andadding knowledge on India diplomacy.
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