Arecultural sensitive treatment plans possible? Why or Why not
Yes,they are possible. They are possible because nowadays health carefacilities have administrators, supervisors, and staff members whohave similar backgrounds as their patients. Therefore, the staff willhelp in making a good treatment plan that meets the needs of thepatient. Secondly, most health facilities are offering supervisionand cultural training to their staff, despite the fact that some ofthe staff members are from the same ethnic group as their clients orpatients (Bruns,1999).
Thirdly,the program assessment procedures that the medical workers are usingare sensitive to the different cultural issues of their customers.For example, they are using standardized programs and instrument thatconsider the values of the cultural group that they are treating.Fourthly, the plans are possible because the staff and administrationin charge of the treatment network with other health providers orread their report who have carried out similar treatment in thatparticular community. Lastly, it is possible because the healthpersonnel involves the client in coming up with a relevant programthat suits both the customer and the health provider (“Preparinga Program”, 2006).
Whyis it important for clients to collaborate in the creation of thetreatment plan?
Itwould help the client to know the type of treatment they arereceiving. It would make the client comfortable with the counselor.It would assist them to face their problem. It would make themconfident with the type of treatment they are receiving. It wouldhelp the health provider to know what the recovery goal is for theirclient. It will help to health provider to include the culturaltraditions and values of the client. It would help the healthprovider to know and overcome the barriers that make the client notto engage in treatment. Helps develop a treatment program that meetsthe needs of the client.
Whoowns the treatment plan
Boththe client and the health provider own the cultural treatment plan.
Whatif your goals are different from your client? Provide an example tosupport your response.
Thebest thing is to rely on the patient’s goal. A good example is of apregnant woman who is a Latina, who has come to the hospital for fivetimes with a vomiting issue. She claims that her condition forvomiting is recurring despite the medicine the doctor prescribes. Agood counselor would look for a person who understands the communitythat represents the pregnant woman. The person would then questionthe pregnant woman. The person then finds out that the woman believesher neighbor has cursed her. When asked what she believes would helpher stop vomiting. She claims that a spiritual healer would be ableto remove the curse. A good counselor with the help of other medicalstaff would look for a healer in the community to perform the ritual(Schwitzer& Rubin, 2015). 
Bruns,D. A., & Fowler, S. A. (1999). Culturally sensitive transitionplans for young children and their families. TeachingExceptional Children, 31(5),26.
Centerfor Substance Abuse Treatment. (2006). Preparing a Program To TreatDiverse Clients.
Schwitzer,A. M., & Rubin, L. C. (2015). Diagnosis& treatment planning skills: A popular culture casebook approach.