Analysis on career development and employment preferences essay

Analysison career development and employment preferences

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Thequestionnaire conducted suggested that most of the subjects never gotto realize the career objectives that they had identified duringtheir high school education. The subjects had chosen an ideal careerthat was to fulfill their childhood fantasies. However, as yearsprogressed they were obligated to fulfilling different roles in theirlives such as from being a student, parent or caregiver. Therefore,lifespan theories affected directly different roles that they had toplay at different stages of their lives, hence making their idealcareer objectives unfulfilled (Decenzo and Robbins, 12). It isimportant to understand that these roles, coupled with other externalforces eventually influenced the way they regarded or viewed theircareers in general as well as the career choices that was made.

Thesubjects were able to identify some external forces or factors thatinfluenced their career choices. The first major factor was theirskills as well as their abilities. Most employers have strictrequirements on individual skills and abilities that make one fit ina particular job occupation. This is perhaps one of the major factorsthat influenced their career choices through occupational profilesthat are required for specific jobs (Strauser, 45). The second factorthat influenced their career choice was their personal economic andsocial conditions. These factors lie under career theories likesocial learning and social cognitive career theory (Decenzo andRobbins, 15). This means that there are specific events that happenedin their lives that eventually shaped their decision making processesbased on the available choices for their career choices. In addition,changes in the economy that affected the job market had a resultingaffect on their career choices.

Accordingto the results obtained from the questionnaire, the outcomedifferences recorded in different cohort groups were seen to vary.The main reason for this observation was the fact that differentgroups were at different stages of their lives. Therefore, thefactors that affected their career choices varied according to theirpersonal life demand (Strauser, 48). As the respondents grew, theircareer choices were not determined by their personality or personalinterests. External factors tend to have much influence on theirdecision making processes as far as career choices are concerned(Strauser, 48).

Therewas a distinct pattern that was observed in different cohorts inregards to their educational goals as well as their careerdevelopment was concerned. Individuals who participated in thequestionnaire tended to be transfixed to the available career choicesthat were available after graduation from college education. However,there is a tendency of gaining more educational goals with theobjective of developing their career goals. This means that externalfactors such as their gender roles, societal expectations, financialobligations, competition in the job market had adverse effect ontheir decision of pursuing higher education to advance their careergoals (Decenzo and Robbins, 23).

Inthis regard, there was a definite pattern that was observed duringthe questionnaire process in regards to different ages of therespondents. Younger respondents demonstrated a tendency of beingreceptive to factors such as racial, ethnic, high school careerfantasies and social backgrounds. All these factors seemed to affectand shape personal expectations as far as career choices wereconcerned. There are certain predominant characteristics in theircultural setting that had an effect on career choices (Strauser, 51).However, the older respondents were mainly influenced by certainfactors as the economy, availability of job in the job market, theirdesire to get financially stable so as to meet their financialobligations and the desire to advance their careers so as to competein the job market effectively (Strauser, 53).


DecenzoA. David, Robbins P. Stephen. Fundamentalsof Human Resource Management.New York. Wiley Publishers. 2016. Print.

StrauserR. David. CareerDevelopment, Employment and Disability in Rehabilitation.New York. Springer Publishers. 2013. Print.