Annotated Bibliography:
Bentayeb, M., Simoni, M., Norback, D., Baldacci, S., Maio, S., ViegiG. &Annesi-Maesan I. (2013). Indoor air pollution and respiratoryhealth in the elderly. Journal of Environmental Science and Health48(13), 1783-1789.
The peer reviewed journal identifies and summarizes several studieson the respiratory health effects of indoor pollution in elderlyadults since the data is scanty and limited (Bentayeb et al., 2013).The authors reviewed 61 studies that present the effects of indoorpollution on elderly adults aged over sixty five years, and found outthat indoor air pollution cause asthma, wheezing and cough in elderlyadults, and added that more research is needed in this topic toclearly define the cause-effect relationship.
Schwartz, J (2004). Air Pollution and Children’s Health.Pediatrics.113:1037-1043.
The article discusses the impacts of air pollution on the health ofchildren and based on the conclusions, it is evident that airpollution is associated with the infant mortality. The author reviewsother studies and reveals that air pollution mainly affects thechildren as compared to adults since their lungs are not fullydeveloped leading to bronchitis and asthma (Schwarz, 2004).
Kim, J. J., Smorodinsky, S., Lipsett, M., Singer,B.C., Hodgson, A.T. and Ostro B. Traffic-related Air Pollutionnear Busy Roads. (2004). American Journal of Respiratory andCritical Care Medicine 170 (5), 520-526.
In the article, Kim and colleagues conducted a study to find outwhether traffic pollution is related with respiratory health problemsin children or not. After conducting the study in schools nearby busyroads, they uncovered that those children living in areas proximateto traffic were more prevalent to respiratory diseases than thoseresiding in places far from the traffic (Kim et al., 2004).
Kelly, F. J. (2014). Influence of Air Pollution on RespiratoryDisease. European Medical Journal 2:96-103.
In the article, Kelly gives an account on how air pollutioncontributes to respiratory diseases. The author notes that peopleliving in poor air quality areas are at a great risk of beinginfected with respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis orcough. The article also reveals that the major pollutant that causesinfections is the particulate matter, which mainly comes fromtraffic-related pollution (Kelly, 2014).
Lipsett, M., Hurley, S., and Ostro, B. (1997). Airpollution and emergency room visits for asthma in Santa Clara County,California. Environmental Health Perspective 105(2):216–222.
The authors in this article have investigated whether the emergencyvisits in Santa Clara County in California during the two wintersbetween 1988 and 1992 were as a result of air pollution or not. Theresearch findings revealed that there was an acute relationshipbetween the hospitalization of people with respiratory infections andair pollution and particularly the residential wood combustion, whichis common during the cold season (Lipsett, Hurley & Ostro, 1997).
Bentayeb, M., Simoni, M., Norback, D., Baldacci, S., Maio, S., ViegiG. &Annesi-Maesan I. (2013). Indoor air pollution and respiratoryhealth in the elderly. Journal of Environmental Science and Health48(13), 1783-1789.
Kelly, F. J. (2014). Influence of Air Pollution on RespiratoryDisease. European Medical Journal 2:96-103.
Kim, J. J., Smorodinsky, S., Lipsett, M., Singer,B.C., Hodgson, A.T. and Ostro B. Traffic-related Air Pollutionnear Busy Roads. American Journal of Respiratory and CriticalCare Medicine 170 (5), 520-526.
Lipsett, M., Hurley, S., and Ostro, B. (1997). Airpollution and emergency room visits for asthma in Santa Clara County,California. Environmental Health Perspective 105(2):216–222.
Schwartz, J (2004). Air Pollution and Children’s Health.Pediatrics.113:1037-1043.