Affordable Care Act (ACA): Annotated Bibliography
Abrams, M., Nuzum, R., Mika, S & Lawlor, G. (2011). Realizinghealth reform’s potential: How the Affordable Care Act willstrengthen primary care and benefit patients, providers and payers.The Commonwealth Fund, 1(1466), 1-28.
The article discusses the significance of ACA in addressing neglectedissues in America’s primary health care structure. The authors’note that primary care reforms implemented by the Act has led toincreases in Medicare as well as Medicaid payments. In addition, theAct will result in improved patient care, which will be beneficial tosick persons, payers and providers. The aim of the article is todemonstrate how the Affordable Care Act addresses the provision ofprimary care to all Americans. It compares to the other articles inthe annotated bibliography that evaluate the pros of ACA. Theauthors’ standpoint is that ACA is an effective way to improvehealth care delivery in the US. The article is a credible sourcebecause all the authors are associates for The Commonwealth Fund,whose mission entails promoting high performance in the health caresystem. It will be used to support the arguments on the pros of theACA.
Day, B., Himmelstein, D. U., Broder, M & Woolhandler, S. (2015).The Affordable Care Act and medical loss ratios: No impact in firstthree years. International Journal of Health Services, 45(1),127-131.
The article begins by summarizing the main objective of the ACA assetting restrictions on the overhead of insurers. Day et al. (2015)explain that following the implementation of the Act, new rules wereinitiated in the health care system, which made alterations to theinsurers’ calculation of medical loss ratios by setting the minimumlevel. The purpose of the article is to discuss how the AffordableCare Act had no effect on the general impact of medical loss ratiosas it has not increased these ratios. The article compares to otherarticles in the annotated bibliography that discuss the cons of ACA.Its standpoint is that the Act has been ineffective in meeting itsobjectives of increasing medical loss ratios. The journal article iscredible. The authors are policy experts in issues relating to healthcare delivery in the US. The article will be used in arguing the consof ACA in the position paper.
Dolan, E. M & Mokhtari, M. M. (2013). The Patient Protection andAffordable Care Act (ACA): Pros and cons. Journal of Family andEconomic Issues, 34(1), 1-2.
The authors note that due to increasing health care costs, the USneeded to make transformations to its health care delivery system.The transformations resulted in the established of the ACA. Thearticle then progresses to discuss the advantages and disadvantagesof the ACA. In doing so, it uses two invited papers that takedissimilar approaches to evaluate the effectiveness of the AffordableCare Act. The purpose of the article is to determine whether ACA hasbeen effective in achieving its objectives. Although the authorsevaluate both pros and cons, more emphasis is on ACA’s cons.Similar to other articles in the annotated bibliography, the articlenotes that the Act is crucial in solving the failing US healthsystem. However, it indicates the high possibility of failure. It isa credible source because it has been written by authors from theUniversity of New Hampshire and who have proficiency in qualitativesocial research. The article will be used in arguing the cons of theACA in the position paper.
Fodeman, J. (2016). The new health law: Bad for doctors, awful forpatients. The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism, 1-1.
The article discusses the effects of the ACA on patients, doctors andmedical practice. It evaluates at length how the Act threatens toworsen the delivery of good health care by doctors to their patients.Fodeman (2016) argues that a major disadvantage of the ACA is that itpromotes the underpayment of health care providers. Theseunderpayments are transferred to patients through reduced hospitalvisits, reduced face time with physicians and hastened discharge fromhospital. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate how ACA willresult in more challenges for America’s health care system. Itcompares to articles in the annotated bibliography by explaining thatthe Act results in more cons than pros. The author’s standpoint isthat ACA will only worsen the failing health care system. It is acredible source as it has been written by a board-certified doctorand professor of medicine. The article will be used to support thecons of ACA in the position paper.
Hall, M. A & Lord, R. (2014). Obamacare: What the Affordable CareAct means for patients and physicians. British Medical Journal,349, 1-10.
Hall and Lord (2014) explain that the main achievements of the Acthave been ensuring that all Americans can access health careinsurance without restrictions, it has improved coverage by making itpossible for states to enlarge Medicaid, and it has subsidizedprivate insurance for individuals without workplace coverage. The aimof the article is to discuss how patients and physicians havebenefited from reforms in US health care. Similar to other articlesin the annotated bibliography, it discusses the effectiveness of theAct. However, it approaches the discussion with a positive outlook ofACA. The position of the article is that the Affordable Care Act isimportant for every American by improving access and delivery ofhealth care. It is a credible source based on the expertise of theauthors. Hall, Mark A is a professor of public health as well as lawwhile Lord, Richard is a correspondence to Hall. The article is ofsignificant use in the position paper as it provides information onthe pros of the ACA.
Lathrop, B & Hodnicki, D. R. (2014). The Affordable Care Act:Primary care and the doctor of nursing practice nurse. The OnlineJournal of Issues in Nursing, 19(2), 74-87.
Lathrop and Hodnicki (2014) focus on the changes in America’shealth care system, which are as a result of the legislation of theACA. These include increased insurance coverage to individuals thatwere previously uninsured and addressing health care challengesrelated to delivery and access to safe care. The aim of the articleis to depict how ACA provides new direction for America’s healthcare system by emphasizing on primary care as well as preventiveservices. Similar to other articles in this annotated bibliography,the article evaluates the changes brought about by the ACA. Lathropand Hodnicki’s position is that the Affordable Care Act willpositively transform the US health care system. The source iscredible. It has been written by a practicing nurse and a professor.It will be used to argue the pros of the Affordable Care Act in theposition paper.
Abrams, M., Nuzum, R., Mika, S & Lawlor, G. (2011). Realizinghealth reform’s potential: How the Affordable Care Act willstrengthen primary care and benefit patients, providers and payers.The Commonwealth Fund, 1(1466), 1-28.
Day, B., Himmelstein, D. U., Broder, M & Woolhandler, S. (2015).The Affordable Care Act and medical loss ratios: No impact in firstthree years. International Journal of Health Services, 45(1),127-131.
Dolan, E. M & Mokhtari, M. M. (2013). The Patient Protection andAffordable Care Act (ACA): Pros and cons. Journal of Family andEconomic Issues, 34(1), 1-2.
Fodeman, J. (2016). The new health law: Bad for doctors, awful forpatients. The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism, 1-1.Retrieved from:
Hall, M. A & Lord, R. (2014). Obamacare: What the Affordable CareAct means for patients and physicians. British Medical Journal,349, 1-10.
Lathrop, B & Hodnicki, D. R. (2014). The Affordable Care Act:Primary care and the doctor of nursing practice nurse. The OnlineJournal of Issues in Nursing, 19(2), 74-87.