ADHD Medication essay


Medicationforms one of the most important precepts of ADHD treatment. Differentdrugs could be used to treat ADHD depending on the level ofcomplication. The determination of the right kind of medication isdecided upon by the patient and the doctor. After determination ofthe kind of medication, the dose and schedule are also determined tofulfill the needs of both the patient and the doctor. Medication ofADHD occurs in different forms that will be discussed below.


Theworking of stimulant medicine is based on the focus of thoughts andavoidance of distractions. The stimulants can treat both severe andmoderate ADHD. They could be of great help to all age groups andchildren who have a hard time concentrating at school. Theprobability of stimulants working as treatment for ADHD is 72% to82%. Examples of stimulant drugs include Amphetamine Sulfate whichis also known by the common name Evekeo, Dextroamphetamine(Dexedrine), Dexmethylphenidate, Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse) andMethylphenidate (Concerta) (Levinthal,,2011).


Consequently,there exist the non-stimulant medications for ADHD. In instanceswhere the stimulants fail to perform, non-stimulant medication isused to treat ADHD. The working of non-stimulant medication is basedon the improvement of impulse control and concentration. Atomoxetinewas the first drug to be approved by the FDA under the non-stimulantdrugs to provide medication to adolescents, adults and children.Clonidine Hydrochloride is consequently another drug that togetherwith stimulants it helps in reduction of ADHD. Non-stimulantmedications have been utilized in the recent past due to theirability to provide fewer side effects as compared to stimulantmedications (Levinthal,,2011).


Inconclusion, both stimulants and non-stimulants sometimes fail to cureADHD because of the subsequent complications that occur due togenetics. The use of stimulants is enhanced by increased developmentof medical assumptions towards drugs that do not cause excessive sideeffects. The innovation in the medical field has seen the developmentof other drugs which have fewer side effects compared to the existingversion of drugs.


Levinthal,C.F. (2011). Drugs,Society and Criminal Justice.Pearson