Important terms identifications essay

This is a doctrine which makes people believe that the legitimacy within a sovereign government is brought about by the peoples’ consent, since they are the one who form the government. Popular sovereign is significant in American history because Americans applied dogma during the struggle of their territory which gave rise to civil war. In application of this principle US left its residents to decide whether slaves were to be brought in America or not. 2) The Erie Canal.

This is a canal that was built in New York at around 1816-1824 at Lake Erie which was meant to connect Atlantic ocean and great lakes. In American history this was the first route which was used in transportation between the western and the eastern regions of US and was found out to be efficient and convenient. This canal led to massive settlement in western region of US because of the high population which migrated to this area via the canal which at the end led to development of the City of New York and as the key U. S port. Nowadays it’s used for recreational watercrafts.

3) The Liberator–a newspaper This was a national publication headed by William Lloyd Garrison. This was anti-slavery paper which was a weekly issue and highly advocated for eradication of slave trade and ending of civil wars. In American history the publication contributed to ending of slave trade and civil war. 4) Manifest Destiny This was a conviction that existed among the people that United State was intended to expand its territory from the shore of Atlantic Ocean to the shore of Pacific ocean. Moreover it has also been used to justify how some territories were acquired.

In the American history manifest destiny was used as a synonym of expanding the United State from corner to corner of the northern continent. Some people judge this aspect as principle or mission of America to safeguard and promote democracy worldwide. Also in history it made the slavery a major conflict since it gave rise to the beginning of civil wars in America which was brought about by disagreement in the trade. Moreover it was during this period when America expanded its territory to Pacific Ocean as its today.

5) Second middle passage This was the forced transportation of Africans people as slaves from Africa to other parts of America. In history of America it reminds of the Atlantic slave trade which was basically slave trade in a triangular form. Slaves were taken from Africa to America in exchange of goods. These goods could later be taken to other parts of European markets to be sold and later they will go back to Africa for more slaves. But after some time America declined that trade as it so it as abuse of human rights.

This was a slight difference in both middle passage because in the first middle passage African kings and the warlords were actively involved while in the second middle passage the European slave traders came to obtain the already captured slaves who were sold to them. 6) John Brown He was an American abolitionist who advocated and skillful organized a revolution as a means to put an end to slave trade. He led so many invasions so as to abolish this trade, for instance Pottawatomie massacre. Attempt by John Brown to start a deliverance lobby group among locked up African slaves electrified the nation.

This led to him being judged for treason aligned with the Virginia state and later he was hanged. In American history he is viewed as the one whose invasions at Harpers Ferry led to American civil war and process of succession. 7) Sack of Lawrence This started up the gorilla war in Kansas territory which later became to known as bleeding Kansas. The sacking of Lawrence happened in the summer of mid 18th century. It was the antislavery settlers who came up with Lawrence and immediately became an attraction for proslavery aggression for the duration of the era.

The historical event which facilitated the sack of Lawrence was shooting of Douglas County as he carrying out an arrest in Lawrence. Later, approximately 800 southern were brought to disarm the residents of Lawrence and destroy the Free State hotel. The destroying of Lawrence led to blazing ruin that evening by proslavery and it later led to robberies across the deserted town. 8) Sherman’s March This is a specific name which is given to Savanna Campaign that was conducted in 1865 by Maj. Gen. William Sherman civil war in America.

Sherman and his group had started the campaign from captured city in Atlanta to the port of Savannah, applying the scorched earth principle by killing livestock and destroying crops. In American history Sherman’s march is significant since it was one way bringing down the civil war in the region. 9) Black codes These were laws conceded on the state and confined level mostly in the countryside of southern states in United States to restrict the communal rights and liberties of African-Americans.

Moreover this was seen in northern States where laws were also passed to discriminate African-Americans before the start of civil war. In American history this term is associated with the legislation that was passed by states in the southern part of America to endeavor in controlling the labor movements and actions of African Americans. 10) Sharecropping This is an agricultural production system whereby the owner of the land allows another person/sharecropper to use the land in exchange of a share of crops produced.

In American history it’s thought to be development after a post civil war where individuals could rent a piece of land to grow crops or could borrow some money. It was seen as the only way to re-employ former slaves in farming. 11) Hartford Convention This was an event in United State between 1814-1815 after the time of war 1812 where opposition England reached a point where a discussion from the succession of the U. S. was to be made. In American history this was seen as the reunion which meant to discuss new legislations for New England which was necessary in protecting its interest.

The delegation for all New England states met in Hartford where a deal was struck. 12) Fugitive Slave Act This was a law that was approved by the Congress in 1850 as part of conciliation between the southern slave share benefit and the northern free-soilers. In American history this was seen as the most controversial act of that year (1850). The act declared that all slaves’ runways were to be brought to their masters. This law brought the matter of dwelling to anti-slavery resident in the North as it made most institution to be responsible in enforcing the law. 13) 2nd Bank of the US

This was a bank which provided services to farmers after the end of civil war. In American history it’s seen as one which contributed to growth and development in agricultural production in America, since it allowed farmers to borrow money. Andrew Jackson ordered the bank to be closed down claiming that it was not serving the interest of the government and had exposed his government to foreigners. He also claimed that this bank was on trying to make rich people richer and that it had favored other states over others. 14) South Carolina Exposition and Protest-newspaper

Was written by John Calhoun in 1828, who was by that time the vice president of United State. This document was the protest in opposition to the 1828 tariff and some scholars referred to it as Tariff of Abominations. It clarified that the tariff was to be repealed if not then South Carolina would pull out. It led to the resignation of Calhoun in protest against President Jackson continued support of the tariff because he had failed to act on the report presented to him at that time.


1. Reynolds, David S. (2005), American History, New York: New York University Press.