Issues Arising Against Sex Education essay

Parents are unwilling to let the children get educated on sex issues; many think that by not educating their children they prevent engaging in sex before marriage, safeguard the virginity, prevent pregnancies and abortion; hence preserving the religious and cultural beliefs and upholding the reputation and pride of a family.

But in different researches, it has been indicated that young people who are not educated on sexuality tend to engage in reckless sexual behavior and become pregnant while they are teenagers unlike those who have been educated on sexuality matters. This is because the uneducated teenagers lack knowledge compared to the educated ones who are conversant with sexual matters hence can make knowledgeable decisions (Bruess & Greenberg, 2004). In a research compiled by Erin Hearn et al. , (n. d), information on sex education causes more harm than good to the young people.

Sexuality education further leads to early sex among the youth thereby resulting into early pregnancy, a high rate of sexually transmitted diseases as well as delineating religious ethics; though, it is indicated that those who practice homosexuality should be enlightened on homosexuality so that the idea of becoming homosexuals is washed out of their thoughts. Effective sexual education is one that is provided at home and in churches because here, young people are taught to be responsible and caring parents and couples of the opposite sex.

However, these claims are not supported with any kind of a research. There is no case study that indicates a high rate of teenage pregnancy of as a result of going through sexuality education. In another research, sexual education to young people offered in schools emasculates the role of the family in guidance. Most people have the concept that sex education is effectual if provided by parents since they know what is appropriate for the children at a given stage.

But sexual education in schools does not teach morality to young people. In addition, sex education, is a debate in many nations especially when it comes to issues such as the appropriate age that the young people should get the sexuality education, the content of information that they should obtain and the various themes of discussion that involve human sexuality and behavior for instance, “ethics and sexuality, masturbation and safe sex practices”.

Consequently, in the United States, there is a heated debate on whether sexuality education should be incorporated into the school curriculum. Usually, the contentious issue is if sexuality education is of importance to the young people or ruinous to their lives (Irvine, 2004). Also of great concern is the utilization of birth control items e. g.

condoms as well as contraceptive pills; their effect on premarital sex that normally leads to unwanted pregnancies and even teenage pregnancies, and could also lead to sexually transmitted diseases. A number movements (conservatives) advocate for abstinence which is said to be the major cause of the debate. However, contrary to the arguments, the nations that uphold the conservative ideas on sexual education such as the U. S. and UK have greater occurrences of sexually transmitted diseases and early pregnancies (Irvine, 2004).