Generation X and Generation Y essay


GenerationX and Generation Y

Majorityof people are identical to the environment in which they are broughtup. However, it is important to know that it is not outright thecharacteristics of the people must comply with what they found beingdone at their time of birth. The traits and characteristics portrayedin the various generations should be treated as a collectivecharacteristic and persona, rather than a created stereotype. In asmuch as most of the members of the specific generations portray closeor similar characteristics, it is not automatic that every member ofthe specific generation will portray the outlined traits.

GenerationX consists of people typically born between the early 1960s and themid-1980s. This means that at the moment, the oldest members of thisgeneration are rough fifty six years. Historically, generation X hasbeen used as a term that mainly refers to the alienated youths andwho had to survive on their own, pushing them to look for alternativeways of sustainability. It is through the search for alternativesurvival tactics, which the members of this generation massivelyengaged in entrepreneurial ventures.

Thegeneration came into place during the highest period of civilisation,and as a result, the generation is characterised by a general traitof social diversity as well as heterogeneity. The generation iseasily able to deal with issues of ethnicity, racism, religiousdifferences and other societal issues. Another outstandingcharacteristic of generation X is that they are very cautious withtheir finances and are good in saving. Having come at a time thattechnology was quite new, they mostly use it as a means to an end.Despite their knowledge of the modern technology, they are not muchinto it, and mainly use it for their respective tasks.

Membersof this generation can be easily reached through the print and theelectronic media. Statistics show that most of them are ardentnewspapers readers and watch televisions so often. Due to the age andsocial lives of this category, most of them are after settling andare likely to invest more in tangible assets such as houses andvehicles. At this age, they have already acquired most of the othersmaller items and thus need to settle their families. Such propertiescan best be advertised through the print media and more so thenewspapers, as well as through the televisions. Advertisement via thetelevision should be made during the peak hours, especially aroundnews time.

GenerationY closely followed generation X, covering the period betweenmid-1980s to the 2000s. This generation has a unique characteristicin that it is highly sociable, and employs massive use of moderntechnology(Furlong, 2013).Members of this generation often seek for opinions from their peersand decision is made depending on what they consider to be generallycool. They are quite liberal in regards to the social and religiousaffairs and are likely to take different stands, depending on whatthey value. The financial discipline is not well enhanced and most ofthe members earn and spend most of the income. Technology in thisgeneration is not a means to an end but rather a facilitator of theirintentions. Categorically, the information in their disposal isresearch-based and thus facilitated by technology(Burstein, 2013).

Foradvertisers who wish to reach this kind of audience, they can bestutilize the use of the internet and social media. Technologicalgadgets can best be marketed amongst the audience, especiallysmartphones and other gadgets such as i-pads. With members of thisgeneration going for the latest gadgets, availing them on varioussocial media platforms and online forums would best reach them.


Burstein,D. (2013). FastFuture: How the Millenial Generation is Shaping our World.Boston, MA: Beacon Press.

Furlong,A. (2013). YouthStudies: An Introduction.New York: Routledge.