AComplete Home Network
AComplete Home Network
Question1: Describe the hardware you will purchase or build (inclusive ofcomputers, memory, storage, video cards, printers, routers andcabling). Justify your hardware selection.
Thecomputers should be high technologized with a high-speed processor.The operating system should be up to date like Windows 13. The RandomAccess Memory should be high of approximately 4-8 Gigabytes with aspeed of as fast as 2.7 hertz and above. It should be compatible withthe work it is meant to do. The software in the computer should beflexible that is, it should allow the future update. The computerfeatures like screen, and keyboard should be well and fullyoperational at a slight touch.
Memoryand storage should be large enough so as to hold larger enough of theinformation per time. High memory and storage allow for fastoperation of the networking devices. Backing up of the device willalso be made possible.
Videocards and sound cards should be numerous which allows for betterquality of the images shown and sound produced. Video card needs tobe compatible with another device in the networking system. Bothinternal and external video cards and sound cards can be used with ahigher capability of operation without getting damaged.
Theprinter should not be the one that uses cartridges for operation. Itneeds to be large so that it can be able to print bulk of thematerials at a go. It needs to be conservative of the ink forprinting to avoid excess use of the ink thus lowering the cost.
Routersand modems have to be numerous in the home networking. Both need tobe able to access network very fast. The speed of operation of theinternet should be very fast so that loading of information from theinternet becomes fast for convenience.
Cablingshould be appropriate. The cable types need to be of high quality.The layer of insulation should be firm enough and tough to providereliable insulation for the cable. This helps prevent the incidenceof shock. The cables also need to be long to allow interconnectionbetween different devices for proper networking.
Gatewaysand Brouter and Network Interface card should be the most recentlyproduce with technologized components that allow easy access and useof the internet and thus the networking activities.
Despiteeach device having its essential and need to be the way they aredesired to be as seen above, they work in conjunction with each otherto orchestrate proper function of the networking system. Default inworking of one entity will somehow affect the whole operation of thenetworking. Of great importance is the fact that high-quality devicesare used enhances the kind of networking that one has. Therefore,desire for high-quality devices is the craving aim of many people(User Group Relations, 2015).
Question2: Develop a spreadsheet or table within the two to three (2-3) pagepaper that itemizes the costs from the online retailer(s) of yourchoice.
Name of the device | Quantity | Cost per Item( in Us Dollars $) | Total cost (In Us Dollars $) |
Computer | 3 | 400 | 1200 |
Routers | 4 | 120 | 480 |
Modem | 5 | 100 | 500 |
Cables | 20 | 20 | 400 |
Video card | 3 | 60 | 180 |
Printer | 2 | 85 | 170 |
Sound card | 3 | 75 | 225 |
Software | 8 | 90 | 720 |
Gateways | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Brouter | 3 | 60 | 180 |
Network interface card | 3 | 60 | 180 |
Firewalls | 1 | 40 | 40 |
Proxies | 3 | 50 | 150 |
Bridges | 3 | 60 | 180 |
Mouse | 3 | 40 | 120 |
Key boards | 3 | 35 | 105 |
Total | 4980 | ||
Question3: Summarize and support the approach you will use to back up yourdevices.
Thebackup method to be used will be full and incremental image backup.In this case, the entire hard disk in the device or even just part ofthe hard disk can be copied and be used later in case there is theloss of information. Both the external and internal hard disktogether with CD and DVD can be used for the purpose of backing up(Ngo, 2016).
Ofsignificant advantage to this backup is the fact that it back upinformation very fast as compared to others although its restoringspeed is medium. There is the quick restoration of hard drives. Thisbackup approach uses a minimal space for backup purposes.
Mostly3-2-1 backup strategy is used for backing up information. In thiscase, the information in the device will be stored in three differentplaces. Two of the places are on site, and the last one is offsite.One of the copies of the information is on the computer storedsafely the other is stored in the external devices like flash disksand external hard disk and the last on is stored safely in theonline. The information stored online from the offsite backup copy.
Thisapproach is helpful as it provides information when one needs. Thetwo onsite copies act as quick places to retrieve the informationwhen there are losses. Copy in the external storage device becomesessential when the device has crashed. In case the device and theexternal storage device get lost together, offsite copy plays acritical role in information retrieval.
Question4: Suppose you were provided an additional $2,000.00 to enhance yournetwork. Explain the changes you would make to grow yourinfrastructure. Support your response inclusive of memory, storage,networking and redundancy solutions.
Ifmore money were allocated, a higher memory capacity to the computersystem would be installed. There will be an upgrading of the computerRandom access memory and read only memory that will make the systemwork very fast. The storage regarding the computer hard disks will beincreased. New networking features and devices like hub will be usedwhich in turn enhance networking operation. Others like service dataunit will be installed for full and optimum operations.
Theuse of touch screen computer monitors with advanced features can beintegrated into use for the purpose of integration. This makes iteasy to navigate through various components to facilitate appropriatenetworking.
Additionamount will help a lot in ensuring the system survives in case offailure of single components as the components are immediatelyreplaced. Therefore, it serves as a guard against transmission error(Computer Networking Notes, 2016).
ComputerNetworking Notes.(2016). NetworkDevices.Retrieved 12 June 2016, from
Ngo,D. (2016). Homenetworking: Everything you need to know.CNET.Retrieved 12 June 2016, from
UserGroup Relations.(2015). BackupApproaches Compared.Retrieved 12 June 2016, from