A Just Stop Already essay

AJust Stop Already

Thetitle of the book, gives the theme of the book.When the narrator gives the title of the book to his audience, theaudience can think what the story is all about although they mightnot have the full details of the story.

Thetitle of the book sheds some light on what the book entails thuscreating a lot of the eagerness to the audience. The author hassuccessfully used the style of suspense in the title of the book toinvoke the audience to listen to the narrator or even read the bookfor themselves.

Thenarrator starts by saying, gather round, my young, perky andinvisible friends. Those that he thought will never at any givenpoint run short of options. The narrator used alliteration byrepeating the initial consonant sound when he says, let me tell youthe tragic true tale of the problem that the Fussy Suitor had (TheHuffington Post. N.p., 2016. Web. 9 June 2016.).

Thewords tragic true tale, have the same initial consonant thusachieving the style of alliteration. Alliteration makes the storymusical and thus drawing a lot of attention from the audience. Thenarrator continuous to talk more of the character in the book. Heintroduces Johannes Kepler, who was a very famous scientist to theaudience (The Huffington Post. N.p., 2016. Web. 9 June 2016).Johannes Kepler had had a series of interviews in the process ofsearching for a second wife.

Keplerwas not successful in his quest for a second wife. He had a verydisappointing interview with candidate five, which made him backtrackand he thought it wise to propose to the previously rejectedcandidate four. The audience at this point can start to see therelation of the title of the book to the story. Kepler, who is themain character, seems now to take a just stop. All those interviewsthat he had been having, none turned out to be fruitful and as aresult, he thinks he should take a break and maybe try to convincecandidate four even more, rather than going on with unsuccessfulinterviews with other new candidates.

Keplerwas turned down by candidate four since he could not have his cakeand at the same time sample others. The author uses metaphor in thiscontext by referring to the women as cakes. The cakes have been usedto give the characters of the women. Cakes are attractive and sweet,and everyone wants them (The Huffington Post. N.p., 2016. Web. 9 June2016). Kepler wanted more women who were beautiful and charming, buthe failed miserably in winning their hearts since he did notconcentrate on a particular woman but instead went out looking formore.

Keplerwaited for too long he sampled too much, and he failed to lock downa good thing even when he had the chance of doing so.The narratorindicates this as the main reason as to why he was often turned downby most of his candidates since he had even reached the optimalstopping point.

Thenarrator introduces the paradox of choice when he gives therelationship between one generation and another. The narrator goesahead to show the audience choice has turned out to be fussier fromone generation to the other. The grandparents of the currentgeneration, for more reasons than one, find themselves in a situationthat they cannot understand the psychology of the generation of theirgranddaughters (Clark, Frijters &amp Shields 2008).

Theauthor of the book has brought out clearly the problems that JohannesKepler had to encounter in his search for a second wife. The firstissue was that more suitors led to more problems. More suitorsbrought with them more confusion and fatigue, this is becauseJohannes Kepler had to choose from a wide variety and at the end ofthe day he came out unsuccessful. He did not know what he wanted forhimself. People end up less satisfied with the results of theirchoices than they would be if they had fewer options from which theyhave to choose from.

Theother problem that Johannes Kepler had was the decision of fatigue.The problem is very evident in the book. When Kepler decided to feedhis head with a lot of choices of the suitors that he admired andwould wish to become his wife, he ended up with a decision fatigue.

Adecision fatigue makes someone not to be able to commit him/herselfto anything. The problem made Kepler move from one candidate to theother, not knowing who would be the best suitor for him and at theend of it all, he was very frustrated when all those he hadinterviewed turned him down. Decision fatigue left Kepler mentallywiped, forcing his brain to make some frugal trade-offs to save onenergy, which caused him to come up with options that later turnedout not to be successful at all (Reiner&amp Krupinski2012).

Thestory clearly brings out the aspect of cognitive heuristics. Keplerwas not able to judge his suitors correctly on issues such asprofession, education, age, and physical features. Most of the datesand matches that have turned out to be successful when theprospective mates have to learn more of the hidden qualities of thesuitors of their desire ( Metzger&amp Flanagin 2013). They shouldconcentrate more on the hidden stuff inside.

Kepleras a result of having many prospective mates he did not takesufficient time to make his decision and learn more about the ladiesthat he approached so as to understand them better. He failed to basehis decisions on the whole picture since he was fast and floppy.

Theauthor of the book also brings out the aspect of Kepler as a personwho in most cases overestimated his pool of options. He constantlylooked for a lady who would be perfect for him in all facets. He feltso much smothered by the choices that he had. Kepler was notsatisfied by the quality of the ladies that he met, and as a result,he found himself waiting too long for this perfect woman to show up.When he fails to get the girl he wanted to marry, he decides to turnback and try his luck in some of the girls that had turned him down.

Keplerwas not focused on the person he wanted. Thus, he spent a lot of timewith multiple girls but still he failed in getting the one he wanted.Kepler needed to re-evaluate his options and focus on those thatwould help him have the girl he wanted for a wife rather than havingso many who would eventually turn him down.

Theauthor of the book has used different styles and imagery in his work,with the intention of making the book more enjoyable to the audienceto read and even listen to a narration. The various techniques usedhave been effective in bringing out the theme of the book as well asto build on the plot of the story. The rhetorical devices that arethere in the narration have helped to create the beauty of thenarrative and attracting the audience and readers of the book.


Clark,A. E., Frijters, P., &amp Shields, M. A. (2008). Relativeincome, happiness, and utility: An

explanationfor the Easterlin paradox and other puzzles.Journal of Economic literature, 95-144


Metzger,M. J., &amp Flanagin, A. J. (2013). Credibility and trust ofinformation in online

environments:Theuse of cognitive heuristics.Journal of Pragmatics, 59, 210-220.

Reiner,B. I., &amp Krupinski, E. (2012). Theinsidious problem of fatigue in medical imaging

.practice.Journal of digital imaging, 25(1), 3-6.