ICT uses in lesson to enhance learning and creativity essay

ICT to Enhance Creativity and Learning 5

ICTuses in lesson to enhance learning and creativity

ICTuses in lesson to enhance learning and creativity

Lesson Plan


Miss EO


Year 1


Time: 9.30

Topic/focus/key strand covered

Numbers and the Number System, Fractions

Learning Objective (WALT)

Use a fraction as an operator to find fractions of numbers or quantities


I can choose a way of working out fractions and give a reason why that method was chosen

Success Criteria (WILF)

I can find a fraction of a quantity by use of spread sheet.

Most solved fractions by use of spreadsheet within a given time.

Some solved fractions by use of spreadsheet within a given time


Teacher, TA Interactive White Board IWB, spreadsheet software,laptop


Spread sheet software, crack the code

Lesson Contents/input

Mental starter

Using a spreadsheet to calculate fractions of numbers mentally.

Using PowerPoint presentation revise with the children what they already know with regard to finding fractions of numbers. Practice with the children the different methods they can use. Discuss how it is easier to use spread sheets in calculations.

Reinforce by asking children to use example provided: Finding 3/4 of £4.

Use spreadsheet to demonstrate how to solve problems mentally


Lower ability

To be guided by the TA by ensuring that they understand how to proceed.

Using spreadsheets 1 and 2 to solve fractions of quantities problems.

They can choose other spread sheets as an extension to their work

Middle Ability

To be guided by teacher in ensuring that they understand how to proceed. Children to work in pairsto solve range of problems using spreadsheet and and mini white boards.

Children to compare which methods are quicker and easier. Children discuss with partner appropriateness of method. Teacher intervention to check children`s working and reasoning.

Extension: Crack the code activity.

Children unable to offer any/ incorrect suggestions indicate lack of understanding, teacher to ensure they are targeted for support when completing activity



Review lesson objectives by discussing methods children chose for solving problems. Which was better? Why? Always better? Quick check of children’s understanding using number pads and quick-fire questions.

Further information (e.g. health and safety) Children to be reminded to work sensibly

Multi-sensory aspects included as appropriate? Visual, Kinaesthetic, Auditory

Differentiation summary : ( highlighted)

By objective(s): See WILF

By activity:outcome

By support:teacher , HLTA

Assessment summary

Type : formative summative

Strategy: Observationself evaluation


Pupilswill apply their ability to use their ICT capacities across thecurriculum. This will be dependent on effective learning andteaching. Appropriate and purposeful application of ICT will enablepupils to use their capabilities to progress their knowledge insubjects. Also, it will enhance creativity since the pupils willengage in high-order thinking skills. For instance, through the useof ICT to undertake detailed analysis, the students will improvetheir creativity when modeling data (Ellisand Loveless 2013, p.9).

Inessence, they will reinforce, apply and demonstrate theircomprehension on ICT capability within the confines of the learningcontext. The transferability of the ICT is an imperative aspect ofprogressing their skills, knowledge and understanding. Web-basedassignments reduce the time spent in marking, and this means thatpupils will be motivated to learn. ICT will increase efficiency insearch of information and do experiments. In essence, this willreduce the over dependence of students on their teachers (Ellisand Loveless 2013, p.9).The pupils will be able to use their ICT to pace and control theircreativity and to learn rather than the passive role of receiving it

ICTwill enhance information sharing where pupils will use the internetfor research. For example, in geography, students can use theinternet to develop a digital earth to strengthen their comprehensionin learning. ICT has a wealth of information this will boost thecreativity of pupils since there is wealth of ideas. ICT will extend,transform and share the key processes by which students can learn andgain independence (Scheuermannand Pedró 2010, p.45).As a result, through these processes, the learners will express theirimagination and creativity.


Ellis,V. and Loveless, A. eds., 2013.&nbspICT,pedagogy and the curriculum: Subject to change.Routledge. Pp.8-13

Scheuermann,F. and Pedró, F. eds., 2010.&nbspAssessingthe effects of ICT in education: Indicators, criteria and benchmarksfor international comparisons.Joint Research Centre-European Commission pp 44-50