The averagelisted for 60 could be the frequency mean, since the record high of85 is 25 greater than the average, and the record low of 30 is 30less than the average. This could indicate that there is more often achance for the temperature to be between 60 and 80, but the furtherdistant lows bring down the average. This indicates a negativelyskewed distribution, most of the temperature frequencies on the rightof the mean and a longer tail to the left of the mean. One of thethings the weather report could indicate is the mode temperature,this would be the temperature that occurs most often.
Using themode or reporting multiple easily referenced modes is something thathappens often for flood level reporting. I was on the Poudre riveryesterday and they have very large boulders placed along theriverbank marked with X feet every two years, Y feet every 5 years, Zfeet every 10 years and so on until the 500-year mark is reached.This isn’t exactly useful in extreme situations because historydoes show that 100-year floods have occurred just a few years apart(Machado et al., 2015). However, showing the mode can be quite usefulin the more frequent ranges as weather and flooding can vary overrelatively short distances (Kolakovi et al., 2016).
The averagelow and high temperatures are the normalized temperature for at least30 years for it to have a meaning in statistics. The average high is60, while the day’s high is 70. The record high for this date is85. 60 can be taken as the mean, but the temperature seems to fallbetween the averages of the extremes. This type of distribution issaid to be "skewed." In skewed distributions, it isimportant to note that the simple average cannot be used primarily asa good measure of central tendency because it is prone to prejudiceby the slight large Departures (Ahmed et al., 2013). The averageprecipitation for a particular date is not what the media usuallyreport. Rather they indicate the total yearly accumulation to thatdate. The weather cannot be an average since an average can occuronly on rare occasions. Changes in the average from day to daythroughout the year does take place smoothly. Hence, a theoreticalcurve is developed to fit the observations precisely and varies fromday to day (French, 2013). One of the things that need to be includedin the weather reports include the range and variance.
Considerationof the range between extremes is of interest in weather reporting. Aplot may be drawn from the observation made between the difference ofthe record high and record low for each date in the year (Wright,2013). The variability of weather must be described. Any statementdescribing this standard without the account of the dispersal ofdepartures from the standard is perplexing and incomplete. In orderto express the mean, the variation must be utilized. Changes inweather derive climate which is a product of statistics.
Ahmed, M.,Anchukaitis, K., Buckley, B. M., Braida, M., Borgaonkar, H. P.,Asrat, A., … & Curran, M. A. (2013). Continental-ScaleTemperature Variability during the Past Two Millennia: SupplementaryInformation. Nature Geoscience, 6(5).
French, H. M.(2013). The periglacial environment. John Wiley & Sons.
Wright, D.B., Smith, J. A., Villarini, G., & Baeck, M. L. (2013).Estimating the frequency of extreme rainfall using weather radar andstochastic storm transposition. Journalof hydrology, 488,150-165.