
School of Advanced Studies, University of Phoenix

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Managementand Information Communication TechnologyIntroduction

Thedevelopment of Information Communication Technology (ICT) is quitevital as it has played a huge role in ensuring that organizations areable to manage their activitiesefficiently. If the management establishes ways through which it willbe able to include ICT in the proper control of the employees, itwill be able to improve the efficiency of its operations therebymaking lots of profits in the long run (Sartor, Palmirani,Francesconi, &amp Biasiotti, 2011). This situation will besuccessful if measures aretaken towards dealing with thestumbling blocks that exist in the way of adopting new technologies.

Background of problem

Themanagement forms a very critical part of any given institution ororganization. It is in charge of the formulation of relevant goalsand policies as well as making sure that they are passé down to theemployees down the rank so that they may beimplemented. It is also in-chargeof hiring and taking care of employees so as to ensure that theirproductivity is enhanced. As such, most of its activities could befacilitated with the input of ICT structures which could promotetheir efficiency (Tarafdar, Tu, &amp Ragu-Nathan, 2010). Forinstance, proper application of ICT could ensure that it retainsrelevant records on employees and their performance trends so as tohighlight the weak areas among the personnel and try to address themaccordingly.

Despite the strides that have beenmade regarding the development ofICT, there still lies a major problem, which makes it hard fororganizations to adopt it (Maizlish &amp Handler, 2010). This isbasicallythe fact that it is quite dynamic and changes from time to time. As aresult, there are other issues that come up which go a long way inhampering the potential of a given organization to disseminate itsduties with a measure of effectiveness.

Quiteclearly, the one aspect that is evident is the cost implication thatresults from the continuous development of ICT. This situation makesit hard for most organizations to keep up with the changing ICTtrends. This is because of the heavy costs that are usually involvedin doing so. There isusually the necessity of carrying out a baseline survey so as toestablish whether upgrading the ICT system of an organization isbound to bring in lots of benefits, in relation to the cost that willbe put up towards the same (MA, LI, ZHU, Zheng, Guo, &amp Li, 2010).

Problem statement

Paststudies have clearly indicated that the interaction betweenmanagement and ICT has a big input in the performance of a givenorganization. This is especially in the area of dealing with theemployees of a given entity which is quite critical (Sirirak, Islam,&amp Ba Khang, 2011). The technology structures not only provide fora way of recording information concerning the assessment of theemployees, but italso goes a step further to simulate how their performance could beif certain measures were to betaken,

Inrelation to the performance ofthe employees, it is quite paramount that more ICT solutions beincorporated into the operationsof a given institution (SamGnanakkan, 2010). This case will not onlyensure that there is a heightened level of performance of theemployees, but itwill also play a big role in reducing the general cost of the companythrough avoiding the need to hire new personnel. The management willalso be able to boost the morale of the existing employees throughproviding them withthe significant training and capacity buildingso as to provide them with the skills that they happen to lack.

Ithas, however, beenidentified that there are somechallenges that lie within ICT which makes it hard for themanagements of various companies to adopt new technologies that willhelp to heighten the level of performance of their employees. One ofthem is the breakdown of new systems. This is most often where such aversion has not been in use for long,and the manufacturer is yet to identify and rectify the problems thatare associatedwith such a system. Where a company upgrades to a system that ishighly problematic, this could take a huge toll on it (Fitzsimmons, &ampFitzsimmons, 2013). The firm could experience losses due to abreakdown in its operations. There is usually a problem that comes inwith the management of newer versions of a certain technology. Thissituation is also the same with an upgraded version of an ICT system.Even after the training of the personnel so that they may be able tohandle the new acquisition, there still lies the problem of thembeing able to handle it properly, at least in the beginning. As aresult, the organization could experience problems during such aperiod as its ICT personnel still struggle to keepit (Buabeng-Andoh, 2012).

Purpose of the study

Thepurpose of this study is to identifyways throughwhich the management could help to boost the performance of theemployees through the use of ICT. In the current era wheretechnological advancements are the center of life, it is of essencethat institutions adapt to new ways of doing things so as to enhancetheir chances of survival in the market. In spite of someapprehensiveness that lies within some executives regarding theacquisition of new technologies that play a huge role in management,it is high time that they crucial choose to follow such a root. Theworld is getting quite competitive,and companies that find it hard to adopt new technologies arefinding it difficult to survive in thesame market where others have made great strides in the same.

Research questions

Thestudy will rely on various research questions. The main questionrelates to how the management could harness the continuousdevelopment of ICT to ensure that the performance of its employees isboosted. Otherspecific questions that will also be of relevance to the studyinclude the challenges that firms face, which prevent them fromadopting new technologies, the benefits that companies are bound tohave as a result including new ICT technologies that are boundtowards improving the performance of the employees and ways throughwhich companies can deal with the challenges that they face as theyattempt to institute new technologies in their operations.

Purpose method

Thestudy will involve qualitative research where data will beobtained from secondary sourceswhich will include scholarly material. The research shall make use ofthe online University Library and other libraries for the sourcematerial needed. The researcher will also rely on internet searchengines to obtain information from credible and reliable sources.Special keywords such as, ‘ICT’ ‘Technology’, ‘Technologyand employees’ performance’ and ‘Problems with ICT’ shall beentered so as to ensure that theneeded information isquickly and promptly obtained.


Buabeng-Andoh, C. (2012). Factors influencing teachers` adoption andintegration of information and communication technology intoteaching: A review of the literature.&nbspInternational Journalof Education and Development using Information and CommunicationTechnology,&nbsp8(1), 136.

Fitzsimmons, J., &amp Fitzsimmons, M. (2013).&nbspServicemanagement: Operations, strategy, information technology.McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

MA, T., LI, K., ZHU, S., Zheng, X., Guo, C., &amp Li, L. (2010).Discussion about information and communication technology of smartgrid [J].&nbspElectric Power Automation Equipment,&nbsp5,020.

Maizlish, B., &amp Handler, R. (2010).&nbspIT (informationtechnology) portfolio management step-by-step: Unlocking the businessvalue of technology. John Wiley &amp Sons.

SamGnanakkan,S. (2010). Mediatingrole of organizational commitment on HR practices and turnoverintention among ICT professionals.&nbspJournalof Management Research,&nbsp10(1),39.

Sartor, G.,Palmirani, M., Francesconi, E., &amp Biasiotti, M.A. (Eds.). (2011).LegislativeXML for the Semanticweb: principles, models, standards for document management&nbsp(Vol.4). Springer Science &amp Business Media.

Sirirak,S., Islam, N., &amp Ba Khang, D. (2011). Does ICT adoption enhancehotel performance?&nbspJournalof Hospitality and Tourism Technology,&nbsp2(1),34-49.

Tarafdar,M., Tu, Q., &amp Ragu-Nathan, T. S. (2010). Impactof technostress on end-user satisfaction and performance.&nbspJournalof Management Information Systems,&nbsp27(3),303-334.