Criminology essay


The components of Tyrone’s reflection include the pressure heexperiences as a black man in America and the role of police officersin ending the drug trade.

Tyrone remembers the discrimination his family and other black peoplefaced in America. They did not have the same opportunities and oftenblacks had to struggle to survive. He continues to face the samediscrimination even in his investigative role. For instance, heexplains that the FBI believes that blacks are best suited oninvestigating drug work, which means that their assignments aremainly restricted to drug related areas (Powers, 1996). As such, heis constantly exposed to the danger of having to deal with drug lordsand by doing so places his life in danger.

Tyrone’s position as an FBI officer causes him to reflect on theefforts made by police officers to end drug trade. He notes that manyofficers die in the process of investigating drug trade becauseAmerica has not been serious in its fight against drug use in thecountry. Hence, he reveals how he constantly exposes himself to thesame danger he had witnessed when growing up in Baltimore. During hischildhood, Tyrone lived in a ghetto where he saw how drug dealersmurdered each other or people that attempted to expose them (Powers,1996). He knows that it is right to work towards eliminating drugtrade in the US, but at the same time questions whether he should doso while placing his life in danger.

The components of Tyrone’s reflection relate to my experiencebecause as a civilian one feels helpless in the fight against druguse. As a citizen it is difficult to expose people in the drug tradedue to fear of being killed by drug dealers. Yet, for America tobecome drug free, civilians must work together with police inexposing drug related criminals (Walker &amp Katz, 2012).


Powers, T. (1996).&nbspEyesto my soul: The rise or decline of a Black FBI agent.Dover, MA: Majority Press.

Walker, S &amp Katz, C. (2012).The police in America: AnIntroduction. New York:McGraw-Hill Higher Education.