Thenurse case study
Deathcases as a result of nurse negligence have become a very common termin our today’s society especially in children. Cases have beenreported on situations where nurses fail to take their assignedduties seriously. This has therefore contributed to the increaseddeath rates. Moreover, a good number of deaths have been attributedby the negligence of the nurses while executing their duties. Suchnegligence include failure to perform their functions or performtheir duties effectively and satisfactorily (Ersek,2004).This paper will consider the ColoradoBoard of Nursing case.
Themost obvious emotion which can be largely portrayed from the casestudy is sympathetic emotion. From the case study, the detailsrevealed how an innocent child’s life was taken as a result ofnegligence by his “caretakers”. Notably, as the baby strugglesfor its life, the pain he goes through can also be viewed assympathetic emotion. Additionally, the case later attains aremorseful mood after the death of the child. It is saddening to seemedical practitioners being negligent about the life of a person.
Consideringthe case, the court should not consider any argument from the nurses.The obvious reason is that life can`t be compared by other reasons.According to the American Nurses Association, a nurse is prohibitedfrom participating in murder cases and in case of pain they shouldprovide interventions so they can relieve pain from the sufferingpatient (American Nurses Association, 2001). The ANA code of ethicsstates that the sole responsibility of a nurse is to uphold the lifeof a person and they should not terminate it, otherwise, they wouldbe held responsible. The only situation where life termination can bemade is only during child delivery that is, if the delivery of thechild threatens the life of the mother.
Otherprofessions that have legal complications are in the constructionsector. There are cases which are reported concerning the safety ofthe building they set up. The structural engineers are supposed tofollow up on all the required procedures, rules and the regulationsof construction (Hudson et. al, 2006 p150). If they fail to observeall the laid down procedures, it may be termed as ignorance and ithas adverse effects since their negligence puts the life of theresidents in danger. Due to this, their actions are sensitive andfailure to comply with the approved standards of construction hasserious legal implications.
Nolegal threat is frightening unless an individual has the intention ofbreaking the law. However, nurses are usually at risk since they aresupposed to do anything (some beyond their control) so that they cansave the lives of their patients. Nonetheless, they should alwaysreport any issue to the physicist and they should not perform anyoperation they are not completely sure of. They should always seekconsultation from the doctors so as to avoid messing around as wellas have a thorough guidance from qualified doctors. Additionally,they should avoid making their own decisions in the absence ofdoctors. (Volker, 2002).
Thesection where majority of nurses violate is mainly on drugprescription and the therapeutic devices. Nurses are supposed tooffer rightful medication to any patient and more so, they areprohibited from under or overdosing a patient. The nurses violatedthis regulation by injecting the wrong amount of drug to the baby.
Thecode of ethics is important in the health practices since they dealwith the individual’s lives. Unfortunately, some medicalprofessionals have failed to follow all the required regulationswhich led to the loss of innocent lives which would have beenprevented. Any negligence on any medical practitioner should be takenseriously as well as impose strict rules imposition accompanied withheavy fines for such personnel.
AmericanNurses Association (2001). Codeof Ethics with interpretative Statements.Accessed
Ersek,M. (2004). Thecontinuing challenge of assisted death.J. Hospt Pallt Nurs. Cambridge University Press.
Volker,D.L (2002). Oncology nurses experience with requests for assisteddying from terminally ill patients with fatal diseases. Journalof health practices.Vol 2 (1), p 46-59
Hudsonet. al (2006). Responding to desire to die statements from patientswith advanced diseases: recommendations for health professionals.Journalof medical sciences.Vol 12 (4), 145-158