Statistics as a Research Tool essay

Statisticsas a Research Tool

Statisticsis an essential research tool as it provides primary data used inplanning. Consequently, Resnik (2015) stresses that accuratereporting is essential because future research is often based onexisting data on a given subject. Subsequent research may gatheraccurate data, but the findings would conflict with the previousfindings. Gisev, Bell, and Chen (2012) provide that statisticians usedata concordance to enhance the credibility of their findings.Concordance is the level of similarity achieved by different ratersafter evaluating given information.

Unfortunately,if the original findings had used inaccurate data, which led to thehealth officials to believe that the prevalence of diabetes was threepatients in every 100 people, the drastic increase in the two yearscalls for drastic measures to control the spread of the illness.Adamson (2014) adds that wrong statistics can lead to massive lossesof businesses. I agree with the author since a majority of foodvendors depends on statistical data to determine the potential fooddemand in a given event, such as a football match. However, if thevendors expect over 30,0000 spectators, but only 5,000 turns up, theywill incur losses as there will be inadequate clients to purchase thewhole supply they had prepared in advance.


HowNational Football League (NFL) teams use social media

Accordingto Walden and Waters (2015), the National Football League (NFL) teamsfrequently use the social media in interacting with their fans. Forinstance, when a team has a pending game, it uses the social media toinform its followers. The platform is also a convenient medium forthe fans to reach their favorite players through messages and livechats. Judge, Lee, Petersen, Bellar, Surber, and Krill (2014)provide that social media enhances awareness of Olympic Games.Similarly, the NFL teams use social media to acquire popularity.

NFLteams let their fans feel a part of their team through engaging themin social media. For instance, the fans can request for jerseys oftheir favorite teams and the schedule for oncoming games. Waters,Burke, Jackson and Buning (2011) argue that teams display stewardshipwhen they socialize with their fans. I agree with the authors’views because several teams have websites integrated with manyfeatures such as history, the team members, victories, losses andeven the links to locations where fans can watch previous games. Theavailability of information enables the fans to remain loyal to theirteams as they can quickly follow up with its progress.


Adamson,G. (2014). The well-oiled data machine: Data is the oil that keepsthe business cogs turning. Experian.Web. Retrieved from

Gisev,N., Bell, J.S., &amp Chen, T.F. (2012). Interrater agreement andinterrater reliability: key concepts, approaches, and applications.ResSocial Adm Pharm, 9(3),330-8.

Judge,L., Lee, D., Petersen, J., Bellar, D., Surber, K &amp Krill, C.(2014). The impact of social media on the awareness of the Olympicmovement. TheSport journal. Retrieved from

Resnik,D.B. (2015). What is ethics in research &amp why is it important?NationalInstitute of Environmental Health Sciences. Web. Retrievedfrom

Walden,J. &amp Waters, R. D. (2015). Charting fandom through social mediacommunication: A multi-league analysis of professional sports teams’Facebook content. PrismJournal,12(1),1-18. Retrieved from

Waters,R.D., Burke, K.A., Jackson, Z.H. &amp Buning, J.D. (2011). Usingstewardship to cultivate fandom online: Comparing how nationalfootball league teams use their web sites and Facebook to engagetheir fans. InternationalJournal of Sports Communication, 4(2),163 – 177.